FAQ The Legend of Helgrid

Discussion in 'Event FAQ's' started by shooger.sweet, Oct 23, 2024 at 9:01 AM.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Reminder! All the info in this FAQ was correct at the time of testing. Some info could get changed when going LIVE, the FAQ will be updated as soon as possible with correct information, so thank you for your patience and understanding, and don't forget to refresh every now and then to check for updated info (particularly translation of names).

    The Legend of Helgrid
    24th of October 2024 - 31st of October 2024
    Difficulty: Medium - Hard

    * From what level can we participate in this event?
    From Main level 80.
    * How can I access the event?
    You can access the event from news layer, event timer and the event building:
    event entry.gif
    * What is special about this event?

    info layer 1.png

    Grow the event crop and collect drops to mill the Dungeon Keys to unlock doors and work through the maze. Play the Balloon shooting mini-game to unlock chests and earn rewards. Collect Gems to open the Portals to further rooms.
    • There will be a special event crop:
    Time: 5 hours
    Gives (2x2): 200 EP
    Level: 80
    Plantable on the Main field and Green Meadow only!

    Every player will get 10 seeds at the beginning of the event. If you drop under 5 plants the system will check every 5 hours and replenish up to 5 seeds.
    • There will be a special event drop:
    Fairy Dust
    You will get these drops when harvesting your crops and trees on the main field and green meadow.
    • There will be a special Mill product:
    Dungeon Key
    Ingredients: 640 x Keyweed + 33 x Fairy Dust
    Time: 15 seconds

    It can be produced in the main and tropical mills - Events feed tab!

    * How can I get more drops?
    • They can be gifted to/from neighbours and friends, for free as long as it is one of you 5-7 free daily gifts, or for the same price as in the shop. You can receive up to 20 gifts per day.
    • You can buy drops in bulk from the Shopping Centre (see below)
    • You can get some in the event baskets.
    • If you have a Magic tree it will give 1 x Fairy Dust per harvest during this event.
    * Is there anything else I should know?

    info layer 2.png

    Move along the paths in each room to find doors and portals. Travel through gates to reach adjoining rooms.

    Use the Dungeon Keys to open locked doors to gain access to other rooms or special rewards:
    locked door.png

    dungeonoct2024gemblue.png dungeonoct2024gemgreen.png dungeonoct2024gemred.png
    Some Doors require special Gems to open them:
    gem gate.png
    The Gems can be found in special chests:
    gem chest.png
    Open the matching Portals to move between rooms quicker:


    Here is what the Game layout looks like:

    game layer.png

    Click the Play button to access the Dungeon:

    Getting lost? Click on the Dungeon Map tab to open the Map:
    map 1.png
    Helgrid is shown on the Map in purple. Each room shows the location of Chests, Portals or mini-games.
    *How do I play the mini-game?
    info layer 3.png

    Move to one of the Pressure Plates. Click the tab to start the mini-game.
    Click anywhere on the game layer to shoot arrows at the water balloons.

    In this Minigame, the player needs to shoot the Balloons with buckets attached to them in order to pour the contained water onto the dried Plant Beds, in order to make them Bloom. Buckets can also contain Bugs which decrease the plant it lands on by 1 stage.

    Shooting an arrow triggers a cooldown period.

    A Plant Bed has 4 stages:

    • 1 -> dried
    • 2 -> slightly green
    • 3 -> green and a bit brown
    • 4 -> blooming
    Quitting a mini-game resets the plant beds.

    There are 3 types of Balloon Buckets:

    • 1. Water bucket: Increases plant bed stage by 1 when shot and poured over a plant bed.
    • 2. Big Water Bucket: Increases plant bed stage by 2 when shot and poured over a plant bed.
    • 3. Bug Bucket: Decreases plant bed stage by 1 when shot and poured over a plant bed.
    There are various size Balloon Buckets:

    • 1 Balloon has 1 Hitpoint
    • 2 Balloons have 2 Hitpoints
    • 3 Balloons have 3 Hitpoints
    A shadow appears to the left of the first tile belonging to the Shooting Lane, indicating the
    arrival of the next Balloon Bucket.

    • the Bucket then moves towards the Player
    • it can’t be shot until it is in the very first Tile (the one after it’s spawn location)
    The mini-game is finished once all their Plant Beds are in the blooming stage.
    Finishing a mini-game unlocks the respective chest. Walk up next to the chest to collect the rewards.
    Each mini-game can only be played once.

    Here is how the mini-game works:

    * Which are the event requirements and rewards?

    These are the event tasks - they have been numbered and listed in the chart below:
    Note: does not indicate the order to be opened (see below)


    Door Requirements:

    door requirements.png

    Chest Rewards:

    chest rewards.png

    * What other special items are offered as prizes?

    Event Stickers
    1185.png 1186.png 1187.png
    You'll find these Stickers in your Sticker album!

    Attack of the Dungeon Bugs (+)
    Gives: 15000 EP / TEP, 1 x Farm Coin
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x1

    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow.

    Attack of the Dungeon Bugs (+) is a limited Charge item. It has 10 charges only.

    *Note: It will be deleted if removed from the field (even if there are charges left) however, it will be replaced with a copy of the giver item, but it will hand out 350 EP x Farm level or 350 TEP x Baha level only, every 12 hours!

    Make It Bloom! (+)
    Gives: 33000 EP / TEP, 2 x Power-feed
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x2

    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow.

    Make It Bloom! (+) is a limited Charge item. It has 10 charges only.

    *Note: It will be deleted if removed from the field (even if there are charges left) however, it will be replaced with a copy of the giver item, but it will hand out 710 EP x Farm level or 710 TEP x Baha level only, every 12 hours!

    Honkus Ponkus (+)
    Gives: 70000 EP / TEP, 1 x Party ticket
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 2x2

    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow.

    Honkus Ponkus (+) is a limited Charge item. It has 10 charges only.

    *Note: It will be deleted if removed from the field (even if there are charges left) however, it will be replaced with a copy of the giver item, but it will hand out 1450 EP x Farm level or 1450 TEP x Baha level only, every 12 hours!

    The Legend of Helgrid Magic Stalk Row
    the legend of helgrid.png
    Gives: 10000 EP x Farm level, 200% extra EP when harvesting full moon fields for 2 hours, 2 x Crate O' Spooky Plants
    Cooldown time: 12 hours

    Requires the 3 event items (once charges are used)

    Crate O' Spooky Plants
    Receive 1 random item from the following:

    * Can I pay my way through the event?
    Not really, you can get some of the event items in the shopping center or baskets.

    * What drop item packages can I get in the Shopping center?

    • 1 x Fairy Dust - 2 BB
    • 50 x Fairy Dust - 85 BB (15% off)
    • 100 x Fairy Dust - 150 BB (25% off)
    • 200 x Fairy Dust - 270 BB (33% off)
    * Will there be any Event Baskets during this event?
    Yes, there will be 4 "Sorceress’s" baskets:
    S Sorceress's Basket
    90 x Keyweed
    Buyable once only for €2.99 or equivalent in your currency

    M Sorceress's Basket
    200 x Keyweed
    100 x Fairy Dust
    60 x Super-grow
    20 x Suzy's Super-grow

    Buyable multiple times for €9.99 or equivalent in your currency

    L Sorceress's Basket
    400 x Keyweed
    250 x Fairy Dust
    80 x Super-grow
    30 x Suzy's Super-grow
    5% extra chance of receiving all drops for 8 hours

    Buyable multiple times for €16.99 or equivalent in your currency

    XL Sorceress's Basket
    900 x Keyweed
    600 x Fairy Dust
    +1 extra revenue when harvesting "event" crops for 8 hours

    Buyable multiple times for €34.99 or equivalent in your currency
    Note: Bonus starts as soon as Basket is purchased!
    * What will happen with the leftover event goods?
    The leftover event goods will be exchanged to EP and CC after the end of this event:
    • 1 Keyweed = 6 EP + 4 CC;
    • 1 Fairy Dust = 29 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 Sapphire = 29 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 Jade = 29 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 ruby = 29 EP + 20 CC;
    • 1 Dungeon Key = 2067 EP + 2756 CC + 2067 TEP.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2024 at 10:37 AM
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~edit~ Door 3 & 6 requirements corrected
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