Why and When questions

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by jesterruler1, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. jesterruler1

    jesterruler1 Active Author

    Well not sure why they wanted to stop the M6 quest even though I had it totally done but I think they could have had way more of them if they wanted to.

    Now for the when stuff Ok I was just wondering when are they coming out with a new workshop in the artisan village. I'm pretty sure I read something about new workshops coming there a few years back but I think they totally forgot about it. I would like to see some kind of new workshops. Not an updated one not one revamped and not just new items for the ones that are already out. Would be something totally nice for a change even if they charged real money for it I would buy it. Just to have something new. Or now get the confectionery from Lorenzo's fair which is just wrong for those who actually payed cash for it. Regardless if they have use a lot of coins or not. It just wrong for us older players who actually put cash into getting those.

    When will they have the reduce feed making for free players again I know there is a rune for it but a couple years back they use to have a reduce time thing for free players from time to time but now they only want to have it for players who put cash into the game its just wrong. I can understand they wanting a little money to keep the game running and all that but they should give us free players a taste of it once in a while too so they would get more people putting money into the game. Besides just buying the crafting shop to make carrot apple chutneys.
    And a few ep cc items.

    I know i put this stuff on here before and I mention this one to before and a lot of people where backing this idea but why not make the tiki thing sellable on the farm. I'm pretty sure people who doesn't have the butterfly one that makes it would buy it from the shop I know if i didn't have it I would buy it from shop every now and then if I used it.

    I do really love the game I play every day and will continue playing the game its one of my obsessions.
  2. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Or an make it a plant where customers could order customized pens/stables...anything. Get rid of the Alcestis...he doesn't even belong on s farm...epic fail