Unintended display changes

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by mindy1701, Jun 1, 2024.

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  1. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    As of this evening, nothing displays when I hover over anything on my farm (except on EV) - no time to harvest, quantity, product name, etc. Did I hit a wrong button or something? Can't figure out how to fix it.
    Also, my player ID picture doesn't display - it exists in the background (ex when I click on my name in the forum), but only displays "Screenshot" in the forum itself. Again I'm unaware of making any change and don't know how to fix it.
    In all the years I've been playing, this hasn't happened before - and so suddenly too.
    Thank you for anything you can do to help me.

    User: mindy1701 ID: 44197939
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello mindy1701,

    Have you checked that "show info box on mouse cursor" is on in additional settings?
    Have you checked that your browser is up to date?
    Your photo shows fine for me in the Forum, again it may be your browser. Have you tried a different browser to see if the same problems appear?

    Can I assist you further?
  3. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    show info box is checked and browser is up to date - doesn't make a difference
    I wasn't having any problems until a few hours ago - it was very sudden
    The only browser on which I can consistently play the game is Opera. I used to play on Firefox until a game glitch was fixed months ago and Firefox stopped working for me.
    Thank you for trying to help me. Here's hoping the problem fixes itself as suddenly as it broke
  4. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I have cleared your server cache just to see if that helps.

    Have you tried to use the Standalone client? Have you done a complete reboot of your computer and modem?

    Has the problem resolved or does it continue? May I assist you further?
  5. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    The problem persists - interesting note: problem doesn't impact EV, everything displays normally there and always has.
    I've rebooted the game, computer and modem, many times, to no avail. Have not tried Standalone client - that is a download isn't it? Really don't want to download more data.
    Thank you for trying, I do appreciate the effort.
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Can you try a different browser just to see if the problem is the same. You may need to check what settings you have on/off in advanced settings, a screenshot would be helpful if you can do that.

  7. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    I use 2 browsers: Opera only for this game and Firefox for everything else. As I mentioned above, this game no longer plays on Firefox since one of the many game fixes went in months ago (before the "fix" I only played Farmerama on Firefox).

    My settings are the same as always and the problem suddenly started this weekend (I'd played in the morning and, when I returned in the afternoon, the trouble popped up and hasn't resolved). If it can't be fixed, don't worry about it - I'll play the game until it becomes too frustrating for me and then I'll move on.
    Thank you both for all your effort on my behalf. I've enjoyed all my years on the farm.
  8. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I have forwarded your technical issue on to the Team as I do not know what else to suggest. They are requesting screenshots of the issues so they can investigate as we do not show any problems when we test your account.

    I understand players not wanting to use the Standalone client (yes it is a download), but would you be willing to install a different browser such as Chrome just for testing purposes? You can always delete it if you don't want to use it permanently. It would be helpful information for the Team as they try to figure it out.

    We hope to help find a solution so you can continue to enjoy your farm for many more years to come :)
  9. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    I just logged in and. . .the game display is back to normal!! What did you guys do? Maybe something when you tested my account? Whatever it was, thank you so much. I've got my fingers and toes crossed that it stays this way. Yay!!
  10. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I'm glad all is well again on your farm :) I have no idea what or how it was fixed but happy for you :)

    For now, as the problem has been solved, I'll close the thread, but please let us know if it returns.
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