FAQ Tigers

Discussion in 'Game FAQ's' started by shooger.sweet, Jun 12, 2024.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Everything you need to know about Tigers!
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Tigers. Tiger Feed
    • Tigers
      • Tigers can be raised on Bahamarama after unlocking the Tiger Statue with 75 Golden bananas from the 9th Chamber of the Temple
      • You can use Tigers:
        • in Farmhouse orders
        • to supply your Tiger Slippers Workshops (see below)
        • can be bought/sold in the Market
        • can be donated to quests in the Farmer's Society (including Farming Trophy quest - value 880 CC each)
        • to breed Coloured Tigers
    • Tiger Feed
      • Tiger feed can be made in the Mill.
        It requires:
        • 3 x Chilis, 2 x Cocoa beans
      • Time Required: 40 minutes
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 11, 2024
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Tiger Pen

    Price: 8900 CCs

    Building Coloured Tiger Pen Upgrades

    stable creation.png

    Coloured Tiger Pen Upgrades Production

    stable production.png

    Tiger Pen I: Yellow
    Available in Shop for 180000 CCs

    Tiger Pen II: Orange
    Available in Shop for 55 BB

    Tiger Pen III: Red

    Tiger Pen IV: Pink
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Tiger Slippers Workshop

    This production farm, as well as all the the upgrades, require to be fed:
    1 tiger feed AND 1 Tiger
    Produces: Tiger Slippers
    Upgrades buildable after unlocking tiger breeding statue

    Building Coloured Tiger Slippers Workshop Upgrades

    workshop creation.png

    Tiger Slippers Workshop and its upgrades Production

    workshop production.png

    Tiger Slippers Workshop I: Yellow

    Tiger Slippers Workshop II: Orange

    Tiger Slippers Workshop III: Red

    Tiger Slippers Workshop IV: Pink
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Coloured Tigers

    View attachment 26998

    Once you have started breeding tigers, you'll get results similar to these:

    4 Tigers will "normally" produce 1 Bengal Tiger
    4 Bengal Tigers will "normally" produce 1 Crimson Tiger
    4 Crimson Tigers will "normally" produce 1 Siberian Tiger
    4 Siberian Tigers will "normally" produce 1 Purple Tiger
    4 Purple Tigers will "normally" produce 1 Battle Tiger
    4 Battle Tigers will "normally produce 1 Sophisticated Tiger
    4 Sophisticated Tigers will "normally" produce 1 Royal Tiger
    4 Royal Tigers will "normally" produce 1 Cyber Tiger

    it's possible to get a "skip" to a higher valued animal!

    Exchange values for coloured Tigers:
    Bengal Tiger: 4600 CC
    Crimson Tiger: 13000 CC
    Siberian Tiger: 42000 CC
    Purple Tiger: 130000 CC
    Battle Tiger: 420000 CC
    Sophisticated Tiger: 1300000 CC
    Royal Tiger: 4200000 CC
    Cyber Tiger: 12000000 CC

    Coloured Tigers in holding pens
    give EP every 9 hours

    View attachment 26999
    Single Pen:
    Bengal Tiger: 12 TEP
    Crimson Tiger: 24 TEP
    Siberian Tiger: 36 TEP
    Purple Tiger: 48 TEP
    Battle Tiger: 60 TEP
    Sophisticated Tiger: 72 TEP
    Royal Tiger: 84 TEP
    Cyber Tiger: 96 TEP

    View attachment 27000
    Group Pen:
    Bengal Tiger: 36 TEP
    Crimson Tiger: 72 TEP
    Siberian Tiger: 108 TEP
    Purple Tiger: 144 TEP
    Battle Tiger: 180 TEP
    Sophisticated Tiger: 216 TEP
    Royal Tiger: 252 TEP
    Cyber Tiger: 288 TEP
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Tiger Statues

    There are 3 statues for the Tiger breeding in the Ancient Monkey Temple:

    Tiger Breeding
    Unlocks: Tiger breeding
    Statue location: Top row, Chamber 5
    Costs: 20 Golden Bananas

    Tiger Starter Pack
    Unlocks: 20 Tigers, 20 Pheromones, 10 Power feed, 1 single holding pen
    Statue location: Top row, Chamber 7
    Costs: 30 Golden Bananas

    Tiger Breeding Gift
    Unlocks: 20 Tigers, 1 Battle Tiger
    Statue location: Top row, Chamber 7
    Costs: 30 Golden Bananas
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
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