We need more Mill space!!

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Lily_pink, Jul 27, 2017.

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  1. Lily_pink

    Lily_pink Forum Mogul

    Please, please, PLEASE add another row to each of our Mills!!! All the new things that have been added have overtaken and buried our mills...and that doesn't even count the EVENT items, etc.!!
    Thank you for considering this serious need.
    Yosa71, RowSie, Sue46 and 8 others like this.
  2. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    I would have to agree. And with all the higher time limits to mill... I cant have mill going 24/7 yet as with all the new things being added i need the stuff to use to make it happen... but at times i have found myself without a mill... 3 slots isnt enough... or add another mill to the works for the special items...
  3. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    The Baha Mill has very long Animal Feed Times, compared Main Farm Animal Feed Times.

    Adding New Animals puts more pressure to Mill Animal Feeds as it creates New Animal Feeds.

    I might be a good Suggestion is to reduce Milling Time on Animal Feeds or have a New Buff that reduce Milling Time

    Quiet often Milling Time is needed during Events. Perhaps it good idea to have an Mill in Event Playing Field during Events ?;)
    Jazac, Sue46, gardengal and 8 others like this.
  4. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I would love to have an event mill - would be much more helpful!
    Jazac, Sue46, gardengal and 9 others like this.
  5. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)An Event mill would be great - but there is also a very pressing need for an increase in our normal mills, as well, due to the many, many new animals that have been added...and the new ones that are coming very soooon!!!

    Hopefully BP will work on both these suggestions - as they are both needed!

    It shouldn't be difficult to just add another line of 3 spaces to each mill.

    And an Event mill would be very, very helpful!!):D
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
    Jazac, Sue46, gardengal and 4 others like this.
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I like all the suggestions above!
    Time is not enough to mill every feed we need or everything required for events!
    Sister3, Jazac, Sue46 and 6 others like this.
  7. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    Awesome idea!! With the current tech surrounding us farmers, this Event Mill should be able to auto start milling the Event product once the requirements are met, unless that option is overrulled by the farmer. The only disadvantage to the farmers using this mill should be the product's time it takes to mill. In the future the Game Team might devellop some handy tech buffs to overcome this.
    Jazac, Sue46, gardengal and 5 others like this.
  8. tatertot69

    tatertot69 Forum Greenhorn

    Agreed. We keep getting more field space on Bahama (thank you!), but the mill is limiting the amount of animals that can be placed. I'm struggling to keep 23 stables fed.
    Jazac, Sue46, marumo247 and 3 others like this.
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    More mill space please - count me in!

    Better still, and I know this is a pipe dream, let us have the mill like it used to be: allow us to stop production but keep what has been milled already and also allow us to use the stuff we have already milled. :)
    Jazac, lilahvale, Sue46 and 5 others like this.
  10. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Maybe I need more caffeine, but how does more milling slots help? I can queue 3 orders at a time and when one is done, begin another.
    I do like the previous mill feature of being able to have immediate access to milled items rather than having to wait for the batch to be done.
    Jazac, baw815, Sue46 and 6 others like this.
  11. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Yes, it is true that extra slots wouldn't help, Pups, but I think the OP meant another row (or more) of milling space and another poster suggested a row dedicated to event items. Anyway, I think we can all agree we need the ability to mill more at the same time. My critters are starvin'! :wuerg:

    I am an animal farmer and I used to have a very healthy supply of food, especially on Baha, but I have been reduced to growing crops cos my feed runs out too fast! :cry:
    Jazac, Sue46, gardengal and 3 others like this.
  12. Ruthums

    Ruthums Forum Apprentice

    I have nearly every possible regular animal for my level and several special ones as well, not to mention event animals. If I want to stay awake and milling 24/7 I, too, could get along fine with only 3 slots. Unfortunately I can't afford to get Menageries and am nowhere near close enough for the Magic Vine so 2 of my 3 main farms are taken up with animals (and manufactories) and part of my main farm as well. I spend too much time (and too many coins) just trying to catch up on feeding critters in the morning that I can't concentrate on crops I need for quests, etc. I'm therefore forced to buy feed or feed-making crops and spend my hard-won coins.
    Jazac, Sue46, gardengal and 2 others like this.
  13. agapornis1978

    agapornis1978 Forum Apprentice

    I suggest a new mill in every field. Too many animals, every month breeding event that use PF. How to produce PF with long time milling and occupied mill with regular feed.
    Jazac, Sue46, gardengal and 3 others like this.
  14. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    Would also like to see the mill revamped to handle more feed in line and give us a break on that powerfeed time.
    one 3 in line mill isn't effective since I've been playing the numbers of feed have grown from 18 to 65. how about a double set where two, three feeds can run at once. If the kinds of animals increased 400% why are we still working with one?
    Start working on it please.
    I almost forgot: increase the amounts to buy daily from the shop for crops to 150.
    Update the farm coins prizes...I've been looking at 'sold out' for months.
  15. nm561

    nm561 Forum Mogul

    I prefer to be able to mill on every field that has a mill instead of adding more spaces in the queue.

    We have 3 mills for mainland, 3 for tropical and after new MM area is opened fully we will probably have 2 for MM. Since we have 3 spaces for each mill I would like to see it changed so that in the mainland and tropical fields we are able to have 9 feeds in the queue (3 for each mill) and that MM we should be able to have 6 feeds in the queue.

    If not; I think BP should consider drastically reducing the mill time for the tropical fields -- I just can't keep up with them and I don't even have all the different types of pens out. Plus as stated above hard to produce PF too.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2018
  16. browndoggies97

    browndoggies97 Active Author

    i have plenty of feed for every animal. we need to be able to make power feed in bahamarama mill too.
  17. gardengal

    gardengal Exceptional Talent

    I'm working on quests right now (trying to open my menageries and rest of crystal falls) that I have to donate lots of animals for & I'm also doing lots of breeding to donate higher value animals as well & it's more than a struggle to keep up with the feed due to the very long milling time in baha. Also due to the very long mill time for PF. If we had another row for each area (for main farm & for baha) that would surely help & still be enough of a challenge in the game to not make it "easy" on us. Also, we really need to be able to mill PF in baha row as well. That would be a huge help. We use PF in all areas, so why not let us mill it in all areas.
  18. rockianuk

    rockianuk Forum Greenhorn

    Not happened yet, perhaps time for a petition:D
    Jazac, sanddollar15 and phoenixboy12 like this.
  19. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Mine tends to be idle, if I could rent it out for a few CC to my neighbours ...... :music::music:
    Jazac and Arielh like this.
  20. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Good idea Moraine! To be able to rent it from our neighbours:D
    Jazac likes this.