The farmer_broke Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Jun 5, 2018.

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  1. joanc123

    joanc123 Forum Demigod

    sglick, the main farms water tanks can be set on Shipwreck Bay and they do give Baha water. To place water tanks on Baha growing lands you have to buy Baha water tanks. They cost more, of course as well as waste prime real estate.
    I did this until the Bay started filling with givers, then removed them as needed.
  2. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Thanks Joan - I thought that was they way it worked, but it will be months and months before I have Shipwreck bay open. I don't seem to be rack up many stars. Just GB's. This is OK for now.

    EDIT: Removed my rant. LOL

    EDIT II: I have exciting news. I am the proud mentor of triplets! Yes, I just became the mentor to my 3rd Farmer Broke farm; Stupid Farmer Broke. I think it is hilarious.

    Also, the Siouxzen farm has a new mentor with a great sense of fun. Our very own 007farming. Yippee! i couldn't be happier.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2018
  3. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    Good Morning Everyone,
    I have not read through the thread yet this morning because time is short BUT I did check on my paddle count and I have the 100 I need to get the stars. THANK YOU ALL for the help I have reached my personal goal for this event. Please send no more drops
    Thank you
    Everyone have a Most Excellent Day/Night
    Happy Farming
  4. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I do not know in which thread I have to post this. So I am posting it here.

    FarmerRainbow & HavenGrove are my chickadee. That is 12ss12's chickadee. It seems that I have acknowledge it here to level up from Aluminium level whatever that means I have not yet understood. May be in future I would.
    And FarmerRainbow happens to be my farm as well :p
    sanddollar15, joanc123 and HavenGrove like this.
  5. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    12 - Thanks for the clarification about rainbow. How did you manage to be your own mentor. LOL
    12ss12, joanc123 and farmer_broke like this.
  6. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Hi Wonder One-Two :) . I hoope you are having a decent day.

    Thank you for posting the information. I know HavenGrove had a concern also. I found good information yesterday in a post of yours. I will use the information to verify a level advance once HavenGrove posts for it. (I previously gave credit for all I could.)

    The advancing is the time-consuming part of the Event for me. An attempt is being made to be fair to everyone. Thank you very much for you frequent posts here. They are valued.:)

    Leveling up

    A thread titled "notable farmer_broke event leaders" provides the information for chickadees wishing to move up in level and take their mentor with them. The few who have listed there are the only ones that we can say have completed a significant part of the event. Some are close to moving up I know. But The Event is set up so that no increase in rank is stated unless reported to us and could have been achieved.

    I hope this helps but let us know if it does not.

    Water Storage Tanks
    There is good information here and we can transfer that information to use with our main farms.

    What is the purpose of water storage tanks in this Event?

    (1) Now many of use understand the use of the tanks.

    (2) The purpose of the tanks requirement is to save your farm ccs. How? There is a breeding requirement and the opportunity to breed. This breeding requires power feed which can be purchased through the game or milled. Many do mill at least qa portion of their power feed. The tanks will pay for themselves quickly. (The walnuts are inefficient to grow as it costs ccs and ep. The crops may be purchased through the seed shop. One may keep their mill spinning power feed if they choose and the water usage is daily.)

    Some are at this point also: One must decide whether or not to increase their manure pile or water storage. This is up to each of us. There is some advantage to increasing the water storage. Initially one will be able to mill 2 power feeds at a time due to the water restriction. If one chooses to increase their water storage then one may mill 3 at a time. (total of 9 being milled as opposed to 6)

    And you have triplet broke farms in your nest! YOU and that ONE-TWO are beyond compare! :inlove:
    12ss12, HavenGrove and joanc123 like this.
  7. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Well I first started FarmerRainbow farm and applied for mentor. I was put in waiting. I thought why shouldn't I remove one of an inactive red chickadee from my farm (12ss12) and apply for a fresh chickadee to see if FarmerRainbow will become my chick as it does not have a mentor and lo it became my chick. I couldn't help laughing....It was HavenGrove who gave me the idea to participate in this event. She became my chick first and said she is participating in broke's event. Then suddenly I though why not I ? So plunged into the event. Actually, then the conditions of the event was very simple. Now complicated.
  8. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I have tried to do the same thing so I could be my own chickadee/ mentor, but I did not have any luck.
    joanc123 and fishy_broke like this.
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I have decided to start a new farm and take part to Broke event!
    It seems challenging and moreover I am very curious to see how fast new farms level up nowadays. Because when I first joined Farmerama back in 2010 it was so hard and all the new spaces that now exist there weren't back then. I also want to understand how the mentor system works because I never had that either.

    My new farm is ready for the challenge!:D
    mermaid. level 2 joined Farmerama 23.7.2018
  10. FarmerRainbow

    FarmerRainbow Forum Apprentice

    Welcome Arielh ! This is 12ss12.

    Hi dear friends,
    I need another 40 drops to get the 1st EP Giver. If possible send me some today and some tomorrow morning also. Thank you in advance.
    Farm name :
    joanc123 and fishy_broke like this.
  11. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Arielh ! You have become my chickadee. xDxDxDxD Happy !! :D:inlove:
    broke, you can put us in your Aluminum stage. We have just started.
    joanc123 and fishy_broke like this.
  12. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I saw that too:D:DxD I feel so lucky!!
    Was it by luck or you chose me?
    joanc123, fishy_broke and 12ss12 like this.
  13. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    No the system chooses my my chickadee. We can't chose ourselves.
    Seems broke is creating a turmoil in farmerama.
    joanc123 and fishy_broke like this.
  14. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Wonder One-Two is at it again :inlove:

    Welcome Arielh. I am happy that you joined us. If you continue then the Event will work well with your studies. My only suggestion to you from little I know of what you are doing is to try and keep both of you mills spinning ALL of the time.

    Why would you say such a thing? xD You just pick away pick away pick away. :)
    joanc123 likes this.
  15. FarmerRainbow

    FarmerRainbow Forum Apprentice

    Hi ! Need another 16 paddles. Kindly send some. Striving hard to get it. Off to work. Will meet you all in the evening. Bye.
    joanc123 likes this.
  16. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    My FarmerRainbow farm missed the EP Giver by 1 paddle. I couldn't login to the farm as I was held up in court till 5.45 p.m and by the time the event was over. No regrets.

    Thanks a lot for dear friends, for flooding my farm with drops. :inlove:


    THE_POSER Forum Greenhorn

    This is a two day old farmer_broke farm. Now it is mentor shopping. I've canned two mentors. I have reached the point where I will not take a mentor up in rank if they do not appear here. Maybe this one will come to the forum. I have never seen this name here before.
    MARLYMAR likes this.
  18. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Hi broke !
    If we finish a MM FSQ with system generated seeds alone. How do we show you that we actually did that so. Do you want screen shots ?
    I am trying to do the system generated seeds steps first.

    and another doubt ..

    you have another condition that finish MM FSQ by growing seeds or donating system generated seeds. If so will not doing the above step be counted for it also ?
    joanc123 and SahraB like this.
  19. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Hi One-Two.
    I am sorry for being so slow to answer. The MM steps do seem confusing. Maybe the following will help:

    Brief version:

    (10) 2 stars, tep, only system generated
    (11) 1 star, tep, growing or system generated
    (12) 1 star, ep, only system generated
    (13) 1 star, growing or system (separate from above)
    (14) all but one seed, any two steps

    I take your word for this. (No time to try and prove someone wrong. Obvious double credit seeking is easily caught)
    Whenever credit is wanted, state the quest and the step of the quest

    The objective here is to allow the player enough room to cheat which requires thought for them but nothing for me.
    Given that one is actually working the event,
    If one wishes to complete the MM quick by growing them they are using up their limited ep
    The required system generated seeds requires one to sign in to the account
    If one does not complete during one MM then that is fine too. The requirement still exists.
    If one is checking their farm once in a while then this is something else to do and slow.
    If want is actively working the event, then all of the MM steps are easy, with choices, and require thought.

    Does the above answer your questions?

    Should we change something?
    joanc123 likes this.
  20. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    I don't understand 14. I am not sure what you mean by "all but one seed"?
    joanc123 and farmer_broke like this.
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