Zero items on the market

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Brakta, Oct 17, 2015.

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  1. Brakta

    Brakta Advanced

    given the fact that the admins are using their ~edit~ god given ~edit~ powers to regulate the prices on the market by pouring n x10 000 products when the prices are high and they see this as an acceptable practice ( its either a free market or is not )

    why don't they also find it a good practice to add a few items when the amount is zero ?

    * you can also put it at a fair price since this is your philosophy
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015
  2. Neon-Lights

    Neon-Lights Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hi Brakta

    The market prices are dynamic and are determined according to recent buying / selling trends. Nobody "sets" prices.
    Admins have no influence over what is available in the market or at what prices, it is purely what players offer and buy.
    If some items are zero, it is because nobody is selling them or they are being bought quickly. Some items sell out if there are rumours that they may be needed for a forthcoming event.
  3. Brakta

    Brakta Advanced

    and then what are those players with strange names putting 20 x 6000 items for sale at half the price exactly then the prices are high , and also one of the admins was talking about this , too bad i cant remember what post that was

    here i was talking about those items that are never for sale like new tree fruits for example , or high level breeding animals that are required in soup and friends quest, etc

    now for ex the only way to complete the Afternoon quest is to spend 420 BB to buy the new wonder tree packs

    as stated before this is turning to be a game of: spend real money to buy new items

    i have no problem with people using real money to cheat at a game, we can top that using our brains , just give as a way to do it
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2015