Where is home/land?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmerlily22, May 26, 2015.

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  1. cutie_carrot

    cutie_carrot Someday Author

    Hello! I'm from Ukraine. It's my Motherland. We have very beautiful nature. [​IMG]
  2. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Thanks for the info on the moringa tree and the photos 12ss12. Happy Self-Declared Holiday!:D

    cutie-carrot - That is a lovely photo! Thanks for sharing!:)
  3. cutie_carrot

    cutie_carrot Someday Author

    Willow That place is around 3 hours by car from my home. And in general our mountains are very beautiful in every season. Thank you too!
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  4. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Truly a beautiful place, cutie_carrot. Whenever you visit the place, I think you will be carried away to a different world. That's what I felt when I visited a place surrounded by hills, mountains. And when I went inside a cave there, I was truly mesmerised. What do you call the place ?
    MARLYMAR, shellhappybj, Bree and 2 others like this.
  5. cutie_carrot

    cutie_carrot Someday Author

    12ss12 The Carpathian Mountains, Synevyr lake (the lake in the picture). :)
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  6. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    We also have the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. Beautiful mountains indeed. Since we are neighbors. .... We was ^^
  7. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

  8. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    cutie_carrot, what a beautiful picture of the mountains and the reflection of the clouds in the lake is just awesome! :) Thanks for sharing :)
  9. cutie_carrot

    cutie_carrot Someday Author

    Arielh, sanddollar15 thank you for your feedback! :inlove:
    sanddollar15 the reflection of the clouds looks like a dinosaur, doesn't it? :pxD
    bygo_cris I will be in Romania in January, hope to visit Carpathians there and just to enjoy your country. If it won't bother you, could you write me a message maybe of places which are worth visiting? :D
    MARLYMAR, shellhappybj, Bree and 2 others like this.
  10. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    It does look like a dinosaur! ;) hehe
  11. Bree

    Bree Forum Apprentice

    Hi everyone, My name is Bree, Virignia USA here!
    I'm married, just over a year now :inlove: still in the honeymoon stage:inlove:and yes..still working out some of the kinksxD My husband & I live in a small county called Madison, it is quaint but perfect for us.
    We are both nature lovers and visit the Shenandoah National Park every chance we get. I am so glad I finally found this thread. I love seeing all of the beautiful home land pictures and learning much from reading everyone's posts:) I've always wanted to travel about and maybe one day the hubby and I will take a few trips. In the mean time we can experience different regions here. I find this game very relaxing & am trying to get him to start up a farm so we can play together in our free time (good excuse to keep playing, no ? )xD
    Tinni- What an wonderful job you have! Working outside surround by those majestic beasts. Tiger's are a favorite of ours, sad their numbers are dwindling.
    hatzeva- pretty picture, It must be great to be able to see those beautiful peacocks when going off to work!
    12ss12- you are a worth of knowledge, your pictures and stories are grand.
    Cutie_carrot- The Ukraine, wowwee will need to brush up on some reading;)xDBeautiful picture the scene looks so inviting, I can see a dinosaur's head and neck too. Finding cloud shapes are fun.
    I will need to ask the hubby :inlove:to teach me about uploading pictures. This way I can post a few of our countryside.
    TY everyone for sharing!
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  12. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Hi Bree, Welcome , glad you found this thread :) I too am from the USA, here on the East coast in Maine! :) It is getting colder every day and I am waiting for our first real snow of the season.. I live on the coast so it is hit or miss here ! lol I too love to read all about other people's homeland and LOVE the pictures they post! I have no clue how to do that either as I am really computer illiterate! lol
    Well hope to see you here again soon :)
  13. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Hello Bree, and congrats on your recent marriage!:music: I am from the Panhandle area of Florida, about an hour away from the Gulf of Mexico. Virginia is a very beautiful state which I have visited many times, and I have done some photography in Shenandoah Park. Glad you have joined us!:)
    MARLYMAR, Cassie101, Bree and 3 others like this.
  14. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Glad to know you Bree. I too like to see pictures of different places. I have not been out of India. But some day plan to do it. Meanwhile I wish to learn about different peoples and their country and culture. So eagerly waiting for your pictures. Its easy to load. You can upload it to any website that allows you to load files and store them. You can then copy them from there to here.

    Cutie_carrot : I see a Dinosaur too- upside down in water.
    MARLYMAR, Arielh, Bree and 2 others like this.
  15. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Depending what you will like to do. What do you want to do or visit in Romania? Probably in January it will be heavy snow or snow storms so let me know your plan and I will be happy to give you some good tips. In Romania there is always something to do or visit.
    MARLYMAR, Bree and shellhappybj like this.
  16. Bree

    Bree Forum Apprentice

    Hi, Finally made it back
    Thank you all so much for the welcomes!
    Hi sanddollar15- I have an Auntie that lives in Bangor, Maine:)She sent a picture onetime where the snow was up to her waist!! Thankfully, We don't get that much snow here in Va.

    Hi Willow-Thanks, Florida always brings warm thoughts to mind, I always think nice and toasty when I hear of Florida. It is on "our to do" list, for the future. I enjoy photography too, but not so good at it you will see.

    Hi 12ss12-I find your pictures from India fascinating! After some promises and bamboozling the hubby helped with picture loading.
    This picture is the view of the Shenandoah Valley from the Blackrock Summit, a favorite hiking trail of ours. [​IMG]
    The long trail (which is the one we use) is 3 miles to the summit. The summit itself is all rock bed but we think the view is worth it.
    This next two are just of the beautiful sky, I snapped them myself .:oops:
    Our view of the BlueRidge Mountians.
    Hi bygo-cris- A friend of mine visited Romania with a touring group, the pictures she took were amazing!! They went to the Carpathian Mountain's, she loves nature like we do, has a thing for birds from chickens to eagles and was excited to snap a few shots of egrets, They went to another National Park Appuseni, I'm not sure of the spelling. They saw the most amazing ice cave! After hearing her stories and seeing the pictures, My husband & I have agreed that Romania is on the list, but not anytime in the near future. (He just picked up a new job) Great of you to offer travel tips! I will jot down what you find most interesting too.
    To my wonderful husband, even when I upset you, you still help when I need it. I love ya! Thank you for all your help with the pictures. (this was part of the deal,xD)
    I will check back after the holidays, We wish you a happy holiday season!
  17. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Beautiful photos Bree! I am your 'neighbor' in Ky.
  18. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Hi Bree, What beautiful photos :inlove: I'd say the hike is worthwhile to see such amazing views. I'm from Florida too and we don't have the mountains or snow :( but if warm and toasty is what you want then head our way xD
  19. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Love the photos Bree; very nice job! :) As JJenks said, come to Florida if you like it warm - but come in early spring or late fall. If you like it hot then come from June to August!xD
  20. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Hi Bree, Bangor is somewhat North of me and we are a snowy state! :) I think your pictures are just lovely and thanks to the help of your husband we can now all see how pretty your area is..Thanks for sharing! I hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season also :)
    MARLYMAR and shellhappybj like this.
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