the trouble with packages the new trees....

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Skook73, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. Skook73

    Skook73 Forum Apprentice

    So here's a suggestion: last time for the new rare trees event you could purchase a package and single trees for mainland, however for Baha there was only a package - annoying because I did get the package and didn't get the precious Tamarind tree, so I wanted to try again... but had to buy a big expensive package. It would be nice to have both options at all times, though I do like having the packages with a guarantee of getting any new trees, good idea there. Thanks for listening! :)
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    You could also buy single baha trees :) you just had to go to bahamarama and open the shop there :)
  3. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    There was a minor glitch that I also experienced, where only single Baha OR single regular trees showed up. I worked around this by clicking on the newsfeed. I thought it was just an issue with my farm, not a general issue.

    If you notice anything like this again, then post in tech support or ask for clarification in the general question thread. At this point, though, not much to be done.. sorry. (you can try contacting support, if you like.. you never know what they might respond)