The Club of Farmers

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Farmer96, Sep 6, 2014.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Thank you solo for telling me! You mentioned home schooling. Guess what is my next topic!
    The advantages and disadvandages of home schooling. I have this writing and I have to do it in a half an hour. Only this time I know the topic from before just to prepare some ideas but the next time I won't know anything from before.
    Writing a story is easier for me but in this test I must write about social problems, everyday things....

    sofi!!! Good luck on your first day;)
    Puski96, solotime and sofi!!! like this.
  2. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Yeah I was home-schooled and once went to a public school but then came back to home-school.
    When my mom passed away, I went into cyber school. They're the people I completed school with.

    @sofi!!! hasn't posted for a day or so in here. :oops:
    Puski96 and Arielh like this.
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    solo I am so sorry about your mother.
    Here in Greece no one does homeschooling. Students go in public school or private schools.
    Puski96 and solotime like this.
  4. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Hello , hello , hello!! I am very happy .. I went to University . It was so nice experience at all!! I met you new people ... They are kind and the other university childrens and teachers ..... We had today 2 hours information ... Ι am very very tired .. i want to rest ..
    The Monday we have 8 hours lesson! No i not make fun . It is true! ..

    Thank you Arielh!

    solotime , I logged before 2 -3 hours but i wa tired to write post .. Now i am but .....

    I want to rest :cry:
    Puski96 likes this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    sofi!!! I am glad you liked your first day! I have some friends that they went to university this day too and they liked it also!
    What are your studies about?
    Puski96 likes this.
  6. sofi!!!

    sofi!!! Regular

    Yes it was so nice but i was too tired .. The weekend i have time to rest ... Luckilly .. The Monday i have 9 hours 9 -5 :eek: .. I thougt this and i want to come haha!!
    Send me a pesronal message to explain you ..xD

    Good afternoon!
    Puski96 likes this.
  7. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    I just got back home. Wasn't on for the weekends and wanted to take a little break with things in real life.

    However, I got an offer that is very unfair! I just bought 3300 BB's and now they offering me it again but with bonuses :(

    (Stupid Bank wasn't up-to-date for my balance in my bank account and now I dropped below for what I didn't want to.
    Not going to cause any problems but just I want to keep it at a certain level. Guess no more spending till it comes back up.)
    Puski96 and Arielh like this.
  8. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    solo - you will find that the special offer is more expensive than when you just purchase the BB package. Plus, when you buy BBs, you get 10% more. The ad says it is 'free' but it really isn't.

    In US currency: 3300 BB + 330 (10% bonus) is $99.99
    The package shown above is $124.99 Those extra 'goodies' are not free.
    Puski96 and solotime like this.
  9. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Oh silly me, I completely forgot it's extra money.

    I kind of felt embarrassed to post that screenshot because I haven't yet found my way to the
    market. Got around 150k to 200k worth of stuff I harvested. Not counting my like 10 million inventory of stuff.

    I'll be going back to Florida in December. @sofi!!! , this will probably make you sad knowing I'll be enjoying nice weather and not winter :eek:
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2014
    Puski96 likes this.
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