The farmer_broke Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Jun 5, 2018.

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  1. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    (Please post no likes to this post)

    All are welcome to participate. This event cannot and will not be completed by most. Ranks are below and most long-time players will always remain an Aluminum Chickadee or Mentor.

    The event is live now. There will be no compensation packages.

    Chickadee and Mentor Rankings

    10. Cemanti Chickadee
    Have any 33 quest steps requiring submission of a single item remaining (none may have been used in previous steps)
    Completion of any 39 steps below
    Completion of ALL Shipwreck Bay quest steps (exclude any 10 steps of the quests that you choose other than those steps which unlock the additional land areas)
    * A chickadee may earn the title of Cemanti Chickadee. The chickadee can now bring the mentor up to Cemantic. (When participants were asked for comments, there were none.)
    9. Antillean Chickadee
    Have any 22 quest steps requiring submission of a single item remaining
    Animal Trophy completion and submission must be included
    Completion of any 35 steps below
    8. Blue Diamond Chickadee
    Completion of any 29 steps below
    Crop Trophy completion and submission must be included
    7. Peloponnese Chickadee
    Completion of any 24 steps below
    6. Living Legend Chickadee
    Completion of any 20 steps below
    (Living Legend must be unlocked)
    5. Pink Star Chickadee
    Completion of any 14 steps below
    4. Serendibite Chickadee
    Completion of any 11 steps below
    3. Gold Chickadee
    Completion of any 9 steps below
    2. Silver Chickadee
    Completion of any 7 steps below
    1. Staple Chickadee
    Completion of any 5 steps below
    Must be a chickadee in the mentor program and remain throughout event (may change mentors)

    0 Aluminum Chickadee
    Courtesy rank given to all nonparticipants and mentors with no chickadee ranking​

    Countless Aluminum Chickadees and Mentors exist, countless. Are you an Aluminum Chickadee? With inaction we know.


    Difficulty level: Extremely difficult
    Stress level: None whatsoever
    Level required to begin participation: One
    Maximum level before kicked out: Fourty
    Event begins: Up to you
    Event ends: Entirely up to you

    The following requirements may be completed in any order you choose (several restrictions are listed among ranks).

    1. Mentor obtained (Keep a mentor or be actively working toward getting a mentor)
    2. All of Meadow cleared
    3. A total of 44 combined animal pens and/or workshops on Meadow
    4. A total of 26 water storage tanks on Meadow
    5. Two (2) limos on the main field and decorated as you choose

    6. All of Glade open
    7. All of Glade filled with trees of your choosing
    8. All of park open
    9. Every plot of park filled (including one swimming pool, a golf course and a resort)
    10. Obtain two (2) stars ((from MM quest(s)) awarding TEP using only system generated seeds

    11. Obtain one (1) star awarding TEP (from a MM quest) either growing or using system generated seeds
    12. Obtain at least one (1) star which awards EP using only system generated seeds
    13. Obtain at least one (1) star (from a MM quest) either growing or using system generated seeds (other than used in the above)
    14. Nearly complete two steps of a MM quest (other than above) of any level. (One must have submitted all but a single seed).
    15. Baha open

    16. All Baha land obtained
    17. Rainforest open
    18. Magical Stalk open
    19. Harbor unlocked
    20. All Shipwreck bay land unlocked (options being tested)

    21. All plots of Shipwreck bay decorated
    22. Remain in mentor's nest for one year (13 months is the Stay Record)
    23. At least one cress refinement
    24. Crystal Falls open 88(section one)
    25. Crystal Falls second section open

    26. At least one BAHA breeding animal unlocked
    27. Pink animal stall or workshop built on this farm and sent to mentor
    28. Pink animal stall or workshop built on this farm and sent to main farm
    29. Living legend rung unlocked
    30. Crop trophy maxed and submitted to Living Legend

    31. Animal trophy maxed and submitted to Living Legend
    32. Thank mentor and mentor should appear in thread to share experience with us

    Recently included:

    33. Six BAHA crops unlocked (Six crops are the first crops which can be submitted)
    34. Five additional crops unlocked (+5 to your total)
    36. Four additional crops unlocked (+4 to your total)
    37. Three additional crops unlocked (+3 to your total)
    38. Two additional crops unlocked (+2 to your total)
    39. One additional crop unlocked (+1 to your total)
    40. One additional crop unlocked (+1 to your total)
    41. Second and Third BAHA breeding animal unlocked

    42. Baha reaches level 50
    43. Baha reaches level 80
    44. Baha reaches level 105
    45. Baha reaches level 130
    46. Baha reaches level 139

    ** The tree steps are currently being reviewed and tested. Additions are possible.

    Caution: Once a step or crop or animal has been used in a step then the step and crop remain fixed. Choose carefully.

    One may use any item available to complete requirements (including BBs).
    One may receive gifts from any source.

    Good luck farmers.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
    HavenGrove, 12ss12, Nala777 and 10 others like this.
  2. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    I'm all in for this event!!!;):pxDxD
  3. dafodily

    dafodily Forum Duke

    Wow, what an event! :wuerg:xD Missed reading your posts farmer_broke. But for a true farmer_broke event shouldn't there be a
    CC requirement? Your market strategies have been so informative to many. ;)

    An event with no event crop & no drops :inlove:
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  4. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Hi Julie! I'm so happy you are all in. And so very happy. :) You may believe there will be lots of crying by those who dare try this event :cry:

    Thanks for your kind words. One should find there is a definite need for CCs and a CC requirement was considered. There is a definite need for ccs. For example, the stalk must be opened in order to complete the event. The stalk requires breeding animals. The option is available to try and breed them all or purchase them. Perhaps one should keep in mind that breeding mainland animals is not ep free and there is a limit to the total ep one may receive without graduating from the nest. Lastly, the stalk opening generates the most ep of all event requirements.

    The event crop! It may appear now that there is no event crop or drop. There is no requirement of either. However, one will quickly find that the game event crops and drops should be considered very carefully.

    One may as well relax as they will have little choice.

    (Please post no likes to this post)
  5. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Ah, count me in too! And relax! :inlove:

    Thanks Broke for coming in and showing us how we can beat FOCD and, the latest outbreak, EFOCD ... I'm not sure if I can combine this event with the other two which have just been announced but I will surely try! ;)
  6. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Wow farmer_broke, great to see your post! And yes I am all in on this awesome event too!xD Such fun ,I just hope I can complete it! lol:p I hope you come back again soon!:D
  7. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I love the strategy from a purely selfish point of view as I reap in those mentor points :p
    007Farming, baw815, PeepsCA and 2 others like this.
  8. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Hi broke!!!! :DMy absolute favorite chickadee!!!!:inlove: I am over the moon you are back on the forum!!!:music:
    I was going to go for this....but then got to the task of being a chickadee for over 14months o_O!!! I have a strict rule for myself that I've followed since starting this game....only to have 1 farm!
    So.......unfortunately, I'm out.:sleepy:
    marymac50, baw815, PeepsCA and 2 others like this.
  9. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Hi Illy! I just can't wait to hear of the problems this event has caused you. :) Don't worry, you can get plenty of sleep.

    Hello Sanddollar. I wish I knew how you would attempt this. Careful! Gook luck and please share whatever you choose to do or not do.

    I am so very happy to have ANOTHER farm in your nest trying. I may as well explain how failure arrives with such an event:

    A new farm went mentor shopping. After going through the 12 hour waits, TCRooster was assigned as mentor. WOW, how nice. A chick can send two gifts a day to the mentor. The first must be the luv points and the second is done through regular gifting. (If done the other way around my findings are that one cannot send the luv points that day.)

    Anyway, Mentor TC was great and tolerated the farm for a long while. The farm got to level 39 and about 5 stars away from unlocking the living legend rung and........ the farm was hit with over 5,000 ep and was kicked out of the nest (graduated). And it was all over. There is no going back. :cry: I never go to that farm now. :cry:

    Mentor TCRooster even set up a naughty step on the farm steps for all of the absolutely ridiculous things I would do as a chickadee.

    After a month or so passed and the hurt of not accomplishing the living legend while still in the nest passed, another farm was set up to try again. A mentor was assigned while mentor shopping. AND the mentor is TCRooster again. The farm is level 33 now and the stalk is open and traveling slowly up the tree of wisdom now.

    (And don't worry Mentor TC, I knew what to do with that wonderfruit and took care of it at no ep cost. I think each is worth over 1,000 ep at conversion. I did not want the farm to take the ep hit. )

    Mentor TCRooster, now Doctor Mentor TC, cured me from spinning that wheel with ep on it. It was hard but I'm cured. :)

    Mentor Brookeham was the very first mentor in the event testing phase. I'll try and explain how wonderful she has been.

    (Please post no likes to this post)
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
    marymac50, tlcmom, PeepsCA and 2 others like this.
  10. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I will let you know what I attempt to do as soon as I can decide when to start the event!o_OxD What to do...what to do!:cry:
    julie1013, PeepsCA and shellhappybj like this.
  11. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    I'm pretty sure this event is doable for me ;) I'm all in.
    Thank for such a perfect challange.
    sanddollar15 and shellhappybj like this.
  12. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

    I knew you couldn't stay away for ever xD.
    Because it's what we DO here... I am liking your posts, just to poke at broke. But skipping the event. 8)
  13. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    No likes !!!!! There is no dislike option to click. What am I to do ? You see, broke, I am forced to click like. What you say ??? Shall I start.

    The whole Farmerama is thriving on likes....:pxD
    marymac50, Banjoman, Willow and 3 others like this.
  14. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

    Tell em OneTwo! ;):pxD:cry:
  15. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I meant to say Farmerama Forum !! Somehow forgot to type forum next to farmerama in my previous post.

    MARLYMAR, marymac50 and Nala777 like this.
  16. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    I can't wait to think about what you will do. There is an additional part I will add. It will involve the Moonlight Madness featue of the game. Satisfying the aspect can help a farm and will serve as a constant means of failure.

    Hi wonderful Mentor Brookeham. I didn't think that I could get you involved even with the breeding requirement. BUT I'm working on something with you in mind. (a breeding event ... hint hint) :)

    So you like poking fun huh? xDxD Have no fear, broke is here xD. I think it is probably better for you to skip this event. xD
    You have been behaving yourself somewhat lately and now you start with me. OOOOOOOOOOkay! xD

    Hello One-Two. I thought for sure you would stay on vacation. But I admit it, I missed you. Your like business! I dont want this farm on the Notable Player list through likes. One way to get off is more desireable for me than another yet it requires more time. BUT, I do know how to prevent a further increase in likes. I've got just the antic for you (and a couple of others). And I can take care of that Peeps too. xD

    It is fine to fail if you begin the event. Maybe we will all get a horror story soon from someone. Or maybe a crybaby. xD:cry: Happy Farming.

    (Please post no likes to this post <----- read PEEPS)
    MARLYMAR, marymac50, elimeno and 2 others like this.
  17. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

  18. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    <----- This is a broke grand baby farm that has now solved this "like" matter.
    This farm cannot participate in the farmer_broke event as it is beyond level 40 and therefore cannot have a mentor.

    No event stories yet. :cry:
    MARLYMAR, marymac50 and PeepsCA like this.
  19. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

    New farm name idea for you... DID_broke :wuerg:

    If you are really just that allergic to "likes"... then I can be nice, and take them back and exchange them with Wilsons, just for you -.-
    MARLYMAR, marymac50 and fishy_broke like this.
  20. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    I could never ask that much of you. Wilson is already on the way to assist you.
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