Valentine's Day 2023

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Chevrefeuile, Feb 8, 2023.

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  1. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I use CFs when I want to get crops quick, drops are not a problem and when I have a good supply of SG and SSG. :p

    Here is an example of the difference:

    Comfort Fields with SG, SSG, water, manure and perhaps Fruit Cake and White Innocence:

    40 plots x 20 (23 seeds minus the 3 for planting) = 880

    Normal 1x1 plots:

    176 plots x 3 (4 - seed for planting) = 528

    Making a difference of 352, over two fields that would be 704. Multiply that by 3 harvests, that is over 2,000 extra seeds. With the smaller amount of plots, less SG, SSG, water and manure are used. :music:
    upa70 and Nuubi-Joonas2210 like this.
  2. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    to me -> sound nice...

    Now Milled 475+144 pieces, get all 4 piccolos so "main goal" is done... now goal is as lot of possible SG and SSG and those Crate o Buffs!

    Good Luck to EVERYONE !
  3. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Well, real life has interfered with my farming plans once again. I'm not going to get the CR on this farm or PM23's. I'm going to play off the remaining tiles I have this morning and call it good.
    Sue46, sanddollar15 and BlackCaviar like this.
  4. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    I'm ready ! :inlove::D

    As far as the target link for this Event,

    I played so that I got 4x Piccolo Box and 2x Crate O Buffs.

    A total of 704 milled (and gamed...) pieces.

    Everything I can collect (ie Star Coins, otherwise I can't get anything else) is then "win and extra achievement".

    Good luck and skill to everyone in realizing your own achievements!
    PrairieMaiden23 and upa70 like this.
  5. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Bonus Code:

    farmerumf and PrairieMaiden23 like this.
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