The Heart of the Sea v2

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Nordais, Jun 19, 2024.

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  1. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    There is games with ducks and games without them. I have not noticed any rainbow tiles. But you can drag those creatures you get in any place to replace whatever (except the duck) is on that tile.
  2. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    The past couple of mini games there were no rainbow ducks and I'm not that great at the mini game so thank goodness the super jumbo tree is earned by number of mini games played and not by points. Just worried I won't be able to obtain the alchemist's lab upgrades since those require points.
  3. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I have decided not to bother with the mini-game points bit, haven't even managed to do the first one (3,000 points) yet so no hope of finishing it. xD

    I will do 25 games and go for whatever I can on the right points side that appeals, perhaps aim for the first Anchor and then stop - unless I have a massive improvement on the mini-game! :music:
    I know that if I ever see this mini-game again, I will definitely give it a miss! :D
  4. Raelyn

    Raelyn Forum Apprentice

    I had a lot of rainbow ducks at first and then several games with none, but they came back again! :) Now there is a rainbow duck with a rainbow square around some of them.. I dont know what those do! anyone know?
    Shimmer, BellaMary69, Nala777 and 2 others like this.
  5. TC-çiftçi

    TC-çiftçi Forum Apprentice

    I'm level 14 in the game on the left side of the screen. But my score on the right side is 9770... So how many more games will I play and get an anchor?:cry::wuerg::wuerg::oops::cry::cry::wuerg::mad::mad::mad:
  6. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Late to the party, late to the Event, late figuring out that the ducks are Rainbow ducks. My best high score is 2350 with 4 games tried. I dunno, I thought that was decent until I read PnP, might need to accept I won't do well or get anything juicy. I read a Garfield stripe once, if you keep failing reaching the goal, lower your goal. This will be my strategy going forward.
    ç.çiftçi, Nala777, Nordais and 3 others like this.
  7. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I actually managed to get the first level for the mini-game, achieved over 5,000 and got ... a Sticker.

    I've played 15 games and that was my best. Now if this next level needs 6,000 which is what it's showing, I think I will just have to take my Sticker with good grace.-.-
    Anyone spotted that there is a BB, PF Sale and Happy Discount Day today? :inlove:
    I have just completed all but the last level of Tigers! Wahoo! The breeding Tigers are very cute. :music:
  8. acia66

    acia66 Forum Apprentice

    Thank you Nordais for the detailed strategy thread, as always I will attempt it, as I like collecting CRs.

    I believe that you have to get at least two Anchor Tokens to get one of the fishing event CRs, in that I think they need to be surrounded, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    I like the mini-game, but it is time-consuming, and though I think there is an element of skill, to get good scores you need some luck.

    So I have played 13 games, collected 4 Anchor Tokens, and 2 Upgrades, so quite happy overall. High score of 77720, and an Overall total of 431,270.

    As always I wish everybody playing this event the best of luck.

    Yes, busily breeding Tigers, the only Breeding FSQ I have to do, I don't think the breeding Gods are on my side today, but will persist,
    while trying not to spend too much PF, try not to let it go below 500.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 22, 2024
  9. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I have just played the 25 mini games and I have reached and completed level 26 on points side!xDxD I have no idea what I did but I got it done as I now have the curtains and all 4 "anchor tokens! " I am sitting here in shock!:p I am playing on because I have some leftover event crops and drops! Good luck everyone "IF" I can do it there IS hope for you!;)
  10. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    "The event is bad.
    Worst event Ever.
    I'll ignore it."
    Edit: All done in 37 mini-games!
    Cloud row activated!:music:
  11. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Job well done!...thanks for reminding me to put the CR up!...Need more coffee!:p
  12. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    I dunno, if the Anchor Tokens are opened clockwise, then the fourth tolken will unblock the cloud row...
    Nala777 and BellaMary69 like this.
  13. anki74

    anki74 Junior Expert

    Have a fun Finnish Midsummer, a celebration of midsummer and nightless night!

    (or is that celebration worldwide, hardly because not many other places have a nightless night when the sun never sets during the day but shines in the sky for many months together, I think it's only in the Polar Circle area closer to the North Pole) !?)

    Now that I've played 20 games, I noticed that there are TWO KINDS of those Rainbow ducks!

    Those with a different background image STAY IN PLACE and do not disappear, while those rainbow ducks with a standard background image fade away when used.

    How many points have been wasted when I haven't noticed, I mean now I've played 4 more of the 20 games and my point average has already increased by more than 5000 points. Well, as a tip for others, and now there was more excitement and the opportunity to get to the end of the "long right edge total points bar" and get a Super Jumbo XXL tree!

    so HINT - use those in every game as possible where is rainbow-backround!

    Yours - anki74
    lode99, Nala777, peony and 6 others like this.
  14. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    Thanks My Lady ! Old record was 86000++ and now it is with ome more game played - just about better - 118340 so +32000 points better! Only million needed, that it 20 games for my average BUT if average goes "up" so les than 20 games and now played 22!

    It is still POSSIBLE!

    EDIT2: kisses to "anki74" ---> 2 games more, first about 106000 and then 149050 is now my new record! average now: 60107 so only 13 games needed IF
    I can do that 60000++ in every 13 game!
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    Nala777, Nordais, dumbunny and 2 others like this.
  15. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Wow, Nuubi! Those are some big numbers!

    I never farmed yesterday...too tired. The farmer's market was possibly our best ever (I have to do the bookwork in a bit, then I'll know for sure - waiting for the coffee to kick in). We sold so much product, that we're going to have to double our efforts this week to have fresh things to sell next week!

    This farm might have to struggle to get to the CR - have 16 games (four played, 12 ready to go), but running out of green goo and propellors so slowing down on the harvest - hoping to get there.
    ç.çiftçi, Sue46, Nala777 and 2 others like this.
  16. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    25 games finished/ 1,423,430 points. I have 3 more games to play, and then need to decide if I am going to keep going to try for the Super Jumbo XXL upgrade. The mini game takes me quite a few minutes to plan a route and I've done fairly well on the boards that have a lot of ducks :pxD so if there are boards coming up that don't have a lot of ducks, I will have to play more games. I do better with planning if I want to continue when I know there is a definite number to reach the end;)
  17. anki74

    anki74 Junior Expert

    Ouh - auts - those are GONE... they were there, 4 games, not more! No nothing BACKround Rainbows AND 2 or 3 games there was no Ducks at all! Now needed more and more games... :(
  18. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    There are plenty of those 'permanent' rainbow ducks as you progress - starts off with one on each corner and
    eventually there are fields with eight and even more! However, there are still some fields with none, so just
    make hay while the sun shines!!:inlove:
  19. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    In the end, it was a requirement:
    1) about 400 SSG (more for evening use)
    2) night shift (local time now 05:25)
    3) 61 SSG remained in the warehouse
    4) but came with all the faded Super Jumbo Tree parts as prizes
    5) where do you get those SSG for the next event when everyone goes to the "Farm Cup" event and to get Toukens, the next event as well.

    Last record points still 149050
    I have those SuperHyperRainbowDucks (in backrounds) on games 21,22,23 and 24
    , not in single time in games 25 to 40.

    6) it tooks 40 games to get all prizes ! (avg points 57245)
    sanddollar15, Nala777, peony and 2 others like this.
  20. yeni40

    yeni40 Forum Greenhorn

    I'm level 12 in the game on the left side of the screen. But my score on the right side is 22.140...
    TC-çiftçi and yagmur_5 like this.
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