unfair markets

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by upa70, Mar 15, 2021.

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  1. upa70

    upa70 Forum Mogul

    i run 3 farms, mine and my children who do not play anymore. i need cherries for smoothies...currently costing over 7000cc per item in the market.
    if i log into the other two farms and go to the market they are listed at 4000cc from different sellers.
    obviously there are lots of markets due to the amount of players but surely logging into the game from the same pc, same area and country should put me into the local market for all three accounts you would think??????
    even if i log into the stand alone client with one account and the web browser game with the other account.... on the same pc ....at the same time.....we are in different markets!!!!
  2. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    Yea I have lots of farms and only two are in the same market. It's random. I imagine it's set up that way to keep people from dominating and playing with just their farms and not sharing the goods. If I was not so very tired I could find better words I hope you get what I'm trying to say.
    farmerumf likes this.
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