Two Times for Event Crops

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by illy1996, Oct 31, 2017.

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  1. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I am not sure if this has been suggested before but I am sure it is not an original idea that just came to me ... :oops:

    It would be really good to have two levels during events for those who work/study and those who have more free time. I see it working that the longer the crop, the more advantages so it would even out, in theory. :music:

    For instance, if you had an event crop of 8 hours and one of 4 hours, the 8 hour could give you double the crops of the 4 hour crop. :sleepy:

    Not sure if this would work or make things more fair but I often hear farmers complaining that they have RL interfering with events o_O and this would mean that all farmers could participate with events on a level playing field with regard to commitments outside of their farms. :inlove:

    Just thinking out loud ... :D
    ..danka1., BasicBasil, baw815 and 5 others like this.