Three Wishes Event introducing Camel Breeding

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmerama Breeders,

    The coloured camels are finally here! To celebrate their arrival, we're kicking things off with a quest called “Three Wishes“, which you can complete from the 25th of April until the 30th of April 2014.

    This quest will introduce you to different coloured camels as well as give you the chance to win some pretty cool rewards.​

    Start: Friday, 25th of April at 14:00 CET
    : Wednesday, 30th of April at 14:00 CET

    Also, during the event, you will be able to purchase the special
    "Needle's Eye": Camel Breeding Pack Sale
    3 Camel Pens
    30 Camels
    3 Snow Camels
    100 hours Farm Droid
    50 Pheromones
    100 Power feed
    Price: 10 Euros (buyable multiple times)


    The coloured Camel breeding will be introduced on Thursday, 24th of April at 14:00 CET. Discover the coloured Camels here.

    Read more about the Three Wishes Event here.

    Please note that the 2 permanent Camel Breeding / Flying carpet quests which can be found here will be introduced on Wednesday, 30th of April at 14:00 CET.​

    Your Farmerama Team​
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    We would like to inform you that the Event quest will be visible to all the players who have unlocked Bahamarama. However, to participate in the event by breeding or buying coloured camels, you will need to have the Camel statue unlocked, as well as the Camel breeding statue. Without these 2 statues, you will only be able to complete event steps by using the instant pay/finish feature (paying BBs instead of donating goods). ​

    Your Farmerama Team
  3. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Due to the large amount of complaints regarding the golden bananas amounts required for the new Camel breeding statues, the Team has decided to reduce the price of these 3 statues from 40 golden bananas to 20.

    Also, an option to unlock the Camel Breeding statue for 200 BBs will be implemented. ​

    Your Farmerama Team
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