Wailing wall threat?

Discussion in 'General issues' started by Butsmuts, Jul 16, 2024.

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  1. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    May I ask where the UK forum has their wailing wall thread? Like we do in the Netherlands.

    The Dutch in general communicate differently then the people from the UK. We wear our harts on the sleeve and do not beat around the bush. All with out mailicious intend, I might add. This can create difficulties with the UK members.

    So I strongly advice at least one thread where the dutch can communicate in their own style.
    ( not in their own language, our own style)

    Its bad enghough we are losing our own forum for some ill-conceived reason and many have to resort to using translate of some kind to be aible to play the game at all.
    It would be even worse if we have to completly adjust our way of communicating as well.

    Sorry for grammar mistakes, I'm still Dutch.
    BellaMary69 and ssbbll like this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Butsmuts,

    At this stage, we do not have any further news regarding the closure of the Dutch Forum. We do not have a separate thread for individual languages as we do not have enough Mods to moderate different languages.

    Can I assist you further?
    BellaMary69 and ssbbll like this.
  3. ssbbll

    ssbbll Forum Greenhorn

    hello @Butsmuts
    I haven't seen a wailing wall section in the English forum.
    I am a Turkish player, our forum has been closed for many years, I don't remember exactly, but it may have been 2020, I think they closed it because there were not many players writing. We also had enough moderator friends.
    English education in our country has been much better for the last 10-15 years than before, but middle-aged or older people like us have problems with the English language, the translator does not always translate as we wish. Moreover, since we do not speak English, we do not know which word the translator will translate and how. Let's say someone wrote it using a translator, when we try to translate it back into our own language with the translator and read it, nonsense meanings appear and we experience a disconnection in meaning.
    I understand you very well. When our forum was closed, there were people who wrote here, but they were ignored. I hope someone will hear and see your article, I came to add voice to your voice, that's why I wrote it here. My moderator friends can move the article under any title they want.
    In the forums of other games of Big Point company, there are areas in the English forum where players of other nationalities can write in their own languages. Why not in this forum? It shouldn't be a difficult thing, one should start by posting a recruitment announcement for moderators for different nationalities.
    English players have the right to write in their own language
    Turkish players should have the right to write in Turkish, Dutch players should have the right to write in Dutch.
    Every nation should be able to write in their own language, and if the game is universal, the forum should be turned into a universal forum.
  4. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    I did not ask for a seperate thread in a different language inside the UK forum. I know you can not provide that.
    Nor did I ask for further news regarding the closure of the Dutch forum. I know you can not provide that either.

    I asked: where in the UK forum is a wailing wall thread? Like the one we have in the Netherlands.
    A thread specificly for complaining and whining things game related.

    I made a remark about the way the Dutch communicate and their style.
    BellaMary69 and ssbbll like this.
  5. ssbbll

    ssbbll Forum Greenhorn

    because of you wrote it with a translator, I guess I didn't understand it either. I'm sorry, I think you're talking about here

    BellaMary69 likes this.
  6. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    Good day to you.

    You decribe in a very decent way what a lot of Dutch players fear.
    In general the Dutch are proficient in the Englisch language. Not all to a high level, but we manage.
    The some what older generations not so much.
    Games is a different language al together, not day to day vocabulairy.

    Translating back and forward will create a disconnection in meaning. Players that wil stop playing because the can not follow events.
    The idea of a universal forum with different sections /languages is brilliant. Kind of like Reddit.

    Thank you in adding voice to our voice. It is appriciated!

    No translator was used for English. Only use that if I can not remember how to write a word.

    Wailing wall thread, in google translate ~edit~

    I am of to work for now.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 16, 2024
    BellaMary69 and ssbbll like this.
  7. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I have merged your 2 posts as double posting is not permitted in the forum. We kindly ask you to edit your post if no one has posted after you.

    We do not have a specific thread for a 'wailing wall' but there are individual threads for Feedback that players can post in. There is one for every event, as well as one for the game itself. You will find these threads under Player Feedback and here is the link.

    Feedback is collected and forwarded to the Game Team.

    May I assist you further?
  8. Butsmuts

    Butsmuts Forum Apprentice

    No, and we Dutch are just ~edit~ at BP for killing our community.

    And reading through the English forum, I know I will tap out quickly in participating in any events or chatting.
    Like many others.
    And most likely wil ditch playing all together.

    But best of luck to the English Mod team. I know it is not a easy task to moderate.

    You can close this topic.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 1, 2024
    BellaMary69 likes this.
  9. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    On behalf of those that assisted, you are welcome.

    ~closing as requested~
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