The farmer_broke Event

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmer_broke, Jun 5, 2018.

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  1. PeepsCA

    PeepsCA Board Analyst

    :cry:xD:cry:Ahahaha I bet you have a whole barn FULL of these titles collecting dust!! 8)
    I'll have to pass on your hand-me-down... recycle it and go buy some lettuce for your neglected chickens maybe? :p
    joanc123 likes this.
  2. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    AND get a sticker hahahahahaxDed until I:cry:ed and then IxDed some more.
    I :inlove: stickers:inlove:
    sanddollar15, joanc123 and 12ss12 like this.
  3. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    First of all ........ Alum <------------- The word now used to greet or say good-bye to an actual or suspected Aluminum Chickadee or aluminum mentors :)

    Now put this together xD A mentor must either have their own participating farm and can tryyyyyy and not maintain the aluminum mentor status on their own
    The mentor may motivate a chickadee to bring them both out of that status.

    (Safer just to say Alum and not worry about it ..... got it? alum) xDxD

    I am so sorry xDxDxD but you have joined the ranks of the common Aluminum Chickadees ... I have no choice,

    But you can .... well can tryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and change your ranking

    by joining in xDxDxDxD Anyway, as you wish

    Last edited: Jun 29, 2018
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    You really help new players farmer_broke with your "events"! That's amazing!:)
    HavenGrove and joanc123 like this.
  5. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Genuine Fan - The giver item that has been booked free to all farm can be put in Baha & you can harvest it evry 20 hrs. It gives 1400 TEP & 1 Fan Colour.Will help in baa leveling up and by playing the mini game with the fan colour, you can get TEPs and Star coins and redeem something useful items like stars, GBS, farm coins etc. You use farm coins to redeem stars from the shop.

    But in the first mini game you have to chose between 1000/2000/3000 EPs. So decide wether you can afford to have those EPS.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
  6. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    Hello Y'all just a quick update
    Drop Statues...
    Farming Contest - 2/15 just starting 3
    County Fair - 7/15 I'm 3/4 way through 8

    Finally opened BaHa...
    had 55 GBs waiting and am ~halfway through level 12
    Opened two fields
    and banana tree.
    Hanging onto 10 GBs
  7. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Congrats HavenGrove. What gifts do you want ? Send me a message.

    FarmerRainbow's Progress
    1. Mainfarm - level 17 ; 19 stars in hand.
    2. Baha - level 25 ; monkey breeding unlocked ; 2 crops & 2 trees & 2 animals unlocked ; havin 1 GB in hand.
    3. Trophies - crop 10/15 & animal 7/15 - as of now I am putting this part in hold as I want to unlock animals & trees of larger EV and stock up my barn. Then doing the rest will be easy.
  8. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Left over fan color conversion:

    1 Fan Colors = 434 EP + 578 CC + 434 TEP;

    One-Two, I feel you are doing quite well in spotting opportunities. All are urged to consider as much as possible. From testing I learned quite painfully that what appears very good in one aspect can be very very harmful in the overall scheme of things.

    The event takes away a farm's ccs for a while.
    One realizes there must be a better way.
    The individual stops and goes off in yet another direction and with a new plan
    The above will go on and on and on. :)
    A farm is protected to some degree. The farm is not hurting itself UNLESS one ignores EP. In a way ep is ignored yet in another way ep is emphasized. :)

    NOTE: I am trying to organize the presentation of the faqs for The Search for The Rhodium Chickadee
    A participant's current participating farm may be used. The stalk opening requires a farm to take a big ep hit in the present event.
    The Search for The Rhodium Chickadee requires a farm to take an additional 75,000 ep with the stalk opening ep.

    Most farms will not dare to try and complete. They can only barely complete Farmerama Events. There are traps set everywhere.

    Some current participating farms are already too far gone and do not stand a chance even though the farmer is beyond the normal Farmarama participant anyway. Even though too far gone to now to be a Rhodium Chickadee, that farmer may well be a Golden Chickadee.

    But a common Aluminum Chickadee ? xDxDxDxDxD alum :)

    A few involved now will believe that their current farm is able to complete the grand event.
    A few involved now will have made so many errors that they wish to cut their looses early and begin a new farm.

    Last edited: Jun 30, 2018
  9. Brakenjan1984

    Brakenjan1984 Forum Greenhorn

    I fall under this category :D, only just managed to destroy the 5 new generated ones an hour before the event ended :wuerg:

    Level 10 now (accidentally accepted 4000EP on daily gift:wuerg: and 2 weeks with new mentor :D

    CC balance stands at 5.5 mil (not doing much farming/marketing at the moment)
  10. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    I did exactly the same thing on a farm and got the 4,000 EP. :wuerg: We know better! We did it anyway. :wuerg: There is no one else to blame but ourselves. After that gift, the other I could see were fine. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTT Fuzzles started all over again because of the new month.

    Now the first gift is fine but the one after it is 4,000 ep again. :cry::cry::cry: I took that gift and now I hope not to go back and even open Fuzzles for a month.

    and then you took the 4,000 EP. How funny. But I do understand.


    Levels are being posted in the first post to this thread. I am trying to keep everything in one thread so that participants do not have to wander all over the forum in order to find.

    Level -0- is especially for the mass of players in the same position as PeepsCA.:D And there are gazillions of members.:eek:

    alum Peeps xDxD

    Peeps go on and say it ...... come on noooooooooowww xDxD
  11. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    FarmerRainbow & broke broke are on the same market :D wow.
  12. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Wow 12ss12, that should prove to be very interesting indeed!xD Watch and learn for sure! Good luck and have fun!:p
  13. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    There should not be much to see. But if that One-Two :inlove:or FarmerRainbow outfit chooses to play with broke_broke in the market then please understand that broke_broke rarely goes to market unless it is able to take care of itself. 8)

    We will have no issues.

    The broke_broke farm today:

    farm level 34
    stars 24
    Baha level 63 (needs final section of land)
    g. bananas 3
    rain forest open
    crystal falls open
    stalk is open
    meadow is cleared
    glade open (only section -0- available)
    working on living legend with 276 more stars required
    park is 2/5 open
    crop trophy (working 14/15)
    animal trophy (working 8/15)
    mentor is TCRooster and very good
    the farm took the sugarcane market yesterday and sold as produced (no beating the price, period)
    main mill continuously milling power feed with daily seed purchase
    Baha mill cannot keep up with production

    There are designations being added in post one here.
    Tasks are being edited also (I wish to try and keep the event all under one thread.)
  14. bollOff

    bollOff Forum Apprentice

    The Post Office ‘Friends’ section ‘Rate farm’ option in Farmerama City actually says « The following users have not published a photo of their farm: broke_broke ».
    If « broke_broke » is not a training farm and if you wish to share your progression with observers and participants, can You take a Farm Photo about the « broke_broke » ‘Crystal Falls Status’, please. To do so, go to the desired area, press « S » on your keyboard and choose ‘Publish photo’.
    fishy_broke likes this.
  15. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Hello bollOff
    A photo of Crystal Falls being open has now been taken. The mentor is TCRooster. If you wish to verify the level of the farm as 34 I will assist you with that. The stalk is also open and when you are done reviewing the Crystal Falls photo I will make it available for your review.

    I hope that the photo of Crystal Falls will assist you.

    Thank you for visiting here and you are welcome anytime.
    joanc123 and sanddollar15 like this.
  16. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Mentor TC is very proud of her little chick. The antics are keeping her quite amused :p By tge way you can play the football mini game and miss all the extra prizes - not sure how I did it but twice now!
  17. rat_tail

    rat_tail Forum Greenhorn

    This is a farmer_broke farm under mentor orthrud_oc.

    I put out that free soccer game deco item and got the free game as expected. I played the silly game trying to miss.

    :cry::cry: But I didn't miss :cry::oops:

    The farm got 2,000 ep and almost leveled up to 35.

    Thank goodness this farm is not under Mentor TC Rooster or I surely would be headed to that naughty step. :cry:

    ONE-TWO :inlove:, you are to blame! You were trying to get me the Golden Boot. >:(
  18. HavenGrove

    HavenGrove Someday Author

    :cry::cry: I took gifts from Woolie :wuerg: I'm level 19 & 1/2
    :oops: I think I hear that Golden Boot creeping up :eek:

    12s I'm not really trying to fly the coop o_O
  19. bollOff

    bollOff Forum Apprentice

    Now, I know that
    « Crystal Falls open »
    « unlocking Zone 1 = 22 squares »
    and not
    « unlocking Zone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 = 156 squares ».
    If You reveal the Magic Stalk available to common review thanks to the Farmerama Farm Photo services, I will send You an Anniversary Boutonniere and if You dismiss the different photo frame options before using the ‘Publish photo’ button, we can admire your Farm Crest too.
    12ss12 likes this.
  20. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Sorry RL has me occupied or maybe it is more like RL is holding me hostage. LOL so I can't keep up with this thread or read through what I've missed.

    I have been able to work Siouxzen by harvesting tons of Passion fruit several times a day, selling it & buying animals for Quests. I'm on Lvl 37 on Baha with 45 GB's working to get 80 GB's to open the 2nd part of Crystal Falls.

    I was foolish and spun the wheel wish made me go from 17 1/2 to Levl 18 on the Mainland - Boo-Hoo!!!

    MM was a disappointment since I could not make partial donations of the seeds so I could not do the MM FB Mini-event. Another Boo-hoo.

    I have to get back to RL before it comes chasing after me.

    Good Luck to all avoiding the Golden Boot! :D
    12ss12 and HavenGrove like this.
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