Wheres the baskets?

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by FarmerTed, Dec 21, 2015.

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  1. FarmerTed

    FarmerTed Forum Apprentice

    I would like to bring to bigpoints attention that the number of hand woven baskets I've been getting has dropped tremendously since the beginning of this year.. I don't know if anyone else has been having this problem.. the other supplies that it takes to build paint factories have over shadowed the hand woven baskets multiple times over... support would say that drops are random.. but I say if the breeding can be calculated so can the drops.. please fix this problem.

    User name: farmerfarmerfarmer
    User ID: 30538303
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    FarmerTed, the thread will get more attention if you post it in the player feedback section. I would say Tech support for a problem, but in this case you already got your answer from support, so its really more feedback.

    Also, you might ask in ChitChat if others are noticing this drop. Sorry to say, but one person's result is not representative. Also, I don't think the drop rates are uniform for all items. Some are definitely harder to get than others. And, as you move up, I think (? again, not a mod) the items you can get changes, so that would alter the drop rate for each individual item.
    BlackCaviar likes this.
  3. FarmerTed

    FarmerTed Forum Apprentice

    I believe only mods can start a thread in the players feedback so I cannot post there... I did not directly get an answer to this post from support but from a similar post about drops.. they said drops were random... so now I am making a suggestion to bigpoint to change the
    calculation of drops to include more baskets.. I might also post in Chit Chat to get more player feedback. But player feedback is also welcome here..
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 21, 2016
  4. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    woody and Cassie101 like this.
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    SweetCassiopeia is correct.
    You don't start your own thread there, you just add to the ones that exist, depending on the category.
    I think this would be the best one for the drop issue:

    I say that because folks periodically complain about drops, generally. You can suggest it here, too, but It does not seem that these threads are looked at quite as often as the feedback area. I might be wrong, but that is my impression -- these are things they look at "when they have time". Feedback is more immediate, though "immediate" does not mean an immediate change. In this case, unless a LOT of people complain (and they have in the past for various drop issues, but I have not heard complaints about baskets until this), its unlikely to change. Some items are very intentionally set with lower drop rates than others. They are used for fewer items.

    You might look into refinements (greenhouse). I don't know if there is one that will specifically increase baskets, though.
    Cassie101 likes this.
  6. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    Both kohlrabi and hazelnuts offer a refinement for more baskets. Both also have negative effects with those refinements.

    For drops in general, you should increase the level of your trophies and either move them around on your fields as you harvest (with the appropriate 10 seconds or so to make sure they are in effect before you harvest the field) OR open the LL rune on the Tree of Wisdom where you can place your trophies so they will effect all fields without having to move them. (The Country Fair FSQ and the Farming Contest FSQ are the two Farmers Society Quests where you can collect trophy improvements.)
    woody likes this.
  7. FarmerTed

    FarmerTed Forum Apprentice

    Yes, I have the living legend rune open and and have a high percentage drop rate but still the baskets come around slowly.. I don't know if its because of my level (91) or because bigpoint recalculated drops.... as for refinements I haven't put too much time into that part of the game... never had to up until the lack of drops came about.. -.-

    User name: farmerfarmerfarmer
    User ID: 30538303