Want my old farm back

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by Kaydee, Nov 22, 2014.

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  1. Kaydee

    Kaydee Forum Apprentice

    I was formerly known as DubbsMom and my farm was on level 26 I couldn't log on because it wouldn't take my nickname so I finally changed it to Kaydee. I finally got on to the game but alas I had to start over. My question is can I get that farm back. I had great neighbors and would hate to lose them. Can you help me? I put a work order in on line but have never heard back. My old ID was 52183799. My new one is 52223855.
  2. Mar_Bear

    Mar_Bear Regular

    Hi, from what i have come to understand is that the farm log in will not take your nickname that you use on the forum here. You need to use the name and password that you used before when logging into the farm before you created your nickname. So if DubbsMom is your farm name use that and your password to log into your farm just like you use to. It's confusing but the nickname is only for the forum. Try that and hopefully that will work for you and I am sure a mod will be along to help if you still need it. Happy farming!!
  3. Kaydee

    Kaydee Forum Apprentice

    I am sorry I was wrong on the password. I was using my old password . When I tried to log on I put my name and password in it kept telling me it was wrong.
  4. SillyGuy

    SillyGuy Forum Veteran

  5. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Thank you SillyGuy and Mar_Bear for your assistance. :)

    Hello Kaydee, :oops:

    First of all, it is very important to know what website you have registered through. If it was a partner, and not a direct login on Farmerama, you will not be able to recover your account details through our account features. Also, you will need to contact them directly to help you recover your login credentials.

    If you registered on Farmerama directly, then you need to follow the steps described in this FAQ to reset your password. If you get stuck during the process, you will have to contact our Customer Care Service by filling in this form.

    And this takes me to the other issue you have mentioned - by filling in an order I assume you referred to submitting a Support inquiry. Have you received an auto-reply confirmation e-mail? If yes, you should have a ticket number in the subject of the e-mail. Reply to it and please ask for an update. If you have not received an automatic reply, it means that your inquiry wasn't successfully sent, so please try again, and make sure that you see the success message after submitting it, and that you check your e-mail for the confirmation message. ​

    What I can confirm, however, is that your old account is safe and sound - but for other details and help, only our Support team (or our partner's support team, if you played through another game portal) can help you.
    Can I assist you further?
  6. DubbsMom

    DubbsMom Forum Apprentice

    Hi teddy. bear, Thank you for your info. This process has confused me greatly, but I signed out of my account and was going to change my password ( I never did) but low and behold I got into my old farm!!:inlove: I am not sure what exactly happened but I am sure glad to be back to the farm and my wonderful neighbors. I'm not sure I will get back to the new farm, but I'm not as attached to it yet. It is really hard to get to the right info when you are shut out of the game, would be nice for an easier way to reach the right place for info. I'm so happy for all the help you all gave me.:D:D:D Now I have a lot of weeding to do.:( You can close this thread, Thanks again.
    Sweet_Cassiopeia likes this.
  7. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello DubbsMom :)

    I'm so happy to hear you got your farm access back! Quickly, before we contact with you :p Make sure that you save the Forum link as favourite - this will allow you to read information (but will not allow you to post), and the game page: www.farmerama.com , because at the bottom of it you will see the Support link. Whenever you have a problem and you can't access the game or the Forum, that's the place to go, and our Customer Care Team will assist you. ​

    You are most welcome :) And good luck with the weeding. ( I've read wedding first xD ) ​

    ~ Closing thread as there are no further questions ~
    solotime and Sweet_Cassiopeia like this.
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