Mentor forum

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Dec 22, 2015.

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  1. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    ssshhhh.....don't let everyone know....then the market will plummet! :eek:o_OxDxDxD
  2. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    I have Just been a Mentor for about Two Months Been Waiting Couple of Years to be a Mentor far only had 1 Chickadee Managed to get to level 40...All my other Chicks have not really level up at all they all Idle Farmers have sent them IGM but it seem pointless at times when it seem these not longer sign back into the Game.

    I will keep try to get some responsive chicks so far none will keep trying i send them gifts anyway the best one i have. But not making an progress in 48 Hours I kick them out Try to get Active Chicks...Will Certain be a Great Mentor to any active Chick.
    alexis2112 likes this.
  3. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    I have reccently become a mentor as well...very frustrating...I have only one that is making progress...I have dropped several if they were in the red or not doing anything...My question...How do you get the social EP to increase? I send daily gifts, checking in emails, etc?
    alexis2112 likes this.
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I am thinking maybe we need to redo the "basic farming" strategy guides and maybe redo them -- VERY basic, as much to remind we new mentors as for the newbies themselves. (and that would be something else we could have in a mentor forum.
    alexis2112 and harry011975 like this.
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    lol-- Even if every chick we get actually listens to our advice (HIGHLY doubtful, that!), it still would be just a drop in any market.
    alexis2112 likes this.
  6. chookie

    chookie Exceptional Talent

    I have just become a mentor and have yet to find an active chick. I usually just gift and message until the bar fills up and then leave them to see if I can find someone new. I wish they would concentrate on developing this feature more e.g. extend the length of time the chicks are in the nest, being able to pair with correct languages, immediate removal of blinking red chicks etc.
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Since no one else has done a new tip yet:

    Tip #3 -- Do NOT use powerfeed for anything but breeding animals (begins level 20). Even then, try waiting for a special event called a "Baby Boom".

    You get points every time you gift your chicks. What I was told, what I do now, is to gift them faithfully, every day until the meter is full. A button will appear beneath the bar (may take a tad now, the system seems to have slowed for some reason.. hopefully just temporary). Click that button to gain the points. At that point you can either keep on or discard the chick to get a new one. Most of us (from what I gather) will dismiss any chick that does not either move up or respond at that point. Per the red ones -- you know they are inactive, but you cannot dismiss them until you have had them 24 hours (or so). You can gift them to get the points since they likely will not disappear before that, or you can wait and just get another chick the next day.

    Also, there are apparently 2 levels.. apparently it takes a while to get to the next level, but will happen eventually.

    The language bit would help, but might be tricky, since not every language is supported with a mentor. Early on, I suggested that they maybe create 2 pools of mentors -- one group who would only work with folks speaking the same language and another group for those willing to communicate using google translate, etc.

    Or, it might be nice if folks speaking the less common languages created a general welcome/information section. Anything more than that and I would say using google translate would be good enough (or about all that could be expected), but having a very basic information bit in various languages, I think would be a help, let people know better if this game is something they wish to pursue further.

    to it, farmerama would have to create a space. Not sure how it would work -- if folks signing on might be given a link or what.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
    alexis2112 likes this.
  8. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    Thanks for giving me some advice...I do like the tip of the day
    alexis2112 likes this.
  9. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    There are 5 levels of mentors
    Per FAQ
    What is the Social level?
    A mentor's total accumulated social points form its social level. There are 5 levels in the social ranking, depending on how many social points are accumulated.


    Once the mentor has accumulated some social points, he can spend them in the Mentor Store to purchase different items. Spending social points in the Mentor Store will not cause the mentor to loose any ranking in the Social levels.

    I try to do a tip of the day as well, but find it difficult at times when chicks don't always reply. It would be helpful to know what they are actually working on. I do send a level up gift (artisan product) in addition to the normal daily mentor gift to chicks that are leveling up. If they communicate with me then I can select something that will help with the task they are doing. For example, if they have followed a suggestion of chicken farming (or rabbit if time is limited) for manure sales, then I may send a Valentine's Pot. If they are working on crops (for an event, quest or just building inventory) I may send PJ/CAC. In the absence of information, I may send a carrot bread, yellow pear jam, tomato chutney...with instructions on where to find it and how to use it.

    For other mentors, how do you select which mentor gift to send each day? Do you just rotate among the list or do you just send what is harder to obtain(PF, SG, toolbox)?

    I became a mentor at the end of November and am still level 1. So far, I have had 14 chicks. Two have replied to IGMs. One flew the nest after only 5 days so I wasn't very helpful to them (or at least I feel that way) but they have made rapid progress and seem to have a good command of the game. My next chick I am mentoring now is making good steady progress and will be flying away soon too. The other 12 were mostly level 3 and were blinking red or the thermometers just continued to drop.
  10. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Thank you puppiesnponies!!!!
    alexis2112 likes this.
  11. AnnTAngel7

    AnnTAngel7 Advanced

    PnP with the active chicks you can ask what they would like as a mentor gift. With the ones that don't respond but are active I mix it up a little.
    As far as directing them to the forum.... detailed directions help. Also, they may not post (except for neighbors) but they may be reading. Why don't we just start a thread in strategies?
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thanks Ann:) I do ask but sometimes chicks don't really know what they need to ask for it. I really want to do a good job and help them get started off to a nice start.
  13. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    I've only had one responsive chick, so I send them what they want. At the moment I'm sending pf in light of the upcoming breeding event and I will send sg every now and again. If they're blinking red I tend to send poop until the meter is full and then send them a goodbye, hope you come back igm.
  14. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I have only had 2 chicks that responded and those left the nest by leaving before they leveled out and before they asked for help. I feel like such a bad mentor. Like PnP, I want to send what will help, when they are at level three not many options there. -.-
  15. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    There have been more than one, they were archived a few months ago. It needs updating anyway. I would, but I think it really needs pictures and my system is not great for doing screenshots.
    cheeepcheap likes this.
  16. cheeepcheap

    cheeepcheap Regular

    I'm just a chickadee, not a mentor, so....I hope a little feedback from the other side is welcome??

    The one thing I found/needed most was - communication! Unfortunately, I was given a Mentor when I was too close to level 40...and so missed out on all the great benefits of this program. Everything/one just disappeared when I hit that level, and so I missed a wonderful opportunity for some real help.
    Also, please be patient with any 'green-lighters', as there may be all kinds of reasons for not hearing from them. Including just plain ignorance of the program. Or even something as simple as not understanding that communication both ways is needed.

    I love all the great suggestions here....and especially the 'Tip of the Day'! That is just what is needed....information and communication!!
    Please don't give up on us 'chicks' too quickly
    ....this is a good program, and there really are some of us who hold you Mentors in high esteem!:inlove:
    I deeply regret losing mine before we really even got started.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  17. elimeno

    elimeno Forum Overlooker

    How did u get 15 mentee's? I have only that depending on social level?

  18. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I apologize for any confusion. I have 3 chicks at a time but have had a total of 14 chicks come through my chickadee roost. Of the 14, 1 has flown the nest after 5 days, and now have 2 who are making good progress. The rest were mostly level 3 who did not return to the game or were already blinking red when I got them.
  19. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    cheeepcheap - A few of my chicks keep in contact after they've graduated(level 40). I'm happy to help them with aspects of the any time. I've even had one who dropped off....and then returned to the game...and wrote me with questions.

    I feel the mentor system needs a bit more support from BP. I would hope....since we have many wonderful mentors, eager to help newbies...that would prevent new players from giving up on the game...while they are just getting their feet wet/starting to play the game. Perhaps...a pop-up explaining they can receive help from "real'-life" players/farmers...called mentors.
    Especially with a lure of daily gifts....:p
    sanddollar15, JJenks, Willow and 3 others like this.
  20. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    The gifts that chicks get from the mentors come from their mentor's barn or from BP?