Competition The Adventure of the Candy Cane

Discussion in 'Official Forum Competitions' started by WildCat, Dec 7, 2022.

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  1. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    A Kookaburra sits in an old gum tree laughing. The Joey pops out of the kangaroo's pouch. On top of the Joey's head is the Candy Cane! The Kookaburra swoops down and grabs it. He flies away with the Candy Cane, laughing all the way. He laughs so hard he drops the Candy Cane into an Opal mine.
  2. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Well, it just so happened that the candy cane drew the attention of a passing goanna. The goanna trotted off further into the outback and hid the candy cane at the base of a gum tree thinking he'd return later after a nice nap.
    BlackCaviar, sanddollar15 and 12ss12 like this.
  3. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    A rabbit was hopping around the gum tree. It was attracted by the red and white colours of the candy cane. So it took it out from the gum tree. But after sometime it lost interest in it as it was nothing compared to a carrot. So it dropped the candy cane carelessly in midst of the grass and went away.
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    A passing Wombat saw the Candy Cane just lying there in the grass and wondered what it was so took it to the wise old Owl to ask. Wild (and wicked) old Owl told the Wombat that it was very dangerous and that he, the wise old Owl, should take care of it and off he flew with the Candy Cane in his mouth. He hid it high on a mountain side and stayed close by to guard it! :music:
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
  5. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    There was a stream running nearby. When the owl fluttered its wings, the candy cane fell into the river and went downstream. A beaver in the stream caught it. It took the candy cane to its dam and kept it safe over there.
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
  6. Growalot

    Growalot Board Analyst

    The "beaver" took a nap after placing the candy cane on the bank of his "dam", and when he woke up, he realised that he was actually a platypus and not a master dam builder beaver. It was all a dream. The candy cane was real and was sitting on top of a floating log in the river. The platypus went to grab the candy cane with his ducky bill but missed and the candy cane flipped into the water and was picked up by a passing crocodile. The crocodile was excited because he had never seen anything like it. He hooked it around one of his front teeth and floated down the river to show his mates.
  7. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    As the croc was spinning its tale of the candy cane to all his mates, a jolly swagman who was camped by the billabong under the shade of a coolibah tree, spotted the candy cane off to the side and grabbed it with glee! And he sang as he tucked the candy cane in his tuckerbag, you'll come a waltzing with me!
    BlackCaviar, sanddollar15 and 12ss12 like this.
  8. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Now there was a hole in the tuckerbag and the candy cane fell down through it. A dog was searching for a bone nearby. So instead of a bone,it got the candy cane. It went and hid it in a hay stack.
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
  9. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Also in the haystack was a Tasmanian Devil who was sleeping as they travel at night! When it woke up there was a red and white candy cane laying right beside it...what a find! The Tasmanian Devil was very cautious as it did not know what it was but decided to take it with him on his night venture!
    BlackCaviar and MeadowCrossing like this.
  10. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Tas' friend Emu was experiencing insomnia and joined Tas on his nocturnal venture. Off went the two friends discussing this mysterious find. They decided to visit Bill, the bilby, who had a reputation for knowing obscure facts.
    sanddollar15 and BlackCaviar like this.
  11. BlackCaviar

    BlackCaviar Forum Overlooker

    Well, Bill, the bilby had company even before Tas and Emu arrived. (Tas, aka by Americans as Taz.) Bill was entertaining a rabbit and a duck who had gotten lost on the way to Albuquerque (or some such other warm place). The duck was fascinated by the Candy Cane and wanted to take it home. He begged and pleaded with Tas to let him have it. Tas was kind enough to let the duck take the Candy Cane back to North America with him. It was a long flight.
    sanddollar15 and MeadowCrossing like this.
  12. zilverDolfijn

    zilverDolfijn Someday Author

    As the flight was so long, Duck was unaware that he had taken a cat nap! While his eyes were closed, even for the slightest of moments, his beak muscles relaxed and the candy cane slipped out and fell and fell and...just before it touched the surface of the ocean a playful dolphin jumped out of a wave and caught the candy cane in its mouth. Now that was a colourful item to play with!

  13. Growalot

    Growalot Board Analyst

    The playful dolphin got such a massive sugar rush from the candy cane that the next time he jumped out of the water he flew way up high into the sky. Wheeee, this is fantastic he squealed, this food must have magic powers. Flying past at that very moment was Trixxy the pelican who spotted the opportunity to grab the tasty looking red and white hook out of the dolphin's mouth. She was delighted as this was the most delicious looking food she had ever seen. She shook the candy cane to safely nestle it in the pit of her fleshy beak - no one could steal it from her now she thought, as she flew home to surprise her babies with this fabulous red and white wonder. In the meantime, the playful dolphin finally returned to the water in complete shock as to what had just happened.
    sanddollar15 and MeadowCrossing like this.
  14. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    So where would the Pelican bring the candy cane? And what would happen to it???
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  15. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Now the Pelican was swiming in a marshy land. It was surrounded by little egret, intermediate egret and great egrets. So which one of the egrets is going to snatch the candy cane when the pelican opens its beak ?

    This photo was taken by me few days back. Thought to use it here.

  16. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Baron

    The littlest egret (great photo!) was the quickest to get in to the pelican. He tapped her shoulder and when she swung round to see who dared to touch her, he pecked at her beak and it fell open just long enough for him to snatch the candycane and take off running to build up for his flight. But he was young and uncoordinated and the marsh was, well, marshy and he stumbled and dropped the candycane and it fell to the silty water at the bottom of the marsh, partially hidden by marsh grass roots.
  17. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    In the marshy grassland there were some painted storks. One of the painted stork fished out the candy cane. It thought I am bright with colours too and this one is bright with colours too. Thus it developed a affinity for the candy cane and kept it safely under its wing.

    Thank you -matselleste-. This one was also taken along with the above photo in the same place.

  18. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    The very lovely painted stork spent the day in the marsh with the candy cane safely tucked under its wing. However, when dusk approached the painted stork had to fly home to its nest in the tree. As it spread its wings, the candy cane was shaken loose. A passing otter plucked it up and thought to bring it home to its young ones.

    Stunning pics 12. Thanks so much for sharing :inlove:
    12ss12 and sanddollar15 like this.
  19. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    The baby Otters thought the Candy Cane was soooo beautiful and kept sneaking out of bed for a peak. One of them wanted to see how it looked in the moonlight and quietly crept out of their den and held it up to the light just as a bat was flying past. The Bat plucked the Candy Cane from the poor little Otter's paws and took it high up in the rafters of an old church. :eek:
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
  20. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Baron

    The old church was home to a colony of darklight fireflies. A party of them made a distraction for the bat, drawing his attention to what would surely be a tasty snack, while a larger group banded together and, in an amazing display of synchronized flying, swooped in and made off with the Candy Cane! But then they were stuck, because they couldn't get it in the entrance to their nest. So they carried it to their workspace, where they make glow-in-the-dark lightbulbs, which has a larger entrance, and hung it from the rafter where it was illuminated beautifully by all their glowing.
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
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