The Lighthouse Beckons Strategies

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arielh, Apr 29, 2015.

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  1. laz5896

    laz5896 Forum Greenhorn

    Would you mind retelling in detail how exactly you finished it so fast? What your method was? Too late for me I bet on this event, but for future ones it might helpful to do the same thing. Do you use supergrow and stuff?
  2. farhana

    farhana Forum Mogul

    Doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D only keeping level-2 diamond task undone so that the harvester gets activated tomorrow morning and I can utilize it at it's most :)
    I just loved this Swiss event because of the wonder trees and stables:)
    But I have to wait till tomorrow morning to see what mysteries are waiting for meo_O

    Edit: My second farm farhanas1 is struggling a bit. I still need around 70/80 drop items to complete the total event. Other than the drops I have everything ready according to the requirement.
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
    SillyGuy and Arielh like this.
  3. Neddy38

    Neddy38 Forum Great Master

    Hi, Bhodho, I think you should try to check your barn. I had just donated my Edelweiss &
    I got the replenish 5 seed few min later. I always donated remain crop when I had planted
    them. the system give back very soon.
  4. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Careful. Quicksand. You may be treading on soft ground. I'd advise you not to go there.
    But then; you're right, you know...

    I was hoping for the same, but then, it seems I am on a different system. You know how things in Africa always work differently. Could be the reason...
    SillyGuy likes this.
  5. Neddy38

    Neddy38 Forum Great Master

    Oh, that's really bad.
    Best Wish you could got the seed soon.
    It's midnight at my timezone. My bed calling me...
  6. farhana

    farhana Forum Mogul

    Bhodho, would you like to have couple of PJs? I have started producing PJs in my farm:) so if that can help you to complete your event I can donate you 1/2 PJs :)
  7. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Done! Swiss flag will collect dust in storage until next G&T when I will see if anyone wants one. I will continue to send drops to others but I don't need them.

    GL to all still working.

    Bhodho, I've had it replenish within minutes of using last so, check before bed anyway.
    farhana likes this.
  8. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Thanks. All I want are 5 extra seeds...
    I am checking every 5 or so minutes. Nothing on the horizon yet.
    Check, cheque, czech again...
    CaliChrome and Sweet_Cassiopeia like this.
  9. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    I've completed the event. Now I can stock up on some stuff to get ready for MM! :)
  10. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    No way I'm going to be able to get enough drops to complete the event in time. So I have to choose between options. I've already got the wonder stables and one cuckoo pen. I think the trees have lot of value and my feeling is to go for them over the additional 2 cuckoo pens. I won't be able to get the deco items for the CR so it has no value to me.

    So the choice will boil down to the cuckoo pens or the top prize of the 6 each of the wonder trees. Hmmm...decisions decisions.
  11. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Go for the trees! The cuckoos will become regular animals, and you can buy the stables for CC, they said they would be expensive, but anyway cuckoos are (still) cheap in the market :)
  12. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I'm with Mir - go for the trees. If you get something good, it might even be a nice cc earner for you!
  13. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Yes, Trees first!
    TCRooster likes this.
  14. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    Trees it is then, that was my feeling but the cuckoos are still a mystery item to me. So thanks for the advice!
    -Mir85- likes this.
  15. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    Buy your cuckoos in the market cheap (94.00 on my market) (compare to EV of 153 and price of cuckoo feed 671.25 on my market). You have one stable you can use if you need. You will be able to get more. Cuckoos will be a regular breeding animal soon so don't worry about understanding the way they used to work.
    -Mir85- likes this.
  16. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    I have three levels unfinished at this point Level 5 diamond and Level 6 gold and diamond. I may not get level 5 diamond done because I'm going for the trees on level 6. I must have miscalculated yesterday and then we were out for the evening last night, so I missed a whole crop rotation. Phooey.
    CaliChrome likes this.
  17. Sheriziya

    Sheriziya Forum Master

    Well, I'm calling it done. Unfortunately I didn't get any of the items, cause I didn't complete G4, G5, D4, D5, but at least I got all the Cuckoo stables, the wonder stables AND the wonder trees. Allthough it would have been great to also have the items, I don't have enough time today and tomorrow to complete those tasks. Oh well, I've got the most important things :)

    I think it was a fun event. Even though I did have all the non-event things ready before the event, I didn't manage to complete everything, but that was due to time constrains on my side..... I can live with that :D
    CaliChrome likes this.
  18. dafodily

    dafodily Forum Duke

    One Happy Farmer here, :D waiting for last round of crops to harvest in 4 hrs, needing just 5 more drops & event completed with 12 hrs remaining! Used 2 PJ the 1st day & 1 CAC 2nd day and no buffs needed to finish.

    Other farm will finish final round of crops in 3 hrs, but still need 50 drops (should be able to get the needed drops with the time remaining). Used no crop buffs the 1st day, 1 CAC 2nd day and 1 PJ to finish. :)

    So now have a really good plan for MMM event, just have to adjust for having only 1 field to grow required crops. Feeling very good today! :music:
  19. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    what i normally do for a event like this is plant my longest growing crop before the event starts so its ready to harvest at the start of the event. grow all of everything required .... collect all the drops from the required flowers ..... THEN plant my longest crops to collect the remaining required drops ... after that i mill what's needed .... then go through and do all the quest in one hit.
    I use CAC, EM as well as Carrot bread as Buffs ..... Use enough suzies super grow to get enough seeds to fill a field .... then just keep on planting this event ..... I used magical glade and just kept the longer growing one going used the other two grounds to grow the blue shorter one going once i had all the blue i also planted edelweiss on all 3 grounds over night ..... i then planted all grounds with the edelweiss till i had the rest of that one needed ... also planted my longest crops on baha as that helped keep the drops ticking along
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
  20. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    you mean ppp? pj speeds up breeding i believe.
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