Competition Steal the Cookie

Discussion in 'Official Forum Competitions' started by WildCat, Apr 15, 2022.

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  1. Shimmer

    Shimmer Count Count

    Bored, I'm browsing the internet. I go to the forum of my favourite farming game to see if there's any news, when I get a popup. "DO YOU ACCEPT COOKIES?"
    I go to click 'no', but click in the wrong place. Yes, I have accepted cookies. THE cookie tumbles out of the screen and into my lap, where I look at in confusion. What do I do about this?
    I have things to do today, so I store the cookie in my filing cabinet under C for cookie, and leave my house.
    IpsiDei, habalala and sanddollar15 like this.
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Stealing the cookie from filing cabinet requires a professional help, Borsty. Borsty steals into Shimmer's Room and break opens the highly technical cabinet and takes away the cookie and hides it in his gaming Casino.

  3. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    I was putting on the washing machine when I noticed that I had a couple of coins in my pocket. I turned on the machine and decided to go to the Casino to try my luck. I put a pair of lures on a one-handed bandit and hip-hello-cheers Yippii! The jackpot, three times the "BAR" pattern, I thought I won a lot. The disappointment was great, when not much money rushed out of the plane, but COOKIE, Big COOKIE! I was almost depressed, but I decided to do a good day's work and gave that COOKIE to the Casino's money changer, I don't know what he did with that COOKIE!
  4. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    The Casino's money changer once again gave it back to Borsty and he is maintaining secrecy about it.
  5. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    I was still at the Casino and noticed this, went to Borsty and said "look - a cow is flying" and pointed to the sky while grabbing Cookie and run out of the building. There was a bird cooling pool in the nearby park, it had a couple of birds and I slipped a cookie for one of the birds, this one chirped happily and flew away ..
    Of Topic but I have to say it (under)!

    Special thanks to those who introduced the game:

    By the way, this is a GREAT game for all kinds of people. As a Finn, I also learn English by reading stories made by others, I use the G-compiler when writing my imaginative stories, but it's a nice game and suitable for everyone! Especially when older men like this are allowed to use their imagination during the Easter holidays (I'm 49y)
    Shimmer, IpsiDei, xiop and 4 others like this.
  6. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    As the bird was flying away it ran into a rain storm and the bird dropped the cookie. As luck would have it the bird was flying over a sail boat and it landed down in the cabin of the captain who was sailing the boat. So the captain does not know the cookie is on board!
  7. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    That was because Captain Jack Sparrow was in his cups. When he became sober again, he found the cookie. He was a man who escaped from an uninhabited island with a boat made of tortoise using his hair as rope wasn't he. He now thought it was high time he paid back his gratitude to the tortoises. He gave the single cookie to all of the tortoises and they hid it under on their shells.
  8. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    Although Cookie was hiding under the shell of a tortoise, a bird of prey was flying in the sky, rushing towards the fish swimming in the ocean. From this, the turtle was startled and the cookie fell from him into the sea. And not long after the big fish noticed this and took the cookies to the depths of the sea ...
    Shimmer, IpsiDei, habalala and 3 others like this.
  9. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    and in those very dark depths of the sea an octopus lives and as the fish swam by the snatched the cookie from the fish with one
    of his many tenacles and he then swam away with the cookie taking it to where ever octopus live!xD
    Shimmer, IpsiDei, habalala and 2 others like this.
  10. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Oswald, he octopus then handed it over to Daisy when they were sailing in a boat.
  11. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Daisy, then hands it to the little duckling and tells him to swim to shore and hide the cookie in a safe place.....
  12. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Ah, bet no one noticed that little dachshund behind Daisy. Ha, ha, ha, it's me, Max, and I took THE COOKIE from the duckling! I swam away with THE COOKIE safely stowed in my doggie back pack. It's truly amazing that after all these adventures it's not in crumbs! :D
    Well, where now shall we safely keep THE (very special) COOKIE? MC aka MeadowCrossing suggests Café du Monde in NOLA. Folks will be so distracted by the beignets, no one will notice a cookie hiding in plain sight!
  13. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I for one would NOT want this cookie to eat, lol BUT I would like a few of your beignets please with a cup of coffee to go as I steal the cookie from the Cafe and bring it to the Mouses house here in Florida, and have one of the many Princesses hide it in a castle somewhere!
  14. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    A beautiful idea. But the food critic in NOLA visiting the Cafe' and all the awesome beignets and decided to take photos and blog about it. That post went viral and low and behold in one of the photos was the cookie. By now, since all of the thefts had taken place, Customs, postal service , aliens, Fish & Wildlife, Greenpeace, and PETA and even Interpol were all on the lookout for this cookie. Homeland Security raided the little cafe' and now the cookie failing to have the proper papers is now being detained, and deportation proceedings are happening
  15. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Hmmmm, I'm thinking sanddollar15 and sueperkins are conspiring together to confuse us as to the whereabouts of THE COOKIE! Sounds like a job for the sensitive sniffing ability of a humble hound. Sniff, sniff, sniff, I found it - and I won't say where, but trust that THE COOKIE is being taken to Lake Charles where it will be disguised as a crawfish and dive to the depths of the Lake to mingle with myriad of its kin. :D
  16. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    I told them to hide it in one of the dungeons but no they had to put it on a throne and then Max sniffed it out!:wuerg:
  17. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    It was a bad choice of choosing Lake Charles. The crawfish/ cookie resurfaces on an episode of swamp loggers. The crawfish disguise is found out before it is thrown in the pot with the other crawfish and turned into Jambalaya. I rare wood buyer spots the cookie and buys it on the spot. It is taken back to Atlanta to his penthouse.
  18. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Ah, ha! Little do they know that MC has kin in Atlanta, and he is very stealthy and snuck into the penthouse and nabbed THE COOKIE. Faithful son! He's sent it off on a drone back to Louisiana where we shall hide it in the hole of a Live Oak. Squirrels will be guarding it diligently. :D
    IpsiDei, sanddollar15 and Shimmer like this.
  19. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    ** NEWSFLASH **

    Agent 005 walked by and whispered "Happy Easter" to all.
    He then blended in and seemed to fade out in the envirement.

    People all over the world are now guessing: Was it real? Was it fake?
  20. Shimmer

    Shimmer Count Count

    I don't know if Agent 005 was real or not, but the cookie he so skillfully stole was a fake!

    The real cookie was duplicated in triplicate, sent in, sent back, queried, lost, found, subjected to public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three months and recycled as firelighters.
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