Temporary solution to current event issues

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Nov 6, 2014.

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  1. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    We all know there are issues relating to the current event. Everyone here has thoughts and feelings, both positive and negative.

    Let's back off and just stop the criticism.

    I am guilty too. Because I suggest backing off I do not mean forget.

    I don't like the MODS doing the dirty work of damage control but if they choose to do it then let's don't make it anymore difficult for them.

    Up to you, but I'm going to enjoy the event and the game as much as is allowable at this time.

    --- edit ---

    I liked the way players of this forum banned together in trying to make the best of the current issues by helping one another.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
    Avienne_1, Brookeham, JJenks and 4 others like this.
  2. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Hi broke! I agree ~ let's keep this positive!

    I love the strategy found in the current event strategy thread!

    I threw up a tentative translation of the current FAQ in this thread. I asked that it be deleted as soon as the real FAQ can be translated.

    It's very unusual for it to to take so long for a FAQ to go up... I do hope everything is okay with our mods. (After all, it is the season for colds and such to start happening). :oops:
    farmer_broke, JJenks, -Mir85- and 2 others like this.
  3. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    Broke, yes, good point and I agree. It's probably important for me to say this because I am currently pretty peeved with the event FAQ issue and have stated as such, in two different places, at that :p. It is also an issue that consistently (has always, in my time here) plagued the English forum and users...so I will admit to being sensitive to the issue. Fairness, respect, and equal treatment are important to me.

    Even though I am currently pretty steamed about the FAQ issue, it's mostly because this part of the game communication should not be on the shoulders of the mods (our sweet, unpaid volunteers). The official announcements and FAQs, frankly should be provided, translated, edited, and kept current and absolutely accurate by BP. Everything else, sure, the mods sign up for it. And bless their hearts, truly! It does not look to be an easy job! But the ability to use the game, for it to function, to even understand going on - those are the absolute basic, bare minimums that the providers of the product need to provide the product's users. It's the simplest and most basic tenant of good business. If people are going to use (read: pay for) your product, you have to make it easy (read: possible) for them to do so. If you don't, eventually they will go elsewhere. Complaints about sub-par business practices should absolutely be stated...and hopefully, heard. Constructive criticism such as in the player suggestions area of the forum - it's necessary if things are to improve. That doesn't mean endless crying and moaning. Customers stating that something is unacceptable is an important piece of information the business owner must know, must see, must hear if they are to continue to be successful. Like you have done in another thread. You are absolutely correct to bring this to the attention of the people responsible for making the game run. On many counts they are failing. And on others, succeeding. Businesses should encourage customers, always, for this kind of feedback.;) If I were the competition, I would also be listening.

    That said, I will also enjoy the event very much from the look of it! As CJ mentions, it is so wonderful how everyone has come together! I've said it before and I will say it again, I probably would be off to "greener pastures" somewhere else if not for the community here - it's awesome! :D And kudos to the developers for adding a new game mechanic that has everyone thinking, communicating, and strategizing together. I love it when they do something new that isn't the same-old-same-old. It's fun, challenging, and one thing that keeps me coming back (for now).

    Good luck everybody!!! :D

    EDIT: And in the spirit of your thread, let's take a moment to appreciate our situation. Aren't these excellent problems to have? I mean truly, how blessed and fortunate are we, that these are our problems or preoccupations of the moment in our day? I for one and SO grateful that this is my "big" challenge this morning! LOL! :p
  4. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    heidels, I couldn't have possibly said it better.

    We pay for a product. We expect to get what we pay for. We can also expect to be treated with respect and dignity. This release shows a distinct lack of respect for their paying customers, like me. Seems there is something going on with the staff a BP and the customers are paying the price for their incompetence.

    On the other hand I am glad for the change up in the game mechanics.

    Besides... they took the steam room away from us. And recently there has been far too many complaints in the Strategy area of the forum, with that I agree. Rather not read a lot of complaints in the Strategy threads.

    And yes, heidels, First World problems are the best kind to have. Today I have food in the kitchen, hot and cold running water, my house is still standing, mostly, and electricity, in most of my house. AND I am hopeful that my breast cancer will be cured. Smallish problems to be sure.
  5. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    |As I stated in another thread, (before I got to this one) it should not be up to the Mods to have to translate the FAQ. BP should take responsibility and do it in each language, pass it to our very hardworking Mods who then post it ready for us to digest. Without a separate Steam Room, we will all moan where ever we can. I thought the Mods were there to help individuals with their problems as they arise.
  6. Neon-Lights

    Neon-Lights Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    As you may have noticed, we seem to be running below our full compliment of Mods, so the FAQ is below it's usual standard. We have had to translate it from other forums, so it may still have a few errors.:( As stated this info is normally supplied from BP to the admins, but the mods & super mods don't have access to this info, so have done the best we can under the circumstances.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
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