Tales from the Comic Store

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, May 8, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    This event playfield is back with a vengeance with one more crafting item to do to help with event's donations!

    Player will get 2 free mini-game coupns to play to get booster for the events' givers. More coupons can be bought each day to help get boosters. Boosters have to be activated before harvesting event's items else they will be lost. The mini-game consists of filling in bookselves to complete there, where blue books will fill one space and a book worm (beige coloured) will eat up one book to create space. Players will select which booster they want to play for and iif they finish the mini-game under the alloted time, they'll be rewarded a second booster, so chose wisely (In the mini-game window, the "big" booster is the primary rewared, the smaller one will be the extra booster to win).

    Event crop: Vitrual Pumpkin 5h30 on event play field only
    no crop booster works on it except water and manure

    Milling items:

    Pumpkin-Man Cartridge
    Ingredients: 50 x Virtual Pumpkins + 6 x Pixel Fruits
    Time: 15 seconds
    It can be produced in the main and tropical mills - Events feed tab!
    Superhero Cape
    Ingredients: 50 x Virtual Pumpkins + 6 x Comic Books
    Time: 15 seconds
    It can be produced in the main and tropical mills - Events feed tab!
    This milling item is needed to feed the Arcade Cabinet giver
    Each player will receive 8 x Pumpkin-Man Cartridges at the start of event.
    This milling item is needed the Paradise Comics giver
    Each player will receive 2 x Superhero Capes at the start of event.
    Event exhange items used for donations:

    Virtual Pumpkin
    Pixel Tree
    Arcade Cabinet
    Comic Book Tree
    Paradise Comics
    Time: 5 hours and 30 minutesTime: 10 hours
    Rewards: 6 x Pixel Fruit
    Size: 1x2

    Each player will have 3 x Pixel Trees ready to be harvested on the event playfield at start of event
    Time: 24 hours
    Rewards: 1 x Pixel Heart
    Requires to be fed: 1 x Pumpkin-Man Cartridge
    Size: 1x2

    Each player will have 4 x Arcade Cabinets ready to be harvested on the event playfield at start of event
    Time: 8 hours
    Rewards: 6 x Comic Books
    Size: 1x2

    Each player will have 3 x Comic Book Trees ready to be harvested on the event playfield at start of event
    Time: 6 hours
    Rewards: 1 x Super Pig Figurine
    Requires to be fed: 1 x Superhero Cape, 2 x Pixel Hearts
    Size: 2x2

    Each player will have 2 x Paradise Comics ready to be harvested on the event playfield at start of event
    Exchanged value:
    1 x Virtual Pumpkin = 28 EP
    Exchanged value:
    1 x Pixel Fruit = 67 EP
    Exchanged value:
    1 x Pixel Heart = 4084 EP
    Exchanged value:
    1 Comic Book = 53 EP
    Exchanged value:
    1 Super Pig Figurine = 12007 EP
    Using both the Pixel Heart and Super Pig Figurine as donations are worth more than exchanging their basic material. There's lot of planning involved in this event as players will need enough Virtual Pumpkin & Pixel Fruit to mill the Pumpkin Cartridge to feed the Arcade Cabinet to get the Pixe Heart. The Comic Book Tree will reward the Comic Books needed to mill the Superhero Cape to feed the Paradise Comics to get Super Pig Figurine.

    The ratio to get a Super Pig Figurine is 2 Pixel Hearts for 1 Superhero Cap, meaning that players will mill 2 Pumpkin Cartridges for each Superhero Cap milled. This is to ensure that players will be able to trade in the Super Pig Figurine who has the highest exchange value for donations.

    Donation table:

    Main progress bar


    282320 barn value of event items are needed to get the cloud row (level 9/12)

    302100 barn value of event items are needed to complete the event.

    To maximize the event field, players should harvest the field, then take everything down, place the max of (2x2), (1x2) & (1x1) land plots, replaced the (1x2) plots with the (1x2) givers, do the same thing with the (2x2) land plots and givers.

    Pixel Hearts should be used as donation for the first 2 level with excess Vitrual Pumpkin crops and Pixel Tree fruits. BP as added a new layer of complexity with the Comic Book Tree and the Paradise Comics givers. I do not know how intertwined all this will be.

    For players who played the first version of this event, it'll be possible to get better versions of the Pixel Tree and Arcade Cabinet givers with their Panda Coins (cost 5 Panda Coins per giver, up to 2 copies of each):

    Pixel Tree Lvl 1

    (needs to be placed on a regular Pixel Tree)
    Time: 7 hours and 30 minutes
    Rewards: 6 x Pixel Fruit
    Size: 1x2
    Arcade Cabinet Lvl 1
    (needs to be placed on a regular Arcade Cabinet)
    Time: 18 hours
    Rewards: 1 x Pixel Heart
    Requires to be fed: 1 x Pumpkin-Man Cartridge
    Size: 1x2
    There's also a second set of givers that can be won by doing the last 3 levels of the event. They'll be charged givers (3 charges) before they become regular ones.

    Players should play their free mini-games before harvesting in the morning so that they can get and activate their boosters!

    Good luch everyone, planning this is quite complicated!
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
  2. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Phew, thanks, Nordais. I tried to make some sense of it all but, as always, you have grabbed the important points and put them in the right order. I will definitely look here before I do anything on that event field! :music:
    I'm in cos it doesn't mess up anything else on the farm. :D
    Good luck all! :inlove:
    Nala777, 12ss12, tlcsquared and 7 others like this.
  3. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    I'm with Illy in extending thanks, but I have to confess, to my old brain, even your guidance has me scratching my head. Maybe it's too early in the day for the grey cells to mesh. I might toss the seeds, but doubt I'll spend much time. We've a mama cat and kittens I'm dealing with now, and mother's day this Sunday, so my mind is elsewhere. Good luck to all who pursue the event :)
    Nala777, 12ss12, tlcsquared and 7 others like this.
  4. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Super ! I don't understand a thing. I just returned from a long travel and I have to finish 2 1/2 race in the current event. So SGs, SSGs should be spent like water. I will go for the FAQ and Northy's strategy tomorrow when I am refreshed.

    Thank you very much Northy, for the thread and strategy. I understood you have to harvest something before something ! I will find out what is it tomorrow. Red coloured warning lines.
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
  5. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks so much Northy for the great detailed strategy post for this "Event Field" event! This IS a busy weekend
    coming up and I don't have the time or patience to do this event! Good luck everyone. And Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there!:inlove:
  6. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Greetings Players!

    Just like the first time in this type of event, it's enough to think for a moment about what you have to do to succeed in the event. However, now it's ALSO the same problem, because if you think and put off starting, you won't finish (I myself was guilty of this mistake last time, that I meditated and "thought of growing everything in storage".)

    No, you can't sit around and "practice" for too long, if you miss even a little bit on the first event day, even large amounts of event plants won't save you at the end, and you won't get all the rewards.

    The last thing that saved me was that, as I remember, it was the transition to Daylight Saving Time, which messed up the "internal clock" of this event in a large part of the world, so some of the necessary things took far too long to reappear. This led to a "great reprimand from the maintenance" by the players and we got extra time for the event, without this extra time, I wouldn't have made it to the finish line myself, i.e. completely through the event, now I finally GOT, even though it only took the last few hours.

    This is NOT a rebuke to the admins, this is a Very Considerate Reminder to Players!

    Think about it, but don't take too long, put questions here in this Forum thread and ask, last time I got a lot of help from other players here, I myself asked other people from the same country to advise the game with ingame messages in our own language when it is forbidden here and I got the necessary help in Finnish!

    Yours Nuubi-Joonas2210 :)
    Nala777, 12ss12, BellaMary69 and 5 others like this.
  7. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    I hated this event last year. Not the mini-games - they were actually pretty easy. The mechanics of it and having to apply those boosters at just the right time and blah blah blah.

    So here I am: typing in a motel room on open WI-FI in Kanab, Utah...mulling this event over. By tomorrow afternoon we'll be in Phoenix, AZ and I'll have my hands full with other, far more important things than farming. So I'm sitting this iteration of this event out, folks. Not even going to start it. Just can't.

    If you have the time and the inclination, do this event. The cloud row is nice.

    And did anyone else notice that BP finally discovered that the farms on server #9 still had left over boosters from last years event? They got turned into EP last night when I checked my farms. I figured there was NO way they were going to let us keep them to use this time around.
    Nala777, 12ss12, BellaMary69 and 7 others like this.
  8. tlcsquared

    tlcsquared Padavan

    I'll be honest, I have no idea what we're supposed to do with this event. I will probably give it a try and see if I can figure it out. good luck to all who participate!
    Nala777, BellaMary69, Sue46 and 5 others like this.
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    LOL OneTwo, I can't take the credit for starting this thread let alone the strategy! xD
    Nala777, BellaMary69, 12ss12 and 4 others like this.
  10. Floridasolve

    Floridasolve Forum Pro

    Going to skip this one - I have way too much other stuff to do than try to figure this one out. I didn't like it before so doesn't look any better this time. Good luck to all.
    Nala777, 12ss12, BellaMary69 and 7 others like this.
  11. Flower

    Flower Regular

    Thank you, Nordais, for the usual super important tips.

    To my dismay, this event is far more complicated than my old brain cells can grasp. I'll give it a go: there's no use of SG and SSG and the minigme is quite fun, so there's nothing to loose. The attempt will distract me after many days fighting a pneumonia.

    Welcome back 12ss12, you were very missed.

    Wish everyone to complete the event (last year I couldn't figure it out in time) and wish dumbunny a very safe and fun trip, even if the purpose of it be not tourism.

    I forgot to use the two boosters , used just one:mad:>:(

    I used my panda coins to buy two arcade givers but I can't put them in the land. Are you facing the same problem?:eek:o_O
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
    Nala777, 12ss12, BellaMary69 and 5 others like this.
  12. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Does it count if we drove past the turn off to Bryce Canyon National Park yesterday on our way here? I want to go back. Just no time for it on this particular trip. Last leg...up and down the mountains we go again! Yesterday, the highest we got was 6600 feet. Today, I think we go further up than that.

    Saw my first Tesla Cybertruck yesterday. Ugly and stupid looking. A five year old must have designed it. Also saw my first "Rivian" truck - but it was on a trailer being towed behind a motorhome. The front end of that one looks weird, too. I think I'm too old to appreciate it. But not that old - I drive a hybrid.
    Nala777, 12ss12, BellaMary69 and 7 others like this.
  13. Frenchmom14261

    Frenchmom14261 Forum Connoisseur

    Not sure I understood anything. Too many steps. I want to have fun, not scratched my head and get frustrated. I am too old for that. Dumbunny, the hybrid are great but the plug in hybrid are better. You get too use only electricity in the city, but gas on long trip.
    Nala777, 12ss12, Flower and 5 others like this.
  14. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    They are upgrades to bases you already have.
    Nala777, dumbunny, 12ss12 and 3 others like this.
  15. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Not a fan that the Paradise Comics are sitting and waiting for the Arcade Cabinets. They still have 4 hours to go so I've removed them and planted pumpkins in those 2 spaces.

    There was a lot to keep up with on this event mechanic last time for its initial run, and now they've added more complexity by adding additional steps in the process. I haven't done the math (covid fatigue also affects my mental bandwidth) to see if I can still complete the donations required without the Super Pig.

    Between this event and Edelweiss Valley, I'm not really looking for anything challenging right now. Nothing strenuous mentally. Maybe it becomes easier as you go along so I won't abandon the event yet, but this tired old puppy is tempted.;):p
    Nala777, 12ss12, Flower and 5 others like this.
  16. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    Can anyone please give step-by-step directions on what to do when entering the field to begin the event? I am thoroughly muddled and yet to do anything, which may, from what someone indicated, already put me behind and I'll never finish. Brain's total mush, but I can read very clear and simple directions - and then act. Til then, I'm sticking to my usual sow/fertilize/harvest.

    Also, tomorrow the second weekend event begins, and hope it goes as smoothly as last weekend.
    Nala777, 12ss12, Flower and 4 others like this.
  17. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Well, I'll tell what I think I should have done. xD
    Play two daily minigames, you'll find them in building on top right.
    Buy upgrades if you have Panda coins (Panda coin-button on bottom right).
    Decide do you want to use buffs from those games now or later.
    If you want to use buffs now, use them before harvesting everything.
    Clean "stalls".
    If you bought upgrades, place them on bases.
    Feed "stalls", you can also add water.
    Plant seeds to big plots and give them water and manure, if you want to speed them.
    Nala777, 12ss12, Flower and 5 others like this.
  18. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I opted to not upgrade the pixel trees or arcade cabinets because it would mean they would not harvest on time and I'm concerned about the multiple harvest oversight as nothing is ready together. Do the upgrades really add enough value to purchase? Do they help you get in another harvest during the day? If I had to choose, I think I would choose the arcade cabinets as the pixel hearts seem to be the bottleneck in this supply chain.
    Nala777, 12ss12, Flower and 5 others like this.
  19. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    I usually don't point the finger at planners, but now the World Record has been set for the planning of annoyance!

    199 event plants, 2 pieces of 4-square-sized things take 50+50 in grinding, that is, 100 goes and 99 is left, enough for 1 arcade cabinet item. Or you can completely leave out the bigger 2 pieces and do 3 millings and be left with ONE plant to get all 4 for AC!

    Well, gritting my teeth and swear words flying: let's wait 3h 58min to get more plants and the optimal number of fields is already in use from the beginning of the event...

    NOT LIKE THIS...not like this...designers -->> more fields and less other useless graphics (smaller than 4 squares taking up space like HARVESTER and the "inside edge" of the playing field, thank you!). This is how the weekend starts "comfortably"...
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    Nala777, 12ss12, Flower and 2 others like this.
  20. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Thank you Nordais, your post really helped make sense of it all.

    Started late, forgot to harvest and went to bed. I think this event is a lost cause for me. Also I prefer event where you just grow & throw. CR looks nice, but oh well. It will be what it will be
    Nala777, 12ss12, Flower and 4 others like this.
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