Competition Soccer Sweepstake 2016

Discussion in 'Official Forum Competitions' started by teddy.bear, Jun 10, 2016.

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  1. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master


    User: sirpippen ID: 52938178
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend


    User: 12ss12 ID: 4569033
  3. ag56

    ag56 Forum Pro


    User: ag56 ID: 49717499
    A7XKo7nchick, 12ss12 and shellhappybj like this.
  4. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum


    User ID 53220467
  5. Erridge

    Erridge Forum Expert

    England! ID: 43522481
  6. cannieannie

    cannieannie Forum Apprentice

    England! ID:12548196
  7. mony.moon

    mony.moon Forum Greenhorn

    User: - mony.moon - ID: 28534012 :inlove:
    A7XKo7nchick and shellhappybj like this.
  8. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent


    User: Dienstag ID: 41238621
  9. GrimReaperDude

    GrimReaperDude Junior Expert

    Wales for the win :inlove:

    User ID: 52620033
    sanjica1972 and A7XKo7nchick like this.
  10. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    England! :)

    (Thanks! ;))

    ID: 935135 xD

    I am really happy that England, Wales and Ireland are through! :inlove:
  11. Arrouquelas

    Arrouquelas Forum Inhabitant

    After an awful start, my pick is: Portugal!:D


    ID: 13597113
  12. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    shellhappybj and A7XKo7nchick like this.
  13. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    ID# 50971967
    shellhappybj and A7XKo7nchick like this.
  14. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum General

    My best friend had a guest co-worker from Germany, Dominic. She loved his sense of humour and misses him dearly:cry:
    So it is in his honour that I cheer for Germany for the win:D

    Germany. ID: 52952252
    shellhappybj and A7XKo7nchick like this.
  15. Bagy3

    Bagy3 Forum Apprentice

    Germany! :p:p

    User: Bagy3 ID: 48645973
    A7XKo7nchick likes this.
  16. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    hatzeva and A7XKo7nchick like this.
  17. rauclaudia

    rauclaudia Forum Apprentice


    ID : 21675522
    A7XKo7nchick likes this.
  18. pickles60

    pickles60 Forum Connoisseur

    A7XKo7nchick and Pyjamagirl like this.
  19. tlcmom

    tlcmom Forum Expert


    Farm ID: 36158866
  20. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

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