Swedish tread

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by swingtime, Mar 7, 2018.

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  1. swingtime

    swingtime Forum Apprentice

    Since we no longer have the Swedish language either as a forum or in the game, may we have ONE tread in the "Gabfest" where we are allowed to write in Swedish so we can explain for those who are not so fluent in English if they have questions about the game?

  2. AMN50

    AMN50 Someday Author

    Very good proposal. :D:):)
  3. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    I think a single Swedish thread in "Gabfest" running for a limited time doesn't harm anyone! You should ask the moderators in "General Issues".

    But .. althou the EN forum is considered to be the international forum for BP, keep in mind not every moderator is able to read and understand what is posted in any and all non-english languages while they still need to judge its content and take action if it's not according the Terms and Conditions. Guess that's the hard part of the issue to allow non-english on this forum.
    spotsbox, PeepsCA and sanddollar15 like this.
  4. algöt02

    algöt02 Forum Greenhorn

    i like the idee. And yes it can be a problem for the moderators. perhaps we can trie to writh in both languages so they now what we wriths about.
  5. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I think that since they shut down the Swedish thread. Hopefully, there are some Swedish moderators who also speak English who can moderate a Swedish only thread. I know the in other forums, FantasyRama and Zoomumba, they had sections for the International forums that had closed down. They also had moderators in those languages who could put out the information needed in those threads. I think it is something to consider for the English forum especially since the forum was shut down. I know BP has shut down several other language forums in other games. I do know the mods of the EN forum have to agree to that suggestion and usually put it forward for it to be implemented.
  6. AMN50

    AMN50 Someday Author

    Very good proposal. :D:):)
    Clashstrummer and sanddollar15 like this.
  7. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    there is always Google translate...
  8. algöt02

    algöt02 Forum Greenhorn

    Yes Google translate is very helpful but its not all the time its understandibel. i use it a lot.
  9. AMN50

    AMN50 Someday Author

    I agree, especially the game's specific Words.
    sanddollar15, hatzeva and algöt02 like this.
  10. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    Hej swingtime my good neighbour! I really like your suggestion, it would be such a tremendous help to all Swedish players, but unfortunately I reckon such a thread is impossible.
    As baw pointed out, all activity on the forum needs to be governed by Mods and to my knowledge none of our Mods are fluent in Swedish, which is a shame. But maybe they can short-term hire someone to watch things :music:

    Because I can tell it's not easy shifting langues (spell?). I did in 2011 when we had 20 trees, a handful of crops and enough animals that I could fit one of each in the glade, and I struggled. Can't even imagine doing it now!

    So yes we need a hand in some way or form with helping each other translate. Please!
  11. swingtime

    swingtime Forum Apprentice

    P'haps Hatzeva, you and I as long time players can be trusted to moderate ONE tread?
    spotsbox and AMN50 like this.
  12. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    No, no, no - absolutely not!! Responsibility - no thanks. :inlove::inlove:

    But I'm willing to help in any other way Söderböna!
  13. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum Ambassador

    I don't speak a word of Swedish:p I love the idea of having a specialized thread for our Swedish farming friends and make it permanent:Dso more will join our forumxD
  14. AMN50

    AMN50 Someday Author

    Thank You!
  15. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    I used to a play a different game via a different company and something similar happened. The displaced players were all German and they did allow them to have one thread they could all communicate with each other in. It did work and the German players were happy and eventually integrated themselves in with the everyone else. It was regulated to game talk only though so it could be more easily moderated. :)
    spotsbox, sanddollar15 and AMN50 like this.
  16. AMN50

    AMN50 Someday Author

    I like that.
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  17. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I wholly support this idea & I ask Farmerama to think about this suggesstion at the earliest and implement it at the earliest.
    AMN50, 007Farming, Beccalass and 2 others like this.
  18. AMN50

    AMN50 Someday Author

    Thank You!
    12ss12 likes this.
  19. _bitt_

    _bitt_ Forum Greenhorn

    Today I could watch the cinema twice. it takes !!;):)
    sanddollar15 and AMN50 like this.
  20. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    Can I add that it would be great to learn a few phrases or more in Swedish? I would go for that.
    sanddollar15 and AMN50 like this.