The farmer_broke Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Jun 5, 2018.

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  1. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    guess the answer to that is which cost more apples or feed?
    I think I'll set this one out here. I have somethings I need to focus on at the Mother Farm and I don't want to go getting confused as to where I am and take a great big EP hit. That would not make me happy at all.
    Interesting idea with the seeds. I may have to take time and wrap my head around that completely (just now I'm only reading along ;).
    Thanks, I'm just trying to make an honest living ;)
    Oh, I don't like that part of the market. I don't have crops or money enough to play the bidding game. :wuerg:
    Sorry about your equipment error. :(

  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    We vikings are always outrageous ![​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Hail Queen Meba !

    2. Really !!! Why don't you try and give me a hint now. ;)

    3. Shifted to grapes, parrot feed & monkey feed business now.

    No parrots growing. Just milling Parrot feeds & sell it. Buy parrots whenever possible.

    :D You guessed it. Great sglick. :inlove: I will send you the rewards tomorrow. May be broke will send the wilson ? What you say, broke ?
    I thought I would keep broke guessing & then thought that would not be fair to tease him so much...I might offend him. ;) :p . So just put that a puzzle.

    honest living...with broke around..o_O

    Try converting the crops to animal feeds in the mill and sell them. It will give you good price. Try making fast moving feeds in large quantity, like chicken & a few of animal feeds that sell for high price (ex., I bought eggs & milled fox feeds as it was profitable, I milled falcon feed in small numbers as they were costly but not fast moving..)
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
    sglick, fishy_broke, joanc123 and 2 others like this.
  3. bollOff

    bollOff Forum Apprentice

    To situate « The farmer_broke Event » participants and their participation, here comes the growing recognition list. Days are managed with UTC+14.

    1) Jun 5, 2018 at 3:50 PM, « julie1013 » represented by « julie1013 », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Aug 25, 2014; main username on Farmerama: « julie1013 ».
    2) Jun 5, 2018 at 10:59 PM, « illy1996 » represented by « illy1996 », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Aug 25, 2014; main username on Farmerama: « illy1996 ».
    3.0) Jun 6, 2018 at 9:08 AM, « » represented by « farmer_broke », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Aug 25, 2014; other ‘The farmer_broke Event’ training farm: « »; main username on Farmerama: « farmer_broke ».
    3.1) Jun 8, 2018 at 6:52 AM, « » represented by « fishy_broke », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Jun 27, 2015; other ‘The farmer_broke Event’ participation: « dumbdumb »; other ‘The farmer_broke Event’ training farm: « rat_tail »; main username on Farmerama: « farmer_broke ».
    4) Jun 10, 2018 at 2:59 AM, « HavenGrove » represented by « HavenGrove », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Jun 10, 2018; main username on Farmerama: « FrootloopGrove ».
    5.0) Jun 10, 2018 at 7:59 AM, « FarmerRainbow » represented by « FarmerRainbow », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Jun 10, 2018; main username on Farmerama: « 12ss12 ».
    6) Jun 10, 2018 at 11:40 AM, « Siouxzen » represented by « Siouxzen », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Jun 10, 2018; main username on Farmerama: « sglick ».
    7) Jun 12, 2018 at 4:51 PM, « bollOff » represented by « bollOff », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Jun 1, 2018; main username on Farmerama: « elRe1 ».
    8 ) Jun 14, 2018 at 6:37 PM, « Brakenjan1984 » represented by « Brakenjan1984 », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Jun 14, 2018; main username on Farmerama: « Brakenjan84 ».
    5.1) Jun 19, 2018 at 10:04 AM, « » represented by « meba091 », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Jan 19, 2015; main Farmerama username: « 12ss12 ».
    5.2) Jun 22, 2018 at 3:31 AM, « HailQueenMeba » represented by « HailQueenMeba », english Farmerama Bigpoint forum Member since Jun 22, 2018; main username on Farmerama: « 12ss12 ».
    Observer, Counsellor & Assistant Committee (oCAC):
    A) « dafodily »; B) « sanddollar15 »; C) « TCRooster »; D) « Brookeham »; E) « PeepsCA »; F) « Willow »; G) « puppiesnponies »; H) « ortrud_oc »; I) « kiddo101 ».
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
    sglick, fishy_broke and HavenGrove like this.
  4. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Hello bolloff. :)
    The above data dump is nowhere near the number of total participants. This list is a nice beginning and little more.

    If you choose to do so, please add

    the Living Legend onelegchicken farm under now Living Legend Mentor --Shimmer--
    the Living Legend rat_tail farm under now Living Legend Mentor orthrud_oc

    Try and find this information:

    (1) The fb levels to be strategically introduced
    (2) The other fb mini-events to be strategically introduced
    (3) The final and main fb event to be strategically introduced

    How is your fb event farm coming along? :) Let us know all know if we may assist you.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
    HavenGrove, sanddollar15 and 12ss12 like this.
  5. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    12ss12 likes this.
  6. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I made a mango orange smoothie in my own spa and sent you one. So its extra special :p Chocolate pancake tomorrow.

    [​IMG] Queen Meba is not me and I am not Queen Meba

    The dice event tomorrow is also restricted to main farmlands. So we can grow & harvest in baha.
    fishy_broke likes this.
  7. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Oh My Goose :eek: Now Queen Meba is One-Two and One-Two is Meba. xDxD This foolishness is better than junks growing. xD

    I saw that. Isn't there a free cup of dice given also for one free game? If so and it is not used then:

    • 1 Cup O' Dice = 753 EP + 1004 CC + 753 TEP

    The Jimmy Worm event ended today.

    I would imagine that some did not destroy any of the initial seeds and will take a charge for the first 15 seeds. xD

    Some will have destroyed seeds and the system gave five more and a charge will be taken for those five. :D

    A few were able to destroy all seeds before event-end and replenishment and will take no charge for any. :)
    joanc123, sanddollar15 and 12ss12 like this.
  8. bollOff

    bollOff Forum Apprentice

    If ‘Queen Meba’ equal « meba091 », edit done as follows.

    First edit: rename former « 5.1) » in « 9) » and add the second participation name « » represented by the participant « meba091 »;
    second edit: rename former « 5.2) » in « 5.1).

    If « rat_tail » stays as a training farm, no edit.
    If ‘onelegchicken’ is not a training farm, edit done as follows.

    Third edit: reveal the 3.1) first participation name « onelegchicken » represented by the pseudonym « fishy_broke » associated to the participant « farmer_broke ».

    Mentoring System Day (MSD), 015;
    get the first appel tree on MSD 002;
    two Mentoring System Manure Cargo remain to overload the Supply Tower;
    9 days remain to initiate a new approach with Mentor number three.
  9. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Your "likes" had very little to do with me posting under fishy_broke. Remember how the spooky_broke farm did well in the Hoedown event? Remember the apple trees (all 600)? xD Apple trees funded well over 90% of the foolishness and noone would believe it but you. xD But I had to visit the farm two times a day to harvest them. Well I am prepping the fishy_broke farm to play around in the Hoedown too. xD But not with apple trees. I visit this farm more often now than the farmer_broke farm. The farm, fishy_broke, is just more convenient and far far far less work. The farmer_broke farm probably has lettuce rotting in the fields. xD

    And I'm glad we are neighbors there. I'll be sure you a wilson crew real so to help you with your farm chores. xD
    The event will be titled something like: The Search for The Rhodium Chickadee

    One-Two :inlove:, are you ready to just give up yet?

    I doubt very seriously that you will ever be able to assemble a decent list of participants. Only a few will tell us that they have a farm trying. In order to be successful in this event, one simply cannot mindlessly grow a junk crop with childish strategy. Few will visit us here and discuss what they are doing or how they have failed.

    Are you have troubles with your mentor?

    You may can them and they toss you out of their nest too. Just get another mentor. xD
    There are some really really really fine mentors around.

    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Nine days? When I go mentor shopping, assigned mentors are lucky if they get one day.

    Nine days? huh? :eek: Some are lucky that the mentor system gives them 12 hours. xD
  10. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

    I have new farm name suggestion for you, well 3 actually... but none are family forum friendly:p
    fishy_broke and 12ss12 like this.
  11. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    o_O You never cease to amuse me -.-

    Somehow there has got to be a way to get you to join us in the event. Maybe The Search for The Rhodium Chickadee will get you.

    Baha Level 387 .... hmmmmmm ..... I won't say it but I know it. xD
    sanddollar15, PeepsCA and 12ss12 like this.
  12. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Rhodium Chickadee....Hmmmm...[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Rhodium....[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]... For the event ...should we do makeup for our face ....bright silver face lift make up....[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Rose powder won't be of any use ....[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] It doesn't glow silver in colour...[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]



    Now back to serious mindset : What should we do to prove ourselves as a bright chickadee ? What are the tasks?

    Used up the one free dice. So taken care of EP conversion for it.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
  13. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Nice savings.

    Any plan on how to max out the trophies?
    sanddollar15, joanc123 and 12ss12 like this.
  14. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    No concrete plans yet. I am thinking of baha animals to finish it. Seals are highest EP givers. But to open it you have to level up a lot in baha. The next best would be Hippo as it is easy to get. But keeping an eye on baha wonder stables rewards & G&T to get animal pens. Might do some buying too.

    Also as I make more CCs, I might buy animals of least EV : CC ratio
    Crop trophy is not a problem. But animal trophy would be. Particularly the last 2 steps, I think. But if we try I think we can finish it. I am not in a hurry as there is 14 months to finish the event.

    Country trophy I am 10/15
    in Animal trophy I am 7/15

    I am not right now stocking parrots. But when my farm is in comfortable CC zone, I might stock them up. Not for trophy. But someday it will be a breeding animal/bird. So I can sell and see some CCs - Poor farmer that I am.
    What are your plans ?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2018
  15. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    One only needs 12 months in the nest. If one chooses to go longer then they are trying for the record in the nest. Good, there is no need to be in a hurry. The time one spends on that farm depends on how one plays the event.

    The rat_tail farm has
    Country trophy at 14/15. It is about half way to 15. Lower levels are not too bad. It unlocked Eucalyptus and donates. This is a once a day check on the farm at most.

    The Eucalyptus may be used to mill the Koala feed.
    Koalas can be produced and harvested using Jasmine Bubble Tea and receive +1.
    The Jasmine Bubble Tea can be sent to the from from ones main farm. (The main farm will get paid back generously ...)

    The animal trophy on rat_tail is at 10/15 and no effort has been put forth so far with the Koala.

    Production of the Koala to donate provides not only the animal but also tep needed to level Baha up.

    Presently production and sale of sugarcane for the funds needed for animals is available. There is farm equipment in the quests. One must have the time to harvest that sugarcane regularly though and not just go to the farm once a day.

    The quests asks for rare animals and they are expensive and will help to drain away your ccs.

    The stalk requires breeding animals which get expensive and the stalk will help to drain your ccs away.

    That 300 star push to Living Legend is quite a push.

    And thank you for reminding us to use up that free game. (Want to farm on the mainland and do the event? Number five on the rewards offers 100,000 TEP ............. juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust to temp One-Two!)
    HavenGrove, sanddollar15 and joanc123 like this.
  16. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

    Nope that won't do it for me either, rhodium gives me a rash. Plus I just don't have time for your shenanigans and silly bread roll prizes :p. What would I do with a moldy old stale roll anyway? Can't feed it to my pampered chickens, they turn their noses up at any bread that's not organic 8).
    Oh and it's Baha level 388 now... c'mon, say it, you know you wanna;).
    HavenGrove and fishy_broke like this.
  17. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    o_O I completely understand that your broke-pocking trait is incurable. I simply accept "what is" with you now. :inlove:

    Your given excuse with "not having time for your shenanigans" has been very easily considered and addressed.

    My schenanigans....uhhhhhhhhh the likes of you. (but :inlove: you just the same)

    Given my generosity as open to criticism by announcing a bread roll,

    You AND the likes of you receive a ranking by remaining true to your character.

    And this ranking is bestowed as generously as a bread roll.

    Get ready, your title will excite you xD


    Peeps ....... An Aluminum Chickadee

    Please be proud of your Aluminum Chickadee designation.

    (and just between the two of us) The Aluminum Chickadee designation is not meant to insult the masses who have no choice but to wear the title. xD

    The Aluminum Chickadee designation is bestowed to those who deserve such a designation in order to inflate their egos. xDxDxD

    Peeps The Aluminum Chickadee :inlove: (quite fitting if I say so myself)

    I'm not finished with my "shenanigans" with you just yet. xDxD
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
    HavenGrove, sanddollar15 and PeepsCA like this.
  18. bollOff

    bollOff Forum Apprentice

    No trouble.
    But I leaved the first Mentor on Mentoring System Day 000, because the reception of Supergrow remember me The One Less Click while challenging with « bollOff » the ‘Tutorial’.
    Each approach to find the appropriate mentor to the « bollOff » initiative counts a maximum of 24 days, because the ‘Tutorial’ procures two Chicken Coops. This makes 24 more Chicken Coops needed to complete the mainland level 073 preparatives to the disposition of the 26 different animal stables to be acquired with Marketvalue Units.

    As an example, the latest « eTOF » issue Farm Photo:
    fishy_broke likes this.
  19. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Hi Bolloff.
    I do not understand what you are saying. I am trying to understand you. Please help me.
  20. bollOff

    bollOff Forum Apprentice

    As soon as the Farmerama user leaves the Tutorial and starts to manage the mainland level 002, the whole perspective of the Farmerama destination reveals the potential of aims.
    The analyses of actual continuity are possible thanks to the ‘Top 10 farmer’ options and the projection of individual ways to reach success is realized on the base of the content in Farmerama.

    Steps and limit are defined as 073 for stables, 077 for trees and 300 for seeds.

    One prospect reside toward the first hypothesis named the Basic Reach (BR).
    To act progress in the matter of BR, the consideration of fundamentals is represented as a succession of ‘field.order.animal.level’ resumed as follows:


    This makes recognize 26 emplacements reserved on the Farmerama Main Field.

    The 073 challenge as previously known since mainland level 002, instructs the scheme used to manage the mainland level 002 challenge.

    The mainland level 002 challenge is the opportunity to meet the Mentor choosed to continue.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
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