XXL Peach tree and their base

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by FrootloopGrove, May 4, 2018.

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  1. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    :eek:Why is there no base tree given with the XXL peach tree when it is won on the wheel?
    I'd much rather receive a reg peach tree (base) that I can plant and harvest than a useless (unless using real money) upgrade. -.-o_O:(
    What do you think?:music:
    tlcsquared, Sue46, julie1013 and 4 others like this.
  2. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    I agree! We used to be overrun with Peach trees, when they were part of the Secret Seedlings. But that's been a long time ago, when there were no XXL Peach, and now, many of us have more XXL than we can use! In the case of the Peach, I'd like to see just a plain Peach on the Wheel. In my opinion, all upgrades, tree and stable, should come with a base, as the Mystery Stables and Wonder Trees do.
    queen, Sue46, RowSie and 7 others like this.
  3. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum Ambassador

    Great question FrootloopGrove ....somehow I have acquired 20+ XXL peach tree upgrades for the few base peach trees I own-.-I have a difficult time deciding which upgrade to place on my peach tree :music:Base and upgrade together on the wheel please BP;)
  4. swCactus1

    swCactus1 Padavan

    Yes ... it is pointless to have an XXL tree and no base ~ not much of a "prize" is it?
    Thank you, FruitLoopGrove for making this suggestion!
    queen, Sue46, FrootloopGrove and 3 others like this.
  5. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    It's an old money lure. It is annoying. It does follow the pattern tho. So if we can't have the base (1 choice), at least increase the EV for mystery tree train. Might have some use then.
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend