The Sea Witch

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by Nordais, Wednesday at 1:28 PM.

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  1. Flower

    Flower Forum Master

    Until now i've managed to mill only 18 bottles. Therefore, to get the cloud row, i need 676 diving goggles to mill the other 52. Right now i've 10, so i've to get 666 until April 2nd :wuerg::(:cry:
  2. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Anyone has been able to get the Lenny's Lavoratory upgrade from the 28 mission table? The one that says "trap 30 figurines in a shape?

    I created shapes with 45-48 figurines trapped in it and it didn't activate it! -.-
    Jarrow, gardengal and MeadowCrossing like this.
  3. enk52

    enk52 Padavan

    Nordais I did.

    I had to go back a few times but I have finished this one.You must have the exactly number.
    Good luck with it.:)
  4. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Yes, I did too. We have to 'encircle' the exact number of characters in the shape. Good luck!
  5. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    Thank you both, that's what I was afraid of! o_O Not a cool thing to do on a random game like that!
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I wish it gave some indication if you are near to winning one of the challenges. :p
    I have actually managed to achieve some without even knowing how or when, mostly at the bottom of the list (including the Piccolo Box!). :music:

    I also wish I could see how far I am getting points-wise, sometimes I seem to do really well and I get a low score - once I got 14,000 (know that is not high for some of you but believe me, I am rubbish at this game!) and I don't really know what I did differently! :D

    Having said that, I quite like the mini-game and the event so I am not really complaining! xD
    Nordais, gardengal, Jarrow and 3 others like this.
  7. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    How do we know how many "lines" we have created? There are prize bars for missions and for points, but I don't see one for number of lines created. Am I missing it, or is it internal/invisible?
    Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  8. KittyLover

    KittyLover S-Moderator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello PrairieMaiden23

    You can see it in the blue gift in the event screen (on the left side on the top)

  9. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    Help is needed for this gaming part of this event.

    Do the tasks, which are dozens, have to be done in order?

    Are some of the tasks and those Millproducts optional, so you can get by without them, this is what I understand?

    It's really hard for the translator to get those tasks when you can't paint with the mouse from the table and then copy it to the Translator...

    Could and would any Finnish player help me and anki74 and the sapeli nicknames, by posting instructions on how to play the game yourself IN THE GAME WITH MESSAGES and therefore in Finnish?

    Even if (of the nicknames) "päärynä" - "IpsiDei" - "kukkis" - "Astaneiti" or some other of our Finnish neighbors?

    1) Does "create a line made of 15 tiles" mean:
    connect 15 items in a circle? NOT INSIDE the circle?

    2) Does "get a multiplier of xx tiles inside of a shape" mean:
    = "xx same items inside of line"?
    (no matter what else is inside the line than that xx AND no matter what creature is that line made of)

    BUT luckily two (2) of the three Lenny's lab updates come from somewhere other than Missions!!! (because as a Finnish person with a bad command of the language I don't understand what exactly I have to do to get that one update from the "missions" list!)
    Last edited: Sunday at 9:23 PM
    Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  10. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    Thank you, KittyLover, for pointing that out! This farm is farther along than I thought!
    Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  11. Flower

    Flower Forum Master

    I do not know if it's just my impression, but the fewer figures we put in the board, more points we get.

    Another thing: when i complete my line, it appears, for example, 51X, and i'm very happy, but after i let go the mouse, it appears something around 40.000 and that number is what counts for the rewards :wuerg:o_O
    Jarrow, Nordais and gardengal like this.
  12. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    What does it mean to get a multiplier of 10 inside a shape (circle)? I thought I did but it didn't count. I had a mix of manta rays and rainbow ducks circle ten crabs, but it didn't count.
    Jarrow, Nordais, Flower and 1 other person like this.
  13. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    Solutions to some Missions

    Get a multiplier of 10 tiles inside of a shape

    Get a multiplier of 30 tiles inside of a shape

    Create a line made of 25 tiles

    Create a line with a score of 45,000


    Example of calculating points

    Each animal is worth 10 points.
    For an open line, we get the sum of the points of the animals in the line.
    A higher score can be achieved with closed lines.
    We can create this by starting and ending our line with the same animal.
    In this case, the animals in the line and the fenced animals are both worth 10 points, we add these up and then multiply by a number one greater than the number of fenced animals (+1).

    In the picture below,
    for example, I replaced the animals on the edges of the playing field with the Pink Bigeye. After that, I created the line and received a total of 45,360 points for it. (The point value of 31+53=84 animals (84 x 10 points= 840) is multiplied by 54 (+1) due to the 53 fenced animals, which is 840*54=45,360 points.)
    Last edited: Yesterday at 2:38 AM
  14. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum General

    Thank you so much, WisdomTree...I would never have figured out the tasks without your explanations. :inlove:
    Jarrow, Nordais and Flower like this.
  15. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    I just did a multiplier of 12 tiles inside of a shape but didn't get the reward for it. I must've made an error somehow, but I counted it at least 20 times before doing it to be sure. I've done other multipliers inside of shapes so I know how to do it. Not sure what happened. o_O
    Jarrow, Flower and MeadowCrossing like this.
  16. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent

    For 12x, you need to catch 11 ocean creatures inside the shape.

    Brookeham, Jarrow, Nordais and 4 others like this.
  17. Flower

    Flower Forum Master

    Thank you so much *WisdomTree* :inlove: What a great surprise this morning :D

    Now i have the 2 upgrades and can go back to the reward points :music:
    MeadowCrossing, Jarrow and Nordais like this.
  18. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Baron

    Thank you! @*WisdomTree* I'm confused as to why it says 12 but is actually 11, by that logic does it mean for the 30 multiplier to do 29 inside?

    MeadowCrossing and Jarrow like this.
  19. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    The contour of the shape counts as 1 multiplier (ie equivent to 1 "inside" tile). If we get specific, the objective states: "Get a multiplier of 12 tiles inside of a shape", that's exactly what you have to aim for and at least you get an indication of the multiplier number once you close your shape (not like the objectives of 10 tiles in a line where you have to physically count them to be sure you're doing it properly).

    It was already my least favorite event and it sank even deeper into negative territory for me.... :wuerg:
    Jarrow, gardengal and MeadowCrossing like this.
  20. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    What Means "create xx chapes" - I Don´t have 25, 35 or 45 of then??? is that CUMULATIVE "in line" and "inside" or just "inside one less" or what?

    OR THAT NUMBER in the MIDDLE? Is that how many TIMES I have done that? That number INCREASE and increase but not "a green barb / or check mark" ?!

    edit: I have number 16 in Power Feed, and 16 in "1110season pts" and 16 also "15 party tickets" BUT not a mark right side!!! Confused !

    edit2: made just "x45" inside the line, number increase but no mark at all !!!
    Last edited: Yesterday at 7:14 PM
    Jarrow and MeadowCrossing like this.