winter calender

Discussion in 'Technical issues' started by mcasparky, Dec 19, 2024 at 8:59 PM.

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  1. mcasparky

    mcasparky Forum Apprentice

    i have tried to log in via the standalone client...i just keep getting the sheep and wheelbarrow. it gets to 100% but will not load the game.
    i have logged in on the browser to get my daily reward and collect the winter calender item.
    has anyone else noticed a delay using the standalone client not loading?

    ps i have tried with my other 2 accounts, upa70 and arun6789 and neither of those can log into the game using the standalone client.
  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello mcasparky :)

    There are not any login issues with the Standalone client. Please try clearing your browser cache and cookies. You can also try to uninstall and reinstall the client.

    If you want us to clear your server cache, please post your user IDs.

    May I assist you further?