Toekie's Signatures and banners

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Toekie75, Aug 26, 2014.

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  1. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author

    Hi everyone.

    I can see that some of you will want a new siggy.

    I will make one for you if you wish. You can request one below.

    Keep in mind:
    - the new one is a lot smaller, so less things can be put in there
    - tell me if you want your name and id IN the signature, or that you will add it below it as text
    - tell me your farm name and user id if you want it added to the siggy

    Tell me what you like, color, other things... and I will see what I can do.
    I don't do sparkles or anything that moves. Still ones only.

    The more you tell me, the more I have to work with!

    If you want to try it yourself, the right size is: 468 x 60 pixels.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    Rachel1623 and marlenef24 like this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    hi! I would love a signature created by you :)
    Υοu can put my farm name Arielh but I don't want my id
    I would like colors that match with my profile picture and also things like sea, mermaids but if you want something else I don't have a problem ;)
    Toekie75 likes this.
  3. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author

    Will do...

    *looks for right colors, mermaid and sea...... :)) *
  4. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    hey Toekie i still want the one you made for me but was wondering if it needs to be smaller even though it has allowed me to use it here so i guess my question is can you or i make it smaller without wrecking it as i love it so much that i use it in other forums besides this one lol
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Toekie75 you don't need to hurry you can do it whenever you have free time! :)
    Toekie75 likes this.
  6. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author

    @smiley, I will have to make it again... but I will try. I do still have the files with all the pictures in them that I've used... I think... need to look through them ;)
  7. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    ok thank you so much i love it so much you did a fantastic job the first time
    i tried resizing in photobucket but i have lost stuff off it now drats and i was told it was to big before now it looks to small lol
  8. poor_didums

    poor_didums Forum Apprentice

    hi Toekie could you please make me one with butterflies
    poor_didums ID: 43023581
    Toekie75 likes this.
  9. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author

    Can I place the link the players need to use for their siggy? I don't know how else to give it to them, so they can actually copy it and use it.


    Let me know if you like it, if you want something different, or changed. It's just a first attempt, so if it's not your taste, just let me know ;)
    I could not find very many mermaids apart from ariel.. but I can work on sea ones too if you want them without a mermaid... ?

    --> If you know how, please pull the siggy to your desktop, and upload it yourself, to photobucket or a similar online host, and then use your own link. ( I cannot provide bandwith for ALL players, so if you know how, please upload it yourself, otherwise, you can use my link. No guarantuees for future availability though, as I am using a free account with limited bandwith)


    I've re-made your original siggy with the original pieces. I'm not sure if the result is good enough. If you want me to make something completely new (even if you want similar) just let me know.



    --> If you know how, please pull the siggy to your desktop, and upload it yourself, to photobucket or a similar online host, and then use your own link. ( I cannot provide bandwith for ALL players, so if you know how, please upload it yourself, otherwise, you can use my link. No guarantuees for future availability though, as I am using a free account with limited bandwith)
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 2, 2014
    Arielh likes this.
  10. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Hi Toekie, having failed miserably to make my sig look nice I'm coming to the expert. I love my old sig with the english springer spaniel jumping through the wheat field. Could you do something similar with just my username in there (TCRooster). Thanks :)
  11. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    wow thank you so much i love them once again you are a real gem i have saved them to my computer as well
    Toekie75 likes this.
  12. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Toekie75 :)

    Yes, you can. Have fun, we are looking forward to more artwork to admire!

    Edit: To avoid any inconvenience, please post just the signature image itself, without links to them. Thank you for understanding.​
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
    Toekie75 likes this.
  13. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author

    @teddy.bear : Thank you! Much appreciated!




    Let me know if I need to make something different or change anything!

    --> If you know how, please pull the siggy to your desktop, and upload it yourself, to photobucket or a similar online host, and then use your own link. ( I cannot provide bandwith for ALL players, so if you know how, please upload it yourself, otherwise, you can use my link. No guarantuees for future availability though, as I am using a free account with limited bandwith)



    Let me know if you want anything changed! (this was the biggest dog I could fit.... I'm still sad the new siggies are SO small! )

    --> If you know how, please pull the siggy to your desktop, and upload it yourself, to photobucket or a similar online host, and then use your own link. ( I cannot provide bandwith for ALL players, so if you know how, please upload it yourself, otherwise, you can use my link. No guarantuees for future availability though, as I am using a free account with limited bandwith)
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 2, 2014
  14. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Toekie75 I see you are very talented! I liked a lot the signature but I didn't like that had the same photo as my profile picture. If you can try something else in that spot and it is okay for me not to be a mermaid but the two fish I liked them so you can keep them. If anytime I change my profile picture I will put this signature. Thank you a lot :)
  15. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author

    Will do :))
  16. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Hi Toekie!!! Yeah...I'm so excited you are willing to make siggies again!! Woot woot woot!!! Happy I'm dizzy! LOL Hmmmm...what to choose for such a teensy know me pretty well (I'm a puter dingbat..LOL). I love pink & orange, flowers etc. Maybe one I can use for a looong time...b/c its so difficult for me to change it. I only want my name in it....I don't want to waste precious space with my id#. o_Ooooh I can't wait to see what you come up with!!!! :)
  17. Toekie75

    Toekie75 Someday Author



    I hope this one is a little better! I will admit I find this a difficult subject! I'm not easily stumped, but mermaids and sea in this tiny format... *giggle*
    If it's still not quite what you want, please do continue with telling me what else you would like ;) I don't mind making changes or new ones, just as long as you get a siggy you are happy with!

    --> If you know how, please pull the siggy to your desktop, and upload it yourself, to photobucket or a similar online host, and then use your own link. ( I cannot provide bandwith for ALL players, so if you know how, please upload it yourself, otherwise, you can use my link. No guarantuees for future availability though, as I am using a free account with limited bandwith)
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 2, 2014
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    wow!~ I love this one. It is so beautiful because you have put together so nice the fish and they are like they swimming in the sea! And the colors also are so well fitted! Thank you :)

    Well about pulling the siggy to my desktop and uploading it myself I did it but it show no picture in my signature only this [​IMG] I don't know what I am doing wrong. Anyway I used the link that you gave me.
    Toekie75 likes this.
  19. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi Toekie, great banners! I was super happy with my old banner (actually got it quite recently):

    As you can see I tried to make a new banner myself, but I am not quite satisfied. If you can make something better I will be very happy. But there is no rush, I am doing fine for now ;)

    I would like my banner to have the info you see below, but a version without the level would also be great. Then I can add the level myself as I level up :)

    PS. The picture above is a link to the hot air balloon picture.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
    Toekie75 and Arielh like this.
  20. blessedlady2

    blessedlady2 Old Hand

    Hi Toekie, so very happy to see you. Could you please resize the banner you made for me. I know it doesn't display the season we are in all the time, but it is so peaceful to me.
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