The Music Center

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by JioCash, Apr 29, 2015.

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  1. JioCash

    JioCash Someday Author

    WOW guys... all got great stuff and music. Totally recognize those players from the 70's to 80's (as previously mentioned) and all great artists, (sorry Griff you are missing out :p) lol

    I gotta say, some of my favorite songs especially from the 80's are as follows...

    Note: These songs are NOT listed from fav. to least fav., the list honestly could go on but... here is the "top 10" songs of music from 1900's-before

    1. Danger Zone, by Kenny Loggins
    2. Stayin' Alive, by the Bee Gees
    3. Don't you Want Me, by the Human League
    4. Simply Irresistible, by Robert Palmer
    5. Broken Wings, by Mr. Mister
    6. Break My Stride, by Matthew Wilder
    7. Billie Jean, Michael Jackson
    8. I Will Survive, Gloria Gaynor
    9. (Don't Fear) the Reaper, by the Blue Oyster Cult
    10. Gonna Fly Now, (Rocky Theme song)

    the list can go on... especially if I included my favorite jazz music and well... again, Music is AMAZING.

    Also... I love music from other countries such as folk music or even music in foreign languages so I have here a special challenge for all ya'll.

    Challenge: Share some music that reflects your country and culture. I am really interested in seeing what you guys share.
  2. sewinglady

    sewinglady Exceptional Talent

    I once saw Robert Palmer tell an interviewer that the inspiration for Simply Irresistable came to him in a dream, he woke up and wrote the song on a note pad he kept by the bed.
  3. BeeDance

    BeeDance Padavan

    Does singing to elevator music count as music appreciation? I only do it when I'm alone in one now, ever since the time I did it and one of the other passengers used the emergency phone, screaming the elevator was out of control, making horrible noises, and we were all going to die.
    Personally I thought I sounded like a baritone Bette Meddler and Barbara Streisand .... apparently others agreed but that they were in the world's worst cat fight during a horrible train wreck. I've been accused of having a burlap bag with two tom cats inside being beat with a stick for a music teacher. Everyone's a critic...
  4. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    That is a low opinion of your voice! I'm sure it isn't true though! I hope noone sat their and described it like you just did you rude.
    Besides...karaoke voice is always different. :p ;)
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  5. JioCash

    JioCash Someday Author

    Aye elevator music is counted, although in my honest opinion that kind of music is very good for putting people to sleep. Trust me, there is nothing more boring than elevator music, and if there is... please share as I would like to know what could be worse and yet still count as "music". lol :D
    IVANCICA30 and Griff303 like this.
  6. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Hmmm, I like Bleed Red by Ronnie Dunn (of Brooks & Dunn). To me it speaks on many levels, from a personal relationship in crisis, to the struggle between different cultures, peoples, religions, countries... I'm from the US, the great melting pot, and to me this song says it doesn't matter what our differences our, we all are alike in the ways that count, and isn't that what America is supposed to be founded on?:inlove:

    And love that list, Jio, great song selections!:music:
    IVANCICA30, bygo_cris and JioCash like this.
  7. JioCash

    JioCash Someday Author

    Lol thanks, and no problem... and yes *high-five* I too am from the U.S. as well and so totally agree with you. :D Although I am not from Russia, there is this group that I am totally a fan of known as the Red Army Choir. Think of them as Russia's equivalent to our US Marine Corp-Band only the Russian's sing and have a nice orchestra instead of well... band hehe xD.

    Recommended songs of the Red Army Choir:

    1. Hunt for Red October ((yes they did that song from the movie, totally EPIC))
    2. The Roads
    3. Kalinka
    4. Bella Ciao (This one is Italian I believe)
    5. The Cossacks
    6. Dark Eyes
    7. Song of the Volga Boatmen (that was the last but by far not the least) ;)

    Those are just a few but they are just amazing (despite the fact I don't understand a word they are saying)... it sounds so... patriotic at times.
    Last edited by moderator: May 15, 2015
    IVANCICA30, bygo_cris and Griff303 like this.
  8. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Oh yes Jio! I LOVE the Red Army Choir and listen to them as well! :inlove::inlove: What a coincidence :p They are the official called the Alexandrov Ensemble, which is the official well...choir of the Russian armed forces. In that I guess they are kind of like the US Army Field Band...but they sing more in a Russian-Opera style. It's pretty cool.

    Yes Bella Ciao is in Italian...I would add to your list many more, but at least these:

    8. The Red Army is the Strongest (ok erm...a little biased there ;) but still one of my favs)
    9. My Army
    10. Katusha
    11. Polyushka Polye (this is also one of my favorites!)

    I know the theme and gist of some of the songs, but for the most part I haven't got a clue what they are saying, and its blissfully wonderful! :D xD

    Just like what Jio said...I love how you can just feel the national pride oozing out of their very beings.
    IVANCICA30, bygo_cris and JioCash like this.
  9. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Never let it be said an old spots can't learn new tricks ;). I listened to that Lecrae song, Griff, I liked it so much I immediately went to Amazon and downloaded it :D. I think I enjoyed it because it was a mixture of singing and rap, and those types of songs I often find I don't mind listening to. I also listened to a few of his other songs, and you're right, he's really good.:inlove:
    IVANCICA30 and Griff303 like this.
  10. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Well, I can say that I bread music. I like and listen music all day and sometimes when I go to sleep. I like all kind of music from old to new, all genders, and from many countries.... but has to be good quality. I don't like songs that make me think to other song while listening. And also don't like stupid or foolish songs.
    Well, since I have 2 counties in my heart.... What represents Korea is K-pop. There are some songs I like, and most of them I dislike. Also the girls groups dance... well I find it offensive to real dance (since I was a group dancer too and I have respect for dance and music).
    And what represents Romania.... well, Romanian music and music industry is very week. The most famous is Inna and Smiley(he is my favorite one ).
    I like singing a lot but who hear me singing... his face expression suddenly change. But when we go to karaoke I'm good! People like how I sing in karaoke. Probably the microphone make's magic :p
  11. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    I'm so happy you liked it spots! :) :)
    It's really special to me, later I'll edit in some more nice songs I promise. Not all rap is super fast and hardcore. In fact I particularly like the rappers that are super hype in praising God, but can also take their music and make songs that are very peaceful. Just that slow, and passionate song that you can worship to.
    IVANCICA30 and spotsbox like this.
  12. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I was surprised, I admit. Especially when I listened to Prayin' For You, could totally relate. Will look into more of his music, thanks for the eye opener :inlove:.
    IVANCICA30, SillyGuy and Griff303 like this.
  13. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Like I said, I'm so happy you like it! :):inlove:
    Here are more songs by some of my favorite rappers, all of the same deep nature. Title first, then artists.

    1. Surrender ~ Flame, feat. V. Rose

    2. Open Letter ~ KB, feat. Swoope, Trip Lee and Jai

    3. Heart Song ~ KB, feat. Jasmine Le 'Shea (this is about Jasmine, KB's friend who is dependent on a heart transplant every so many years, and maybe someone else too)

    4. God is amazing ~ feat. Zg, KJ-52

    Enjoy! Perhaps if you start enjoying even some of the more intense songs I'll give you a list of my favorite artists. ;)
    IVANCICA30 and SillyGuy like this.
  14. BeeDance

    BeeDance Padavan

    Sorry - my humor is somewhat twisted. I have no problem poking fun at myself though.

    Actually I like to sing... I certainly couldn't make a living at it, but I enjoy it. My RL wife won't let me sing in the shower anymore. It's not the singing (like most people, I sound better with the acoustics) - it's the songs. I make up my own words for all the great songs: "I'm in the Nude for Love", "Born Free But Then I got Married", "Everybody's Beautiful, 'cept my mother-in-law", "To Scream the Impossible Scream" ... and the list goes on. I especially like redoing Beach Boys (now know as the Beach Geezers) songs for my generation: "Help Me Ronda I've Fallen and I can't Get Up", "We'll Have Fun, Fun, Fun 'Til the Doctor takes Our Walker Away", "I Spin Around"...

    Now music will never be the same for some who read this...
  15. LDCrow

    LDCrow Forum Baron

    LOLOLOLOLOL!!! BeeDance you are just too much! xDxD

    I once had a friend tell me that whenever she heard the song "Jammin" by Bob Marley she always sang "Pajamas" instead. I've not been able to hear that song since without singing it that way. xDxDxD
  16. Griff303

    Griff303 Active Author

    Lolz don't apologize for your humor, I love it!

    I had no idea the Beach Boys changed to Beach Geezers (makes sense though xD xD) kinda ruined a few of those for me LOL. Gimme 10 mins to forget your altered versions...but wowz...some of those are funny. ;) :D
    IVANCICA30 likes this.
  17. JioCash

    JioCash Someday Author

    Haha :D true dat... but at least the music wasn't "Stuck Like Glue" ;)
    IVANCICA30 and Griff303 like this.
  18. Clashstrummer

    Clashstrummer Count Count

    So do you also sing "Wouldn't it be nice if we were younger"? :p
    IVANCICA30 and spotsbox like this.
  19. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Bee, you slay me!xDxD I Spin Around reminds me of an ad that used to run on TV for power scooters, a bunch of elderly folks riding power scooters in figure 8s to I Get AroundxD. But your forgot ♫Barbara Ann, please take my hand, 'cause I can't stand...♪ and the event theme song ♫In the still...of the night...I'm trying to finish...with all of my might...the event's clearly in sight...there aren't enough end it the still of the night♪

    Here's a few more non-Beach Geezers
    ♫Help Me, I Think I've Fallen, In the Tub, Again♪ (sung to Joni Mitchell's song)
    ♫Dude Looks Like He's Crazy♪
    ♪Sweet Chocolate o' Mine♫

    and for the FOCD crew;
    ♫Born To Farm♪
    ♪Mommas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Farmers♫;)
  20. BeeDance

    BeeDance Padavan

    My rendition would probably be "Wouldn't it be Nice If I could find my Car Keys" ...

    I also like "Mammas Don't let your Farmers Grow Up To Be Babies"
    ... not that we whine about anything ....
    sewinglady likes this.
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