The Great Breakout II

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Niknar-, Aug 26, 2020.

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  1. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I got 388 files from my initial harvest.:)
    Mooboy, Nala777, shellhappybj and 5 others like this.
  2. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    I hope you realize that if you only do 3 harvests of event crop a day with longer crops overnight right from the start, you'll fall short by about 2-3 harvests unless you have a harvest bonus running or use SSG.

    That said, I agree it's a good idea to plant longer crops overnight lest we risk falling short on drops.

    Hate to tell you this but comfort fields are a poor choice for your initial harvest because you can only get a max of 1 drop per plot, which means 44 comfort fields will only yield a max of 44 drops - far less than what you got from your field of carnations on 1x1s.

    It's not just the majority view - it's a fact that has been confirmed by BP themselves. ;)
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
    Mooboy, Cassie101, Nala777 and 4 others like this.
  3. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    and that's exactly what happened. Regretting the post I read now, but the carnation drops made up for it. This is what happens when I read and do stuff at night. I make silly errors in judgement.
    Mooboy, Nala777, habalala and 4 others like this.
  4. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    First full field (1x1) event crop harvest gave 37 File drops on Green Meadow and 40 File drops on Mainland.
    So I may expect an average of about 75 File drops per harvest. Going by 3 harvests/day = 225 File drops/day. Which is not enough! Even when doing 4 harvests/day, 300 File drops/day, it'll be a miracle to gain enough drops in just 7 days.

    Hmm.. overnight crops might be a need (and/or spend SG on instant roses/crocusses). I'll do so for at least 2 nights.

    To deal with a shortage of crops by doing 3 harvests a day I aim, I hope and I wish for a farmwheel harvest bonus in the weekend.

    Stay safe fellow farmers. Keep smiling too!
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  5. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    I haven't seen a harvest bonus on the wheel for days, except for a workshop one.
    Yeh the drops are rubbish now that I've finally manged to harvest a full crop.

    Could someone clarify "instant roses" please? I understand it refers to refinements, but which ones and how do you get "instant"? Thanks (i did a search but that's like looking for a needle in broke's barn.)

    *edit, nevermind I think I have found the right post links now. Stay tuned for additional questions :)
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
    habalala, Mooboy, Cassie101 and 2 others like this.
  6. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    I'm curious to know. I haven't tried the refinery yet. Would love to start doing this, instantly. But how does this work????
    I started this event with empty fields. So, no initial drops for me. I'm growing event crops right now.
    You too stay safe, Habalala
    habalala, Mooboy, joanc123 and 2 others like this.
  7. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    There is a problem with this at the moment. Our star coins are being wrongly converted. Mods are going to keep us informed.
    Nala777, Sue46, zerodegrees and 8 others like this.
  8. AniE

    AniE Forum Commissioner

    I haven't done this event before and don't really know how to do the mini game. Not sure whether to continue.
    Nala777, Mooboy and joanc123 like this.
  9. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Hi Anie, check out my previous post. To be honest, I can't really work out the best way to use the tiles or the entry places, I just pick any one at the moment! ;)
    Nala777, habalala, Mooboy and 3 others like this.
  10. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    Instant roses or carnations are ready instantly on comfort fields, when they are given supercrow. To do that you need "Chesnut row" (Harvest Festval 2014 Magic stalk row), SG love and early bloomer for carnation in plant refinery and Growth boost on Tree of Wisdom and Fruit cake and White innocence in Gold slot. Nowadays there are so many new boosts for flowers, so perhaps it works without chestnut row.

    I advise to accept everything Greenhouse offers, even when you never need it. If you don't, you probably get it over and over again instead of SG love ;)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2020
  11. Shimmer

    Shimmer Forum Veteran

    You literally can't fail or do badly on the mini game. If it takes you 100 moves, there's no penalty at all, it's just a waste of your time.
    I've found you pretty quickly get the hang of it. A game takes me 2-3 minutes now, with collecting all of the treasures in the order in which they glow/flash for attention. Not that you start there, it's only 1 or 2 treasures at the start, then the exit.
    Nala777, Mooboy, lode99 and 4 others like this.
  12. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Shimmer is can't fail and it doesn't matter how long it takes you. Remember what I said in my earlier post? This one really is just a time waster...and why I said not to wait until the last minute.

    Okay, that said, here are my tips for getting through the mini-games:

    The game is a road maze that you can change by moving (and ROTATING) the square that you get control of - you put one road square on one side, and whatever is on the opposite edge falls off and it's the next one you can place. Right click to rotate. Sometimes you have to think ahead a square or two to get the right one (a curve or a straight) to the middle to collect the token that is glowing (that's the one you need to get to). After each move you can plop the weasel where ever you want (as long as the tile is lit). So there's a bit of strategy there - can you get him close to the glowing token and then with the next shift in the road map get him to the token? Then that's where you put him. After you play a couple mini-games, you'll get the hang of this - there were several games similar to this back in the day (yes, I am exposing my age by saying this) as in the early days of Windows - cough cough...anyone else remember Chip's Challenge and Pipe Dreams?
    Nala777, Sue46, zerodegrees and 8 others like this.
  13. jäniksenpelätti

    jäniksenpelätti Forum Mogul

    The idea is also similar to the old board game Labyrinth.
  14. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    I know you already found your answer, ctindaldavies, but I thought I'd reply anyway for people like Nala777.

    For instant roses, you need the following:
    • Growth Boost rune unlocked on the Tree of Wisdom
    • white innocence (gold slot)
    • fruit cake (gold slot)
    • SG Love refinement on roses
    • Duo Fertilizer Love refinement on roses
    • Chestnut Festival Cloud Row or Birthday Wish Magic Stalk Row

    The CR is key. If you don't have either CR but you've got the rest, you can get roses down to 9 mins on 2x2s or 35 mins on comfort fields with water and manure - not quite instant but close enough. If you add in the "Early Bloomer" refinement on roses, you can get them down to 8 mins on 2x2s or 32 mins on comfort fields with water and manure.

    But there are better options out there for those with the Chestnut Festival Cloud Row or Birthday Wish Magic Stalk Row. In fact, any crop with a refinement that increases SG effectiveness by 25% will work (e.g., carnations). Players with both CRs can go even lower and use any crop with a refinement that increases SG effectiveness by 20%.

    -Mir85- posted an explanation of how instant crops are possible here.
  15. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    The drops are disgustingly low. After completing the 15th game, (wow.....not) I have 2000 cake, 2722 blue prints and wait for it, drumroll....26 files. One harvest on the GM gave me 22 files! Thats with 3 howie's on it and the 9 side trees that were ready. I've made some stupid mistakes with this event. First there was the comfort row start on the main field and now 2 nights in a row I have slept through an alarm. This one hurt a lot as I had 2 x +2 harvest bonuses last night that would have given 8 per plot ( it was a 6 hour one I think), threw down SG and had 1 hour to go. Set my alarm and SLEPT THROUGH IT :mad:. 4.5 hours later I woke up. Thats 2 nights in a row I've slept through. In my defence I have really bad hayfever and my sinuses are killing me. The mini games are really easy. The trick is if you get a piece that will not get you where you want to go, dont use it. Throw it in somewhere else that doesn't affect you.

    I spent some time yesterday and got all the refinements on roses now. I don't have the CRs obviously. Didn't do much for drops. 173 1x1 plots went up from 31 drops to 58. 27 extra is better than a kick in the pants I guess. Better to run that through 2x2s several times to save SG, but the best I could get it down to was 40 ish mins (without fruit cake). I will edit that figure when I can test more.

    Next question, what do all of you do about manure? It's disgustingly expensive during these events. My pile can hold 350, but what animal pens I have out obviously cannot produce that amount 5 times a day. Do you just cop it and pay the CC, or do you go without? Last event I barely bothered but that one was fairly easy.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
    Nala777, joanc123 and Mooboy like this.
  16. cleapape

    cleapape Forum Apprentice

    For manure, I would say that.
    1. I've 5 water slide which gives 5 crate'o manure each day. I save them for events. It's enough for me for some event.
    2. If my crate'o manure not enough, I buy cheapest manure and sell them at the market on highest price. So no one buy and I can saveup to 1000 manure.
    If my manure sold. Oh yeah I got profit.
    3. This event is 2 field event. So I do shortest time stalls on another 4 field for maximum manure in minimum time.
    It's stupid idea waking up in the midnight just for playing game, I think at least. But I'm doing it lol.
    My harvest time is 0600, 1010, 1420, 1830, 2240. It's 5 harvest an day. If event is hard, I may harvest on 3 am. But I hate 3am.
    I got 100% bonus and +1 crops on farwheel fun. So I don't need to try hard. 4 harvest a day is enough I'm sure.
    Oh forgetting. Drops is 37 and 40. So it's fine for me. My initial drop was 370 for 2 field tulip. It was very awesome.
    For refinement I have nothing to say. I just dreaming it, dreaming of CR with SG.
  17. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    The number you should be focusing on is how many drops you're getting per 24h, not whether you have enough drops for your crops at any given point in time. It's normal to have your crops outpace your drops after using one or more harvest bonuses.

    Also, putting out any number of trees when you're struggling with drops is not a good idea, as the drop rate for trees is usually lower than for crops of the same duration. Get rid of 'em.

    Yeah... that's why I didn't bother mentioning 1x1s - waste of SG. And that fruit cake makes a huge difference. ;)
    Congrats on getting all the refinements on roses. :)

    When manure is under 2000 CC, I just buy from the market. When it's over 2000 CC, I rely on the crates o' manure I get from the water slides I keep out on my shipwreck bay.
  18. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Weeeeeeeeellllllllllll ah rhaaaaaaar 8)
    First thing is to run up the price of chicken feed by buying it again and again (over 344,000 chicken feed here)
    Clear the parrot feed doing the same thing (over 67,000 parrot feed here)
    Clear the monkey feed doing the same (over 121,000 monkey feed here)

    I'll usually run down the price of chickens (One Two - the - Chicken has over a half million chicken friends here and I'll play)

    Then I'll sit under the broke-tree and stuff leaves in my pocket (sometimes Illy-the-Ladybug will visit too)
    IF and only IF poop prices get seriously high then I'll bring out 40 Neon chicken poopers
    and if that does not satisfy me then I'll put out 30 more Pink chicken Poopers

    and if that is not enough then I'll put out the red chicken poopers for kicks.

    Then I'll rip off the junkers 8)

    ............... and I'll even deliver the fresh poop to your farm once paid for

    Junkers are rich and I'm broke 8)

    ----- edit -----

    And if I get sidetracked and decide to display my junking skills .... hahaha
    I'll use no more than 10 - 20 poop and SG anyway. No hurry hurry.

    No junking so far this year tho.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
  19. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Ta guys. @zerodegrees, those trees were gone immediatley after that harvest.

    So for future reference, lets just go with that I don't have 5 water slides, or even know what one is, or even have a remote possibility of getting one because slides are no longer available on the wheel and have only recently seen 1 crate of manure (I didn't know they existed). Lets also pretend I am not out to sell manure to make a profit xD xD.

    Cheers for the info.
    Nala777, joanc123 and Mooboy like this.
  20. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    CT, sorry to hear you over slept twice, BEFORE any one tries to win the Harvester crop bonus with Party Tickets or Farm wheel spins, ensure your Event Crops is due to be harvested first before going on Farm wheel

    Also sorry to hear struggling with drops plus all those also struggling with drops i need to bring to attention the use of Animal Trophy and Crop Trophy which is needed to be moved around reaping events crops when you not have the living legend rune unlocked on wisdom glade tree

    The Animal and Crop Trophies as needed to be upgraded as soon as you can upto 15% each maximum the higher the percentage the better drops you get

    The benefits of living legend rune there is not need to move the trophies around the fields like you do with howie donuts having howie donuts adds increase drop rate to what is placed into living legend rune

    Also reminder to use the SOS Thread for helps with Files

    Some of you haven't got The Chestnut Cloud Row from 2014, my suggestion with combination using refinements also using Crafting Recipes combination of 6% and 4% respectively using two sliver buff slots p;);)
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