Where is home/land?

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by farmerlily22, May 26, 2015.

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  1. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Hi Arielh !

    I very much liked your photos. :inlove::inlove:Especially the first one - temple & the Academy. They are breath - taking. I like the paintings on the exterior of the Academy. Its very overwhelming and a rarity to have combination of ancient & modern knowledge combined into one. I see from your pictures that your countrymen have been passing on all the knowledge, civilization etc.. generation after generation and not only preserving them but also enriching them more and more.

    What do they teach in that Academy ? Are the paintings of Greek philosophers ?

    My mother wanted me to enlarge the picture of 5 Caryatids. I said, wait a moment mother and showed your spoiler picture instead. ;)

    I think there are several similarity between both our cultures and I knew we had very good trading and political relations several thousands of years back. (All pictures posted here are file pictures.)

    1. Your temple columns is similar to that of ours.

    These are some of the pillars from some of our temples. All over South India, South East Asia these types of temples in Dravidian Architecture is found. If you travel in Tamilnadu you will come across these ancient temples every 2 or 3 hours of travel :)
    Nellaiappar Temple
    This one is musical pillar. You get different sounds from each pillar, if you tap them.


    Statue pillar Sri Ramanathaswamy temple 12th Century ; Rameswaram small island in Gulf of Mannar Tamil Nadu


    Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple Pillars

    This picture below is from Annamalaiyar Temple of Tiruvannamalai. Its the home town of my parents. It has a Mandapam / hall that has 1000 stone pillars. Many temples have 1000 pillar mandapams.


    Lion Pillars in Kailasanatha temple in Kanchipuram near Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


    2. This is our Council of States in New Delhi. Another similarity.


    3. Your people built stone temples on hills and mountains. Our people did that too.

    4. The way of dressing of ancient Greeks & ancient Tamils are similar. One on their waist and another drapped over their shoulders.

    5. Greek & Chola Sculpture resemblances.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    6. Indo-Greek Coins, empires etc...

    7. Huge amount of Greek & Roman gold coins were excavated in southern parts of Tamilnadu.
    8. We had settlements known as "yavanar settlements". Yavanars refer to Greek/ Roman people.

    Thanks for all the photos and information, Arielh. knew only about the few of the above facts. But your pictures aroused my thinking and I learnt several of the above things yesterday by surfing. Thanks. Along with your trip, I am learning several thing too.

    I just thought to put one or two pictures. But it got out of my hand. I do not know which one to keep and which to delete. Some I deleted. :p

    Flamingos do strike upon lot of poses, that's what I read and I saw that in my photos too. I think they have rubbers instead of bones. Bending them in whatever way they want.

    We don't have snow here. And I very much desire to tour any country during snowy seasons and built a snowman. I do not know when that would be possible. But will keep it in my list of wishes.

    12ss12 = abc;)
  2. elena516

    elena516 Advanced

    Hi everyone, very nice post and wonderful pictures :D

    I live in Italy, in a little seaside town in the north of Tuscany. We are famous for the white marble quarries.
    I don't have pics shot by myself at the moment, so I've browsed the following:
    1- a panoramic view (my place is in the bottom left corner)
    2- the main plaza
    3- a marble quarry :D



  3. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Welcome to this thread. Your photos are beautiful. Now we have Italy too. Keep posting.
    farmlily3, sanddollar15 and elena516 like this.
  4. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Welcome elena and thanks for sharing such lovely photos. :)
  5. Hi_Ho_Hi_Ho

    Hi_Ho_Hi_Ho Someday Author

    What is your farms' name? I tried GRANNY and the game said it doesn't exist.
  6. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Lotus Pond and its Park







    Last edited by moderator: Jun 26, 2016
  7. escalonilla

    escalonilla Forum Commissioner

    Home is just a week away!

    I've been away since July and I'm so thrilled to see all my family and friends.

    The day after landing in Spain I'll be at the Bernabeu Stadium watching the Champions League Final (soccer).
    This is how it looked 2 years ago (Was there too)
    I'm a Real Madrid fan btw!
    If Real wins, everybody will go to the Cibeles fountain to celebrate
    If Real loses, Atletico de Madrid is the winner so their supporters will go to Neptuno's fountain.
    Whatever happens, it's going to be a great night to be in Madrid!
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 26, 2016
    12ss12, Arielh, elena516 and 7 others like this.
  8. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    esca - I wish you a safe journey home!!! I'm sure your family & friends miss you terribly! :music: I hope you have a fantastic time at the game!;)
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    In the Academy they teach Natural Sciences(like advanced Maths, Physics), Letters(like History,Literature, Archeology), Arts, Moral and Political Sciences.
    There are also Research centres.

    The paintings are of Greek philosophers but I think there are some other important Greeks too, not only philosophores. I will look into that and I will tell you soon.:)I didn't know our civilizations had so many similarities. I knew yours also has also a long history and accomplishments.
    I liked all the pictures:)
    Did your mother liked the 5 Caryatids? A fact about them is that even though they seem to be the same they are not. They have a different hairstyles and other details.

    Hi Elena your photos are amazing! Is today your name-day?

    escalonilla You have been away from your home a long time I am sure everyone missed you there:)
    I hope Real Madrid wins:music:;)
    12ss12, escalonilla and elena516 like this.
  10. elena516

    elena516 Advanced

    Hi Arielh :)
    No, my name day is 18th august, Santa Elena :music:
    12ss12 and Arielh like this.
  11. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Okay then :) because in Greece the names Elena(or Eleni) and Konstantinos have a celebration today and a lot of Greeks are called like this. From the Saints Konstantinos and Eleni, Eleni was the mother of the byzantium emperor Konstantinos.
    12ss12 and elena516 like this.
  12. elena516

    elena516 Advanced

    That's nice to know, I like my name very much, sound and meaning and history :)
    I am planning to visit Greece soon. We used to go to Egypt for holidays (my husband was born there and we go visit the family) but lately it's not safe to go there. So I was thinking about Greece, I think is one of the best places around. I just hope we'll have the money this summer :music:
    12ss12 and Arielh like this.
  13. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I hope your husband's family is safe...
    Greece is very beautiful especially the islands. Where I live we have a lot of Italian tourists coming every summer. :)
    It seems strange to me that you know English very well but usually Italian tourists don't know almost anything. But I may be wrong about this...
    12ss12, farmlily3 and elena516 like this.
  14. elena516

    elena516 Advanced

    Yes they live far from big cities so they are safe. The problem is how to get there :(

    Lol you're right, many italians can't speak english. I have learned some at school and a lot with songs lyrics and english-speaking forums. I can read and write quite correctly but if you'd listen to me talking, you'd probably roll down laughing on the floor ;)
    12ss12, farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
  15. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Photographs from my native village. This time I took the photos.


    Last edited by moderator: Jun 26, 2016
    tlcmom, elena516, Arielh and 8 others like this.
  16. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    2: Epicurus or Heraclitus or Democritus 4:Anaximander 5:Averroes 6:Pythagoras 7:Alcibiades or Alexander the Great 8:Antisthenes or Xenophon 9Hypatia(female Greek mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher in Egypt) 10:Aeschines or Xenophon 11: Parmenides 12:Socrates 13:Heraclitus 14:Plato 15:Aristotle 16:Diogenes of Sinope 18:Euclid or Archimedes with students
    We are not exactly sure who is who. This painting was copied from the original which is in Vaticano.
  17. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you, Arielh ! Few of them I know. Others I am trying to know from you picture. Its really great that their portraits have been preserved. Its such an treasure.


    We had a spectacular sunset few weeks before. All our buildings, walls staircase etc got a bright orangeish colour. Here is a photo of the sunset. Taken from our terrace.

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
    farmlily3 and Arielh like this.
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