The farmer_broke Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Jun 5, 2018.

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  1. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Hi Meba, I'm glad you are joining us. My participating farm is Siouxzen. I started off as a hurry-up clicking girls and advanced to level 17 waaaaay to quickly.

    Siouxzen update:

    I have the Meadow cleared. Thanks for all who helped. I have decided not to give the Golden Book to any of my new neighbors. If you would like to leave - no worries especially if you want to help someone else clear their Meadow. I will do my best to give gifts, but there are only 4 daily gifts to give a zillion neighbors. My mentor gets daily gift of Pheromones. Her preference. For everyone else either mouth watering melons or TBs.

    I have opened up all my land on the Main Baha field.

    I am level 20 on Baha & still holding at 17 on Mainland with 18 stars. My next rune is a breeding animal. I will get one of the lower priced animals - 40 Stars. I will have to do research to see which animal can be sold for the highest price.

    I am lucky so far no maps! Just that dreaded key. ggrrr!

    I have opened up the following on Baha: Sugarcane, Passion Fruit (high profit), Cinnamon, Cumin, Grapes, Vanilla, Bananas, Parrots (for pooh), and Monkeys.

    I am level 7 of the crop trophy & Level 4 for animals.

    I am having fun growing Baha crops to sell and then buying stuff for FSQs. It is fun to level up 2 or 3 times at a time. Yesterdays, delicious drink let me level up 3x. Yea! 15 GBs.

    I am not the greatest about making money on the market so any tips would be very welcomed. Plus, I have the problem of spending as soon as I make some money. LOL this problem goes along with my hurry-up clicking problem. LOL

    I hoped all the participants are having fun!


    What are people's thoughts about spending the free BB's on wonder Baha trees? or would it be better to wait for the animals? or is there a better use down the road?
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    No worries about the silver key harming your farm. From the FAQ:

    * What will happen with the leftover event goods?
    All the leftover goods will be exchanged after the event:
    • 1 Compass Rose = 5 EP + 4 CC;
    • 1 Map = 15 EP + 10 CC;
    • 1 Silver Key = 0 EP + 0 CC.
  3. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Thanks PNP!
  4. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Thanks for telling us about your farm. Happy clicking. xD

    The above is an example of the very first part of the faqs I will read. The information allows a farmer to determine whether harvesting in an area is really good for their farm or not.


    Introducing Living Legend Mentor ortrud_oc <-------- in lights

    The rat_tail farm is a Living Legend Chickadee now at farm level 35 and BAHA Level 81

    Lots and lots of super mentors around but very very very few Living Legend Mentors

    Congratulation and thank you Living Legend Mentor ortrud_oc

    The rat_tail farm is a testing farm. Its levels should not be used to compare a participant farm's level of achievement.

    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018
    12ss12, HavenGrove, joanc123 and 2 others like this.
  5. HailQueenMeba

    HailQueenMeba Forum Greenhorn

    Great Mentor :)
    Great Chickadee :)

    Congrats to both of you.
    12ss12, joanc123 and sanddollar15 like this.
  6. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    Hi sglick, thanks!

    Update for the hurry hurry clicking farm:

    Mainland level 24, meadow not fully opened yet and 16 stars.

    Baha level 16. Unlucked sugar cane, passion fruit, cinnamon, cumin, field 2 statue, grapes, parrots, monkey, bananas and hold on....van ramme o_O - I have no idea how that happened xDxD

    Not working on any of the trophies just yet. Buying the 100 seeds from the shop to resell and then buy stuff for quests. Running parrots as long as I can keep the feed up and then growing crops for quests and feed. Ccs are spent fast here too :p

    I have not spent BBs yet and are holding on to them a while longer.

    Good luck to all!
  7. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    HailQueenMeba or meba091 (post 125 and 126)

    I posted the same as you before ........ and I will tell you this:

    bad girl bad girl

    whatcha gonna doooooooooooooooo,

    whatcha gonna dooo when the MODs come for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ?

  8. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    Yeah, I guess I'm a bad girl....:cry::cry::cry:

    I'm gonna do nothing...dunno about that other farm ;)xDo_O

    See a coin pick it up...all day long you'll have good luck....nah nah nah :cry:

    Hope you are happy now.

    Bye bye :inlove:
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018
  9. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    What ! Queen Meba double posting ? Impossible ! :inlove:;)
    Bad girl ??>:( ( :p )Not at all !! Very Good Queen She is. Viking to the core.:D
    Hail Queen Meba !
    She is our Queen !
    Rex Non Potest Peccare
    Queen Can do no wrong.

    Its an other farm she has explained.

    FarmerRainbow has now opened bahamarama & is level 16 in mainfarm &level 14 in bahamaram & doing good sugarcane business using the 24 hrs machinery.
  10. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    LOL Meba - I too accidently opened Van Ramm. No way will I sell to the customers. They give out EPs - pooey!!!:eek:

    Fishy or Broke - can't remember who sang to us about Meba being a Bad girl? Where are they gone to take her? Does BP now have a jail that I don't know about? I thought they already had us trapped in our FOCD? & now you have us trapped and running from EP's with FBEOCD. (Farmer Broke Event Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
  11. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    :D WOW what an great term.
    True. We are all being bugged with a new kind of OCD. Thought I would escape it but find myself deeper into it.

    Actually, I was kind of bored with the game & mentor system. But now I am full of life and excited. So a veerrrrrrry Special thanks to broke.:D:)

    But to say Queen Meba double posted. That can't be allowed. No NO Not at all.....;):pxDxDxD
    Hail Queen Meba !
  12. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    What in the .....well .... What is going on around here?

    I believe we are given that Van something character.
    I think we just might want to police ourselves. (I might be wrong but it may have been that teddy.bear gettin after me for doing the Meda thing. Meba, I da care. Do whatever you want.....including click click click click xD Your Gooooolden Boot is being manufactured anyway. I bet if I get 25 farms posting one after the other that farmer_broke will be housed in the Farmerama Jail and quickly. xD )

    And One-Two has gotten outrageous..... as expected :inlove:
    And sandydollar or whatever it is, I've got something for you. (no hints yet ... hahaha ... One-Two won't even find a hint.) xD

    Our event has circulated the globe.

    And sglick now has created a Farmerama jail :wuerg: Something is not right here.

    Just keep right on with the foolishness (Queen super duper hard head included) and we are headed for a visit by the MOD squad).

    Anyway, I da think any of MODs from any of the Farmerama Forums OR any higher level BEEPs dares attempt this Event.

    Please start baking those cookies and cakes and getting the chocolates ready. A welcome party for the MOD squad may be on the agenda.

    A free harvester and baby farms out the gazooo. WOW! I'm even trying to harvest the harvester and the mills.

    Happy Farming.

    Oh yeah, please let me know if there is any question which I can try and answer. (And the good times are just waiting for One-Two and her sugarcane business.)
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2018
  13. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    MOD Squad - Now I know your an American of a certain age HeHeHe

    I do believe we should police ourselves so Johnny Depp doesn't come chasing us down. o_Oops! wrong police show. It really will be Julie Barnes chasing us down. That's if Quincy Jones ain't looking our way. Maybe Jones will give Broke a record deal for singing your rendition of Bad Girls.

    Yea! the silliness is back!

    BTW, to stay on topic. I'm at level 22 on Baha. I have been mass growing Passion Fruit (nice sale price) so I can buy Bikini Bras. They help me to level up quickly.
  14. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    LOLxD It's all good sometimes people just don't see themselves :p
    -.- yea keep smiling ... ... I'm learning the hard way xD The plums were great but I think I'm giving them up :wuerg:

    Thank you for the help:D
    I am indeed learning things and am happy to be doing so. Thanks for the event
  15. HailQueenMeba

    HailQueenMeba Forum Greenhorn

    Hail Queen Meba !
    What ? I am Queen Meba ?
    No. I am merely an humble subject in realm of Queen Meba.
    Farmer_broke, you thought me to be our beloved Queen Meba ??

    I got an interesting idea.
    This is a mini-event in broke event.
    Whoever finds my identity will get mango orange smoothie, chocolate pancake and ofcourse a wilson (in farmer_broke's style)
    Everyone is welcome to the event. If you find the event is boring or the rewards not good to your effort, you can skip the event. Farmer_broke, you are welcome participate too.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2018
  16. dafodily

    dafodily Forum Duke

    Van Ramme is either automatically unlocked when you open Baha or has to be unlocked before you can unlock any other statue. ;)
    You didn't waste any GB's on him. :D
  17. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    okay okay, too much queenin going on around here for me.
    I'll take this plum issue further:
    I know the quest you were working and/or the animal feed your farm was milling. On BAHA one may produce parrots (which require two apples) and/or one may choose to breed.
    If one were produce parrots will feed be purchased or milled? If milled then where are the apples going to come from?
    If one chooses to breed and mill power feed then where are the walnuts and crops going to come from?

    Only a thought! -.-

    Thank you for participating. For you:

    Remember there is a moonlight madness aspect or mini-event. If you wish to see the way one may work a quest without growing anything then go to the current game event and donate the seeds each time you visit the HavenGrove farm. (Your farm will receive five seeds at a time after the originate number is given until near the event end.) In order to complete the farmer_broke event one does not even have to bother with the mini-event. Up to each participant.

    Of course, one may also grow the crops for the quests and take the ep hit right along with the crops.

    You farm is able to beat most any price simply from purchased seeds.
    One may use the point nine zero (.90) computation to find the absolute lowest price to list in order not to loose anything.
    Say I purchase lettuce from the shop for 1 cc each.
    1 divided by .90 gives 1.11111111
    So one must sell above 1.111111 in order to make anything

    If others want to play games with you then you may drag that market down to nothing. (None of the farms participating are able to make a permanent or significant impact on any market price though.)

    You price was good. I play the market you are on. Sure, we could have gotten into a listing war with bought seeds. We could have kept on and kept on and someone else would have come in and bought both of our offers andwe both make less. (That Meba knows how to teach people not to play with her in the market. xD)

    An error made moments ago using the free farm equipment:
    I was on the main farm field where items were ready to be harvested after the game event ends.
    I wanted to see how much time was left on the equipment :sleepy:
    The harvest button was hit by me >:(
    Out popped 12 event drops :cry:
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2018
    baw815, HavenGrove, joanc123 and 2 others like this.
  18. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    What 12 drops popped up. 12 always spells trouble for you broke. :cry: Why can't it be 11 or 13. :music: Why 12? :cry: I assurue you broke, I had nothing to do with it. I promise !!!!xDxDxD

    To the topic..
    I am doing nicely in baha. Put up mouth watering melon & one Mythic pegasus with wilsons in the baha & rest sugarcane crops. NExt plan to open the last area of Baha & then monkey & banana.
  19. kiddo101

    kiddo101 Forum Greenhorn

    I found this level 35 farm broke, poor and abandoned by my g-doe, though I'd spiffie her up and see what I can do some of the new skills that are being shared. I feel like I'm in school LOL. skills. I did join a nest on 10 June, however; I'm not joining the event. That way when I get the golden boot; I did not fail ;) I will have gained knowledge. I'll try not to post from here but sometimes I forget where I'm at; when I've been reading;) BUT this time I had to post from here to get the facts straight without having to write it down.
    Anyway let me get to the point just wanted to introduce this farm.

    No, you did not waste any GBs for sure.
    I just opened BaHa there were golden bananas waiting, enough to open three land statues (without opening anything else), and sugarcane was already unlocked. VanRam and his friends are all closed and will not open or be opened until the cinnamon statue is unlocked. VanRam takes 0 GBs his friends (15 & 30 GBs). With that said I'm lead to believe, VanRam opens on its own when the cinnamon statue is unlocked.
    :DHappily, for sure, no GBs were wasted :)
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2018
    12ss12, sanddollar15 and joanc123 like this.
  20. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    My guess is that you are our beloved - 12ss12
    12ss12, sanddollar15 and joanc123 like this.
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