FAQ Wild About Animals XVIII

Discussion in 'FAQ Archive' started by shooger.sweet, Nov 8, 2023.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Reminder! All the info in this FAQ was correct at the time of testing. Some info could get changed when going LIVE, the FAQ will be updated as soon as possible with correct information, so thank you for your patience and understanding, and don't forget to refresh every now and then to check for updated info.

    Wild About Animals
    9th of November 2023 - 14th of November 2023
    Difficulty: Medium - Hard

    * From what level can I participate in this event?
    You will need to be level 21.
    * How can I access the event?
    You can access the event via the news page, event timer and the event building:
    breeding event entry.gif

    * What is special about this event?

    info layer.png

    All Animals produced in Stables will be divided into classifications. These are:
    Amphibians, Arthropods, Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles and Full Moon.

    You will see the classification of each animal in:
    Breeding houses - icon on base animal buttons
    Shop - tool tip info on stables
    Barn - tool tip on the animal

    game layer.png

    For this event, we will need to Breed animals to collect badges from the Arthropod, Bird and Full Moon classifications.


    With every completed breeding of an animal belonging to one of the required classes (arthropod/bird/full moon) the player gains a arthropod/bird/full moon badge.

    breedingsep2016arthropodbdg_big.png breedingbadgeBird_big.png breedingbadgeMoonshine.png
    There is a small chance of receiving an additional badge belonging to one of the other categories with each breeding of animals in the arthropod/bird/full moon classifications.

    The leftover Badges, after the event, will be exchanged for 20 CC.

    WARNING ! You need to donate the exact amount (or as close as possible) for each step! The excess will be lost for every step, so please be very careful when choosing your donations.

    * Is there anything else I should know?
    Yes! Here are the requirements and rewards of the Wild About Animals Event!

    Left Side: Arthropods
    arthropd rewards.png
    Valid Animal/Breeding donations:
    • ant, bee, butterfly, crab, dragonfly, ladybug, lobster, mantis, scorpion, snail,
    • spooky spider, stag beetle, stick insect

    breeding category-birds.png
    Middle Side: Birds
    bird rewards.png
    Valid Animal/Breeding donations:
    • blue jay, chicken, crane, crow, cuckoo, dodo, dove, duck, eagle, falcon,
    • flamingo, goose, guineafowl, hummingbird, kakapo, kingfisher, kiwi bird,
    • ostrich, owl, padovana chicken, parakeet, parrot, peacock, penguin, pheasant,
    • roadrunner, robin, rooster, secretarybird, stork, swan, toucan, turkey

    breeding category-fullmoon.png
    Right Side: Full Moon
    fullmoon rewards.png
    Valid donations:
    • all fullmoon crops/animals/products/tree fruit can be donated
    * Can I pay with BBs to work my way through the challenges?
    No. You can only pay your way through some steps with CCs by purchasing animals/coloured animals from the market.

    * What special items are offered as prizes?

    Event stickers
    1026.png 1024.png 1025.png
    You'll find these stickers in your Sticker Album!

    New Stable/Upgrades:

    Bearded Reedling Nest
    Time: 19 hours and 30 minutes
    Requires to be fed: 1 Bearded Reedling feed (1 x Filbert Nut, 1 x Sweetgum ball, 1 x Kowhai bloom)
    Milling Time: 10 minutes
    Gives: 1 Bearded Reedling + 300 EP + 4 Manure

    Placeable on Main Lands from level 3

    Wendigo Cave I: Yellow
    Time: 8 hours
    Requires to be fed: 1 Wendigo feed (20 x Eyesparagus, 20 x Shimmer Berries, 6 x Night Trumpets)
    Milling time: 11 minutes and 40 seconds
    Gives: 1 Wendigo + 215 EP + 2 Manure

    Placeable on Moonlight Lands from level 2

    Stick Insect Biome II: Orange
    Time: 18 hours
    Requires to be fed: 1 Stick Insect feed (5 x Sugarcanes, 2 x Tamarillos, 2 x Hoyas)
    Milling time: 9 minutes
    Gives: 2 Stick Insects + 645 TEP + 4 Manure

    Placeable on Tropical Lands from Baha level 1

    * Will there be any Event Baskets during this event?

    Yes, there will be 5 "Wild" baskets:
    Monster’s Wild Basket
    50 x Zombie Sheep
    5 x Full Moon Badges
    10 x Power-feed
    1 x Zombie Sheep pen
    Zombie Sheep pen II: Orange
    2 x “Specter” Eerie Wonder Trees

    Buyable once only for €9.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Small Bird’s Wild Basket
    72 x Emerald Parrots
    10 x Bird Badges
    10 x Power-feed
    12 x Deluxe Pheromones

    Buyable multiple times for €4.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Large Bird’s Wild Basket
    200 x Parrots
    100 Pelicans
    25 x Bird Badges
    24 x Deluxe Pheromones
    1 x Roadrunner Nest

    Buyable multiple times for €9.99 or equivalent in your currency

    Small Arthropod’s Wild Basket
    72 x Red Scorpions
    10 x Arthropod Badges
    10 x Power-feed
    12 x Deluxe Pheromones

    Buyable multiple times for €4.99 or equivalent in your currency


    Large Arthropod’s Wild Basket
    200 x Scorpions
    100 x Cicadas
    25 x Arthropod Badges
    24 x Deluxe Pheromones
    1 x Poodle Moth House

    Buyable once only for €9.99 or equivalent in your currency
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~edit~ changed wording in chart for fullmoon donations
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