The problem with moles

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by calety, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. calety

    calety Forum Apprentice

    For those of you wondering why there is an objection to the April Fool's moles, this is nothing to do with Islam or the recent air tragedy. It concerns the Irish Republican Army's bombing campaign on the British mainland in the 1970s and (in this case) the continuing effects of living through that campaign as a small child. I was an adult in London at the time so have first hand experience of this.

    I would imagine there are some players of Famerama who have had similar experiences in other countries. People deal with these things in many different ways and, as with many traumatic events, it is not always possible to predict what will be a triggering effect.

    I already have sound turned off but did not realise I could turn off the animation until teddy mentioned the fact; this information should have been highlighted somewhere for those who find such things annoying or distressing.
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