The farmer_broke Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Jun 5, 2018.

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  1. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    sglick, go to game settings - additional settings - scroll down - right side click ON for partial delivery for FSQs.
    The default setting on this is OFF. Good Luck, with RL and FL!
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you broke. I will keep up your name. :D:)

    Really I have the capacity to make you get the Golden Boot. I am that powerful. xD I don't want you to leave mentor orthrud_oc's nest ( She is a very good mentor. But she is having 2 chickadee farm which is not trying to fly away from her wings, atleast for a year. She is a patient mentor.:)xD I just want to see how much we can hold without leveling up.

    Its alright dear friend. You are in 19 and 1/2 level. You have lot os time to do it. Just don't play the main farm & try to first read and apply your mind and then click. Many a times I got oon the verge of clicking the daily gift. But I prevented it in the nick of time. Last month I clicked 4000 EP from the daily gift. I am more careful now.

    The things broke is making us do. NOT TO LEVEL UP. And we do it. xD
    farmer_broke, HavenGrove and joanc123 like this.
  3. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    Morning Farmers :inlove: it's a wonderful day
    Hope no one minds I have started a thread for us to post update shots of our progress. I was reading through and seen mention of pictures but could not find where they were being kept so I thought I'd give them a place.

    I took the link from the in-game camera but it only provided a link.
    Could someone please help me understand how I can post an actual picture?
    edit~ Thank you 12s you're a great mentor keeping after me and giving me the help I needed.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
    farmer_broke and 12ss12 like this.
  4. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks HavenGrove for the kind words. I wish I could be of more help. But my real life work load has now become very heavy and I cannot be active in the game & forum as I wish to be. But somehow keeping up.

    broke, If you keep on changing & editing, how are we to plan our strategies. How are we to remember the conditions ?

    [​IMG] Doubt : Is there a SOS thread for broke's event. Is it allowed ?
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
  5. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Are you in mentor orthrud_oc's nest too? I cannot believe how nice. Such kindness really makes me want to do well. Some mentors are just Aluminum and nothing more. The farmer_broke farm has never been a mentor but now I know it will never be. There is no way I could equal such kindness. The rat_tail farm was just mentor shopping and shopping. Something inside me told me to try and stay.

    I believe the ranks and requirements are complete. I will review then again but I believe they are set now. Thank you being so patient.

    No SOS so far that I can see. Another farm surely could help a chickadee in many ways though.

    This Event is very expensive in terms of ccs also. About the time one thinks that they may have something the Event takes the ccs away in some manner. Efficient use of buffs is nearly out of the question.

    The question I am answering over and over is whether can farm can participate. If a farm is level 40 or over then it cannot. The individual simply needs to take their farm and do a simple one week Beeps event.

    One question and need input: Should the chickadee be able to take the mentor up to Cemantic with it?
    12ss12 and joanc123 like this.
  6. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    HailQueenMeba is my farm which s under orthrud_oc's nest. Don't tell me, you didn't know !!!!!! See previous posts of me & Queen Meba.

    I still have not understood mentor levels. So can't comment on Cemantic level.

    Update on my FarmerRainbow which is participating in broke event :-
    Main Farm Level is 18
    It has 68 unused stars
    5.56 million CCs. (previously had 7 millions & odds - but I spent few millions)
    Trophies are 9 % & 6% respectively. Not concentrating the
    Bahamarama is open
    Bahamaram level is 43
    GBs in hand 31 (have to spend them)
    Unlocked grapes, pepper,chili & Bambo
    Unlocked parrot, monkey & panda and also monkey breeding.
    4 chambers unlocked in Monkey Temple.
    is under a Mentor

    I am doing the event at a slow rate first trying to gather the resources necessary. I am trying to build workshops in Baha. If G&T Event comes my work would become easy.

    The farm did the Football event with the flag got from genuine fan. Made some stars & GBs with it.
    It also did the fishing event in bahamarama alone & got XXXL Tool box and some valuable rewards & an EP Giver.
    And of course the sticker !

    What is a Viking without a sticker !
    Hail Queen Meba !
    farmer_broke, rat_tail and joanc123 like this.
  7. rat_tail

    rat_tail Forum Greenhorn

    Wonderful One-Two :inlove: ! (this is a farmer_broke farm but check the rankings)

    Wonderful One-Two, I want to know something and this is serious to a chickadee:

    Are you still a member of that Aluminum bunch? :eek: ughhhhhhhhhh :eek: they are absolutely disgusting :eek:

    The rat_tail farm is Baha 91 and less than 500 ep from Farm level 36.

    This farm will not touch the breeding event. There are animals in the breeding motel and ready but harvesting them during the event results in some sort of event item that turns into ep.

    The other event seems to be okay for this farm but still has my concerns. The junks are of no real concern as the tep is fine and any junks that could not be donated would be destroyed. That part is fine. Now the pollution drops part is my concern.

    Drops come from all fields. My strategy is to review the faqs in detail again.
    Make a determination as to how much of an ep hit I am willing to take.
    Workshops will be put out certainly as I do not have much concern at this time with pollution drops BUT I cannot get rid of them either.
    Then just begin growing junks as a junker.
    My desire is to only go as far in the event as drops will take me and destroy all but the five crops. This way I can farm a little.
    At this moment my intent is to save the farm equipment ready in quests.

    uggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... Aluminum Chickadees and Aluminum Mentors ..... disgusting
    12ss12 and joanc123 like this.
  8. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    What is an Aluminum Chickadee or mentor?

    Please forgive me, if this was stated earlier in the thread. I do not have time to re-read everything. We sure are a long-winded bunch. LOL

    OH crap, I just noticed the time. No painting today. Now I have to get ready for my editor to come over so we can work on the book. Yippee!!!

    EDIT: I am on level 45 on Baha. I have opened the 2nd part of Crystal Falls. I just keep Banana trees and the trees I have gotten from mystery seedlings - 2 & what I have won from FSQs.

    I am not doing any animals or workshops at this time, because I do not want to mess with feeding them.

    I am still just growing Passion fruit and selling it. Most day I get and average of 300CC per crop. Not bad. I buy Anteaters, Tigers & Red Pandas when they are under 10k or I really need to finish a quest. Flamingoes, I just do the best I can.

    I have completely finished the Coconut bra quests. Today, I am enjoying 36 hours of the harvester.

    I am still at Level 18 on the Mainland, but these event are making me get closer to 19. Yikes. I keep forgetting to destroy the junk.

    Now, I really have to go get ready. LOL
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2018
  9. brokeo

    brokeo Forum Greenhorn

    (This is a farmer_broke baby farm)

    An Aluminum Chickadee is the rank awarded to those who remain nonparticipants and to each of us at the beginning. The rank of the Chickadee automatically attaches to the mentor.

    This farm remains, sadly and disgustingly :cry:, an Aluminum Chickadee. The present Aluminum Mentor is Mooboy/Ajjg .

    The first post in this thread gives the rankings and how they are achieved. There is also a separate thread which has the ranks of one claiming a rank.

    Best wishes with your writing.
    12ss12, joanc123 and sglick like this.
  10. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Ah, you've done some editing on your 1st post. LOL

    My mentor, xxxx, and I are stable chickadee & mentor, soon to become Silver. Thank you xxxx for being a kind and patient mentor.

    We might now be Silver, if acknowledging and thanking my mentor publicly counts as completing 1 of the items.

    EDIT: Removed mentors name
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2018
  11. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    RL I get that :p Thank you very much for what you do, do for me 12s. I'm not really sure how much more help you can be for me at this point. I'm trying to figure it all out. The gifts you can send me are very limited because of my levels.
    Farming is such a personal thing. You can harvest advice like you do the sugarcane BUT what you do after???

    I think when I have the time I need to re-read everything o_O There are changes, I see; as sglick made me look.
    ;)xDxDxD:D yes lots to re-read

    I really don't get the ranking so I'll give an up-date and let you tell me what tier 12ss12s and I are on.
    I got some OT at work so I'm not so active at the moment and when I am here I was pretty busy on the other farms doing the events and then I found myself lost in reading the forms post getting to know my fellow farmers. We have artists, writers, dancers, students, singers wow so many talents and amazing people here.
    Here (this farm) I found myself playing around with the events a little bit I'll see my damage from the fishing event after the script closes things out. I faired well with the free flags, lots of little but great prizes and I bought the burger shack.
    A fast update 3am comes fast...
    Nothing much has changed...
    Mainland level 20
    2 mil CCs and some change

    BaHa 2 GBs in hand
    Level 37
    4 Chambers unlocked
    1 tree
    6 crops
    2 animals
    Monkey Breeding

    Crystal Falls 1 field

    and I guess I have publicly acknowledged my mentor 12ss12.
    I think I covered what I was to post I lost the post # I was responding to :oops:
    edit~ I found the post I was trying to respond to, it was a different thread but then I closed the window and now I can not find it again :(xD

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2018
    12ss12, brokeo and joanc123 like this.
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Hi dear friends.
    FarmerRainbow farm is doing the Big Swirl Event and needs the drop item Paddle. So if possible please send some to FarmerRaibow farm. I am trying to get the stars in the 3rd step. Moreover the event awards TEPs.
    HavenGrove, brokeo, joanc123 and 2 others like this.
  13. brokeo

    brokeo Forum Greenhorn

    This is from dafodily in the level thread:

    sglick, the Big Swirl V2 event is the perfect event for the farmer_broke event participants. ;) As long as you DO NOT grow event plants on the mainland! All event rewards are TEP [NO EP is awarded] or other useful items. Just be sure to donate everything & don't complete it! :pxD

    I'll try it and I sure hope I don't get the ep following behind One-Two and sglick and dafodily.

    Also, the breeding event faqs say one must be level 21. If a farm is level 21 then the pollution drops for that event will come and there is no way to get rid of them.

    It seems that the higher a farm goes up in level the more cautious one becomes. This farm is level 17 on mainland.

    I hope we all have good luck.


    You said it: .... just be sure to donate everything ....
    12ss12, HavenGrove and joanc123 like this.
  14. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    Just a suggestion... Put your Broke Event farms in the SOS - The Big Swirl V2 thread if you are doing this event. Many farmers can help with paddles.
    Good Luck and Good Fun on your long journey! :)
    12, you misspelled the farm name when you typed it a second time, FarmerRaibow.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
    12ss12, HavenGrove, SahraB and 2 others like this.
  15. brokeo

    brokeo Forum Greenhorn

    I'm scared! Maybe I keep thinking about the paddlings I would deserve and receive as a kid .... paddles :eek: :cry:

    This farm is also farming on the main area and the meadow. It is producing chickens. It is early level 17 and the farm gets the pollution paddles. :cry: So far this is good. The farm can use the poop revenue about now too.
  16. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    OK ok I've read the form and I believe I shall play the event also.
    HavenGrove is also doing the Big Swirl Event and will need the drop Paddle, so if anyone can help I would be very grateful :D
    sanddollar15, brokeo and 12ss12 like this.
  17. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Thanks for updating me that it is OK to do the event, but I still think I need a few days Vaca - Maybe - who knows. I got to get painting & writing. LOL

    EDIT: I just nuked my 15 starter seed.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2018
    brokeo, 12ss12 and HavenGrove like this.
  18. brokeo

    brokeo Forum Greenhorn

    I'm following behind that One-Two and I know better. :mad: I am seriously thinking now of finding a way to cut my losses. The rewards are nice for us BUT I am receiving too too many drops. I know I will have to take an ep hit in order to bail out. This is beginning to seem like opening up a fuzzles ep gift by accident but we're doing it on purpose.

    The 35 stars seem nice. If one is going to advance in the event then one will do quests and receive stars.

    I hope I am wrong but this event is beginning to seem like a really foolish ep hit.

    sglick, I think you are better off painting. I hope someone proves me wrong.

    Let us know what happens.
  19. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks to all dear friends for sending me paddles. Completed the part of depositing 20 paddles. Now on the way to gather more drops to get 30 stars. Every one of your drops helped me.

    Such a lots of posting ! How am to respond to all ??? I will start with easy ones.

    Hi joanc ! I do not want to post in the SOS thread because I feel it is for farmers who really want to complete the event in full. This one is just a broke event...oh!!...I am sorry ....This one is just trying to do the broke event. (broke, you need get all bristled up....:p xD)
    HavenGrove, sanddollar15 and joanc123 like this.
  20. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Today's Ponderance:

    Water Tanks - I have never used them until this event. I just harvested my 26 on the Meadow. I noticed 2 things.

    1 - When you harvest the water tanks. One can fill thier main farm water tank over it's capacity. Now I will have to harvest them just to see how much over I can fill my mainland water tank.

    2 - This has really got me scratching my head. When I harvested the water tanks in the meadow. It filled the mainl main tank, but not the Baha water tank. I did not know there was a separation in the these main water tanks. This is kind of unfair of BP. I do not use the water on the mainland, & I do not want to waste prime real estate on Baha with water tanks.
    HavenGrove and joanc123 like this.
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