The Heart of the Sea v2

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Jun 19, 2024.

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  1. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    This is the second out of four events to get the Anchor Tokens to open up Crates O'Lures S in the fishing game.

    Players need to create a contour by linking same coloured critters and trying to trap as many tiles as they can to score big. Yes, the bigger the pockets will be, the higher the score on it will be high. And players will need to get high scores to either get the 4 Anchor Tokens and the 3 Lab Upgrades!

    Event crop:Event drop:Milling item:
    Time: 6 hours
    Gives (2x2): 240 EP
    Plantable on the Main field and Green Meadow only!
    Fish Biscuit
    You will get these drops when harvesting your crops and trees
    on the Main field and Green Meadow only.
    Fish Bait
    Ingredients: 1033 x Kelp, 66 x Fish Biscuits
    Time: 15 seconds

    There's not 1, not 2 but 3 prize tables with this event. To get the cloud row, players will need to play 21 mini-games and to complete the event 25 mini-games. Each player will get 2 free Fish Baits to play.

    Numbers are:

    To get the cloud row:
    (19 milled Fish Baits)
    To complete the event:
    (23 milled Fish Baits)
    19627 Kelps
    1254 Fish Biscuits
    4m 45s milling time
    23759 Kelps
    1518 Fish Biscuits
    5m 45s milling time
    1 Cloud row +3 givers
    1 Cloud row + 3 givers
    1 Super Turbo Tree

    Super Jumbo Tree
    Gives: 4 Super Grow
    EP: 1000
    Time: 36 hours
    Size: 2x2

    Won with playing 25 mini-games
    Super Jumbo Tree XL
    Gives: 4 Super Grow
    EP: 1500
    Time: 32h 23m
    Size: 2x2

    Won by making 60000 points (level 10 ) in one mini-game after opening the 9 other point level marks
    Super Jumbo Tree XXL
    Gives: 4 Super Grow
    EP: 2000
    Time: 32h 23m
    Size: 2x2

    Won with reaching 2250000 total points

    There's no way to know how mini-games will be required to get those upgrades. Also, to get the 4 Anchors and 3 Lab Upgrades:

    Total game points of 402600 for the 4 Anchor Tokens
    Total game points of 552200 for the 3 Lab Upgrades

    Game Points Rewards


    To get to level 10, each level must be opened once. Scoring a 60000+ game points in the first mini-game will not open the 10 levels, it will open only level 1 and so forth.

    This can be hard to do because players cannot know what kind of opportunities will arise in each mini-game.

    Good luck everyone!
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    This is my least skilled mechanic. I'm in only because of the lab upgrades and the fishing tokens. I've never done well with this event so I will do what I can. I would love the Super Jumbo trees and upgrades but realistically, I don't know that I can reach that many points.

    Best wishes :)
    yagmur_5, Flower, BellaMary69 and 9 others like this.
  3. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Overlooker

    Thanks Nordais for the detailed strategy thread. I am in.
    yagmur_5, Flower, BellaMary69 and 7 others like this.
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you, Nordais, I am also in for this one (and probably most events from now on!). :p
    I can't really remember this mini event, think I may have done it once and skipped it a couple of times. :music:
    Good luck all and happy fishing! ;)
    yagmur_5, Flower, BellaMary69 and 8 others like this.
  5. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Nordais, for doing such a great job with post! I love the link type event and will do my best get the "anchors" but my goal is to get to play the 25 mini games and to get the CR and givers and the "Super Jumbo Tree" will be great! Good luck everyone and I hope we all have some fun!;)
    yagmur_5, Flower, BellaMary69 and 6 others like this.
  6. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    I shall pass on this and go back to quests and building stock. Good luck everyone working on it. :)
  7. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    Thanks for starting us off Northy!
    Even though the mini game is a bit annoying, I'm in because I want another super jumbo tree and the alchemist's lab upgrades.
    Good luck to everyone participating. :)
    yagmur_5, Flower, BellaMary69 and 7 others like this.
  8. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Northy, Thanks for crunching the numbers and starting the thread!

    MeadowCrossing: you sure? If you're fishing, you'll want those 4 medallions and then there's the upgrades to the alchemist's lab.

    That said, I get why you'd want to sit this one out. I want to. Because I really dislike this game mechanic. The trick is to circle the entire board as best you can to get as many points as you can - you're basically enclosing all the critters in a loop of one type of critter. You often have to waste turns in order to accomplish this.

    So, I'm in on all three farms because I want those medallions for the fishing event. Cloud row is decent and this farm and PM23's are also jonesing for the Super Jumbo Tree +upgrades.

    Okay off to prep the fields - overnight Amaranth for drops!
    Flower, BellaMary69, Nala777 and 7 others like this.
  9. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I'd like to get my FIRST Super Jumbo tree! I just hope I can get lucky.
  10. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Count Count

    @dumbunny : MeadowCrossing: you sure? If you're fishing, you'll want those 4 medallions and then there's the upgrades to the alchemist's lab.

    Hi, dumbunny, yep, I'm sure. Too old to spend so much time on the PC. I am fishing and have three clocks running. I'm doing fairly well considering. Today, I had 3 regular lures and one superb (or whatever it's called). I've caught a fair number of marlins with the basic lures and with today's superb, I got two octopus. Have the alchemist leveled up to Mysterious Alchemist Lab 1 and will likely buy some more upgrades when they go on sale. My main reason for skipping events is it takes too much of my time. I'll sell manure in the market this go round :D
    Flower, BellaMary69, Nala777 and 5 others like this.
  11. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    All I can say at this moment is I think I did well with drops: 288 from bits and bobs of all my high end plants (what was left over after numerous FSQs requiring lots of crops!). :p
    As for the mini-game, not really very good. With my two free games, I managed 4370 points.:music:
    Hope you all have better luck than me! ;)
  12. istanboy

    istanboy Forum Inhabitant

    I wasn't going to play this (1033 kelp to make one fish bait is a lot!), however I got ten times your score with my freebie baits, so you have given me the courage to attempt the event! Thank and happy fishing!
  13. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Anyone else having problems staying logged in this morning? Ugh. Trying again to get my 3 main farms going on this event.
    Flower, sanddollar15, Sue46 and 5 others like this.
  14. desi20

    desi20 Forum Pro

    @dumbunny yes my game keeps shutting down :cry:
  15. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Padavan

    RAINBOW DUCKIES ARE WILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now that I know this...onward and upward!
  16. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Yes I use a browser and am in the USA and keep getting kicked out and then can log right back in soo you are not alone!:p
  17. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Lagging and freezing terribly, refreshing helped but I logged out and back in and that seemed to improve things (famous last words!). :p

    Thanks for the encouragement lol! I will try to up my strategy to get more points. Funny, the first time I played, I got over 500 points and after that nothing anywhere close! :music:

    Edit: May have to re-think doing this event, can't get going with the mini-game and I am finding it very annoying! >:(
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    BellaMary69, Nala777, Nordais and 3 others like this.
  18. Flower

    Flower Regular

    I strongly dislike this event because I always make very few points at the minigame and it messes with my head and eyes o_O:eek::wuerg:

    Once i'll be unable to get the necessary coins for the fishing events, the right thing to do would be not to participate at all, but I want that cloud row and another jumbo tree won't hurt :p Besides, I'm stuck at home recovering from a surgery in the mouth, so I need distractions from the pain of all possible kinds.

    Hope everybody reach their goals and have all a great weekend.
  19. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I've played 6 games so far. They are really time consuming for me as it takes me a while to look at different options, paths or colored characters. I did get one good game of 85k but can't repeat it ;)xD. I have reached 265k points with the next goal of the lab upgrade at 308k. My plan is to do the 25 games needed to complete the main part of the event, and then see how close (or far;)) from the Super grow upgrades.

    Flower- may your recovery go well. :)
    Flower, BellaMary69, Nala777 and 2 others like this.
  20. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    Is anyone else struggling with the rainbow ducks?
    There were lots at first, then they all vanished. Do they carry over from game to game and I used them all up? It doesn't say anything about that in the FAQ.
    I also can't work out how to get new rainbow ducks. The FAQ says to drag one of the bonus creatures onto a rainbow tile to create a new rainbow duck, but none of the tiles look rainbow. I've tried a few times but not managed to create a rainbow duck, all it does is change a different animal to the same one as the bonus.
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