Third island - yaaay!

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Latein, Sep 4, 2014.

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  1. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    -Mir85- indeed as I see more pictures of it, it gets more interesting!

    I think I would like some mermaids there swimming with the other sea animals:inlove:
  2. Latein

    Latein Junior Expert

    Something else...

    I just noticed a few older pictures haven't been posted yet. :eek:
    Here they are, even if a bit late. ;)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    In the German forum we really found out a lot about the reef already.. I am still not sure, if I may post it here?:oops:
  3. Yes, of course, with great pleasure :) thank you :)
    some of these pictures had been posted in the "november thread" as, at the time, I didn't have a clue if they were for an event or for the new game feature o_O

    So please do share information from other forums, as long as the source information stays, you can share it :)
    (Usually we just check 'up the source-line' to make sure the sources were OK to start with. )

    penguilnz and SillyGuy like this.
  4. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    Hi ~Grapevine* Wizard~ & Latein
    Sounds interesting...
    ( This is speculation ! ) Not sure I am interpreting this right..
    but it seem like we need to "join forces" with community neighbors to go on expedition's searching the Coral Reef looking for various things, one being statues which if found will "upgrade our laboratory". Which will in turn enhance our chances for the next expedition and /or open new features?

    If this is the case ( or remotely close ) Seems as if this new aspect of the game will require teamwork, bringing the community together.. ;)

    Any more info you can provide would be very much appreciated ...xD
  5. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

    Ditto, I do not see the other mermaid who lives in coral reefs, unless you Arielh. xD;)

    If I am not wrong, we do not need many GBs to open any chambers in order to open third island as mentioned by Varun on Producer's Newsletter : September 2014.

    You should only open the Baharama harbor to open third island and to begin the expeditions. But I'm not so sure until an Official Announcement was released.
    Let's get our fingers crossed! :music:

    EDIT : adding some statement.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
    penguilnz and Arielh like this.
  6. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    Just waiting to hear whether it will take Stars or GBs or a combination thereof to open the Coral Reef.
  7. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

    Banjoman ~ I would say that for GBs.

    And something that I missed from my last theory.
    If we see the descriptions of Harbor Statue : Unlock a part of the harbor.
    So there are another parts.
    I would say the other parts of Harbor Statue will be next behind of current Harbor Statue in 7th chamber. Same as -Mir85- theory.
  8. Latein

    Latein Junior Expert

    Please notice: The informations are from the German "Gerüchteküche". Agrariane posted a summary with all the important facts and I now tried to translate it. As many of you know, English isn't my mother tounge so there will be mistakes. If you shouln't understand because of that, just ask. All the information are just rumors and just try to give a little pre-view in the new commig reef!!

    First of all: The banan question:p

    Well, you are right, wie might need a second statue in the harbour. It will lead us to the reef. We are not sure if we again have to do FSQs for discovering the island or again new statues. At least we found out something about a new Shipreckbay-statue, so really realy save your GB!!

    At the moment we found out something about one part of the island, can be used for different and special things for the reef.
    We are expecting that more parts again will need GB for further statues.

    What to do there?

    Well, we have to support the people there, saving the reef. In order to do that we wight need a team of explorers and might have to start expeditions. Before starting, there will again be AT LEAST ONE STATUE needed. There will be three levels of difficulty, we are not sure if we have to start with easy, then medium, then difficult - or can do the one we want first.

    Explorers need their equipment and enough to eat and drink before starting. Farmers will have to organise that. Also they need maps in order to find out where the explorers will have to search. How do get them? We are not sure, maybe you'll get more and more while discovering the reef.
    [​IMG] This picuture is a little mysterie, but maybe we get a new map using this stone??

    What for are the expeditions? The explorers shall find ressources for new life in the reef. They are searching for creatures and after that will let them free again. There are 4 "categories" with spezies should be living there.

    Remeber all the picutres from the posts above - Which categories and species are you able to find?
    The explorers don't find them always. Some are just very rarely to find, some rarely, some often, some very often.
    If they once found them, they "regenerate" them here in the blue house in special tanks - a maximum of 10 organisms at the same time:


    Also we should help to work on the reef's conditions.
    It can be sick to death, ill, weak and healthy.

    And: At the expeditions we can find treasures (the golden picutures I postet a post before).
    Those might have some special effects on the explorers, we are not sure about which ones.

    As far as we know you can get one each day, if you need more, you have pay with BB.
    Maybe you can see your amount here: [​IMG]

    How much time is there for the expeditions?

    We didn't find out exactly, but there will be a time limit! Breaking up will stop the expedition and explorers and creatures will be exchanged as TEP.
    And there will be a kind of ranking: [​IMG]
    personal, neighbourhood, global


    That's it, I again want to remeber you that nothing has to happen like that. It are just our rumors.
    Thanks for the summary Agri!

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
  9. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Thanks Latein for all your searching and sharing.;)
    What I find most interesting is the ranking: personal, neighborhood and global!
    Does this mean we have an individual quest, another with your neighbors and the last one with your "language forum"?:p

    With all these rumors/talk about the reef....I'm thinking its release is getting very close!:D
    penguilnz and Arielh like this.
  10. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    FarmerFisherama. Now I'm confused. All I ever wanted was a farming game better that Farm*****e but now this? If I wanted a zoo I'd have joined Zoom****a.
    Oh gosh!!!

    belindamotion likes this.
  11. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Brooke, I can imagine something a bit different with regards to the ranking. Maybe we get a score for each expedition, the ranking could show our personal best score, the best score among your neighbors and the best score any player has ever achieved. That would be my guess :p
    penguilnz, abubadi66 and Brookeham like this.
  12. Latein

    Latein Junior Expert

    ;) I agree with Mir!
  13. wolfeyesone

    wolfeyesone Forum Veteran

    Thank you for all the information and translating it.
    The creatures and habitat's look so nice. It will be something different & fresh.
    Hopefully it' won't need many GB to open.
    penguilnz, abubadi66 and Drace like this.
  14. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    I'm sorry...:oops: but this is just starting to sound like an Arcade Game...not my cup of tea...:sleepy:
    penguilnz and Bhodho like this.
  15. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

    [​IMG] Looks like an ancient compass for directions.

    Or something like this :
  16. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    The thing is, you don't need to open up the new island and can just ignore it.

    My guess is, there won't be events with it. It sounds like a game in a game. Could be nice to have or do, while waiting for crops to mature. Especially with the lots and lots of (short time) event crops lately.
    penguilnz and abubadi66 like this.
  17. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    That's the best news I've received today. Thanks...

    penguilnz likes this.
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Ι am an adventurous mermaid and I can live anywhere:p

    so we may not need many GB to open this third island but how many does it mean?
    I hope less than 30....
    penguilnz and abubadi66 like this.
  19. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    New island is coming in 2015

    we'll be getting an English producer post probably tomorrow in official announcements.
    penguilnz and Arielh like this.
  20. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

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