Feedback Tree of Wisdom Runes

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Feb 5, 2015.

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  1. farmer201388

    farmer201388 Forum Greenhorn

    Hmm, I would love to see a Barnyard Bill Tree, ummm would love something for Powerfeed. Supergrow, and even water trees would be great, especially for the islands.
    I love all the suggestions, and cant wait to see if any of them can be implemented.
  2. CaliChrome

    CaliChrome Forum Baron

    farmer201388, I've always wondered why you couldn't water trees. Good suggestion! :)
    dgirl_200, IVANCICA30 and penguilnz like this.
  3. Nerijus

    Nerijus Someday Author

    whay you need 2 decoration islands so hard, that spend stars on it?
    bygo_cris, IVANCICA30 and penguilnz like this.
  4. mahababiker1

    mahababiker1 Forum Apprentice

    Very important, rune that can shorten the mill cycle (40% less time. I have too many animals to feed, I cant do it anymore.)
  5. mackboy

    mackboy Padavan

    Oh yeah Penguilnz sorry, it's just I only get basic trees I'm not lucky enough to get the good stuff.
    IVANCICA30, dgirl_200 and penguilnz like this.
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Increased gifts to neighbors, PF milling on island, "open" speed ups... could be used for trees or secret stables/trees OR EP givers (given as coupons perhaps or perhaps a new recipe); option to speed up cloud rows (again, even a coupon or recipe would be great -- one per cloud row would not skew things too badly)

    More breeding runes, updated so they are available for all the breeding animals.

    More space -- more space in magic glade or even regular field. A "trees only" area. Ideally, one that opens only after a number of other runes are opened -- maybe a side branch that appears only after you open x number of other runes. Added Baha space.

    Automatic EP harvester (similar to tree harvesting, just for decorations --- might as well include other odd decorations that give CCs, water, etc., much as auto tree harvesting harvests the unusual products)
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    IVANCICA30, dgirl_200 and penguilnz like this.
  7. ChayaAvery

    ChayaAvery Someday Author

    A lot of great ideas in this thread. I especially like the suggestion of shorter milling time(either in general or just for powerfeed), as well as the suggestions for runes giving a PF tree, Magic tree, GB tree and a BB tree.

    My wish is for a rune that will make it so that CAC/PJ can be used equally efficiently on 2x1 and 2x2 fields as on 1x1 fields. For CAC it would give +2 on 1x1 fields, +4 on 2x1 fields and +8 on 2x2 fields. This would make the entire game more doable for those who can't always have the farm machinery. Harvesting all those 1x1 fields by hand takes a lot of the fun out of the events.
  8. neily33

    neily33 Someday Author

    Barnyard Bills Tree. I would like I would buy for 500BB just for 1. after 500 harvest you can buy another.then another at 250 harvest, 125,63,32,16,8,4,2,1, This is why they will not add a Barnyard bills tree. I want a Star Tree. 1 Star every 20 hours.
    IVANCICA30, dgirl_200 and penguilnz like this.
  9. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    How about a rune that shrinks the supergrow/suzy/mulch trees to a 1x1 size.
  10. mackboy

    mackboy Padavan

    Hi Neily, If you buy a tree for 500 Bb's and it gives 1 Bb every 24 hours that is 500 days before you buy another one then 250 days so that is 2 years for only 2 trees. You must have patience of a saint.
    dgirl_200 and penguilnz like this.
  11. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    Lets see...
    A Branch for BAHAMARAMA Runes.. Offering incentives on fields, animals, the temple, or the forthcoming reef.
    A Branch for TREE Runes for time, %, yield, etc.
    A Branch for EVENT runes perhaps a %, a yield, or a block of time reduced.
    Branch of Breeding extended for Animals and Workshops for Time, Productivity, etc. AND have a Rune to buy rare stables
    Branch of Trades extended for RECIPES! that would give ongoing players incentive to work toward and keep them happily playing.
    The Magic Stock row could use a timer rune, and throw in a Rune for BUFF SLOTS.
    Any Rune that would assist with BB's would for sure be a hit! (think repeat buyer program)
  12. sweetcorn-farms

    sweetcorn-farms Forum Apprentice

    My tree is nearly completed, I wish;
    The breeding rune animals could have a second layer so when the 5th level colored animals were completed we got 6th level animals.

    The addition of an XXL tree layer rune similar to the colored animals.

    Additional Diamond slot

    That we could "leave the Golden Bananas alone!" Make a plan to increase your BEP and they will come quickly, even on higher levels.
    IVANCICA30 and dgirl_200 like this.
  13. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    You could have a branch of the tree dedicated to those "special" trees ..... Sugar, Egg, Florist wire, Cow milk, Goat Milk, Ostrich Eggs, BBs , Magic, all the trees that are so very hard for people to come by :) ....just my 2 CC's worth 8)
  14. betty127

    betty127 Junior Expert

    We should have a general thread started for Bahamarama suggestions. It seems pretty much everyone feels the same way about golden bananas. My progress was pretty good until I opened peppers, then seemed to stall. The gaps between levels get larger - fair enough, that matches the rest of the game - but the reward remains at 5 bananas - not fair enough, as demands get higher. It penalises you doubly as you progress, effectively making the gap between levels twice as large. Perhaps high level rune for gaining 6, 7 or 8 golden bananas with each level up would be a good idea.
  15. Country-Lane

    Country-Lane Forum Greenhorn

    I would like to see stars or power feed, and bring the tree back to daylight!
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 9, 2015
  16. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Even if just a short duration item... maybe a cloud row that, when activated, speeds up powerfeed or the mill in general. (That way it would not be such a competition for the mill subscription).

    A better farmer market customer. Increased prices for the "premium" customers. (currently the prices offered are so far below market, the EP/BEP offered so low for special items, I basically never sell there). Another crop-ONLY customer. Another tree-only customer. Better prices for animals . A new Baha customer that features only trees and/or crops.

    A new feature for vacations that would not just put everything on hold, but would automatically harvest items you have pre-set. Animals would go until feed runs out, OR even just setting it for crops would be useful. Granted, it would mean having huge stocks of some crop, but at least the farms would not be wasted. This would be particularly useful for the short term vacations.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
    IVANCICA30, dgirl_200 and penguilnz like this.
  17. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    On Saturday I finally finished the tree (6695 stars total for everything available up to now) so I'm up for anything that makes use of additionally gained stars.......

    1st choice - Cloud row to place owls and one to place crows....preferably placed on page one, so they can be harvest in one, without jumping from field to field.

    2nd choice - Mill line up, maybe stacked by 3/6/9/12/15 feeds

    3rd choice - opening the water tank and manure pile to go up to 600 units, this way also non premium account users can take advantage of market offers for manure higher than 300 units and use the artisan village more freely, not being restricted/in convened by water availability.

    That's it for starters, anything else would be more difficult to realize, because it would be cutting into the super grow/power feed consumption......
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
  18. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker


    Edit: To put them on, or to earn them?
    abubadi66, penguilnz and dgirl_200 like this.
  19. howk01

    howk01 Padavan

    I would like to be able to give more gifts to neighbours.
    Also would like to see the diamond slot returned that we lost a long time ago.
    It would also be nice to have our water & manure pile increased maybe up to 500 units.
    It would also be nice to be able to make Power Feed on Bahamarama or to have a reduction in the the time that it takes to make it.
    This is my wish list! Thanks for asking!
    IVANCICA30, crzyjoyce and penguilnz like this.
  20. FarmerMolly22

    FarmerMolly22 Exceptional Talent

    I think milling PF on island is a fantastic idea.
    IVANCICA30, CaliChrome and penguilnz like this.
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