Things that make you go hmmmm....

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Doc425, Mar 21, 2016.

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  1. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    Have you ever noticed how the drop rate seems to increase AFTER you finish an event? Hmmm...;)
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I know many say so, but no, I can't say I have xD
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Doc this might happen because you no longer grow event crops and you grow higher level plants so you have more chances of getting more drops.
    I haven't notice it either because I finish the events very close to the deadline so there is no time left to get more drops. Like in this one I still try finishing it.
  4. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    Whenever you've got a CR about ready to mature, so you decide you'll just wait the couple of minutes for it to be ready and then harvest it. :sleepy: It seems like that 1, or 2 minutes takes about 5 minutes. Hmmm..:p
    You know what they say. "A watched pot never boils." :)
    *Elpida*, meba091, baw815 and 6 others like this.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Sometimes I forget to harvest them completelyxD:oops:
    meba091, baw815, cheeepcheap and 3 others like this.
  6. Natasha77

    Natasha77 Someday Author

    I do KNOW for sure straws dropped for me like crazy after I finished the event.
    I wish there was a way to gift/donate straws or glasses to those in NEED.
    Mind you, I grew all the melons within first day; so melons had no effect on my straw drops after day one; I grew my regular crops that were peppermint daytime and roses overnight. Still growing same peppermint and roses... but straws numbers went up dramatically ..
    Also, someone mentioned that manual harvest yields less straws... can not confirm that because had machinery running all the time, thanks to farmers society quest rewards.
  7. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    How your harvester coupon always seems to expire 5 minutes before 5 fields of 1x1 crops are ready to harvest-.-...Hmmm xD
  8. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    You have CAC about to expire in an hour. Crops ready in 5 min. Get distracted by something in RL. Remember crops, go to harvest, CAC expired 5 min. ago. -.- Hmmm . . . :p xD
  9. flwrsndnc

    flwrsndnc Exceptional Talent

    I have to agree you do get more drops using harvester than doing it manually :/
    LDCrow, Doc425 and spotsbox like this.
  10. davidb1yth007

    davidb1yth007 Forum Ambassador

    modernized to "Watched toast never pops!"
    I used to stress over this, but now I just waste a CAC.
  11. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    Yes! I have! just harvested a field of hazelnuts and a few pens and some trees...67!!!
    If I was still on the hunt I think it may be closer to 10...just saying.
    MARLYMAR, Doc425 and flwrsndnc like this.
  12. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    How you sell some animals/crops/products at what you feel is an awesome price, only to have the prices skyrocket the next day after the next event FAQ is released.-.-:cry:Hmmm...xD
    MARLYMAR, farmerumf, LDCrow and 6 others like this.
  13. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    davidb1yth007, I don't stress over it, but it is annoying to say the least. xD
  14. meba091

    meba091 Forum Veteran

    When you see a good (just good not a bargain) offer in the mkt but don't have so many ccs and want to check the rest of the mkt for bargains before you use what you have left - find there is none and go back to buy the good offers you saw, just to find out somebody else cleared the whole damn thing -.- hmmmxD
  15. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Yes, to the Harvester, CAC, drops, all mysteries of the game! :D

    Don't forget the breeding - when there is a breeding event and you want just one of the next in line to finish and you get a skip (maybe even a fabulous skip but you feel, well, disappointed!). :p

    Or have you read about how there's has been a rush on an animal/tree fruit/crop ... and it's all over by the time you get to the market - bar the sound of coins chinking in Broke's pocket of course! :wuerg:
  16. penguilnz

    penguilnz Forum Veteran

    1. 20 breeding slots are ready to harvest in 15 minutes, while BBD is ending in 20 minutes.
    2. Got distracted in RL
    3. Returned to the game just in time to see that BBD has ended 3 minutes ago.

    (This happened to me the previous BBD and now I have to resist the urge to harvest the breeding pen until the next BBD!:wuerg::oops:xD Resisted for 10 days already, and during these 10 days I harvested 8)ONLY 28) slots.)
  17. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    ...How you harvest your park only to discover that your island has sneaked under it and is getting harvested before you activated all the buffs you wanted to,:p:cry:
  18. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Happily seeding long crops for coming event, only to discover you selected the seed next to the one you wanted.:p
  19. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    Buying bargains in the market one at a time, multiple multiple pages, 'til your eyes glaze over and you stop paying attention, only to finally realize that you've long since passed your maximum price cut off but never noticed:p:wuerg:.
  20. Doc425

    Doc425 Exceptional Talent

    Since I finished the Easter Extravaganza event yesterday afternoon I've received 94 shears. :p I did grow 1 crop of raspberries overnight, but other than that the longest crop I've grown is 1 crop of strawberries. o_O I just got 5 shears from a field of 100 1x1 pineapples I'm also receiving shears from chickens and parrots. Not that I'm complaining, but where were all these drops during the event? -.-
    Things that make you go hmmm... ;)
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