Slow and unresponsive game

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by hatzeva, Jun 6, 2024.

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  1. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke

    What ever "improvmensts" the Game Team has implemented they are not working. The game is terribly slow and harvests take forever waiting for them bubbles to leave the fields. Overall is not an improvement - it is just very annoying and slow. Sorry this is not a question but I could not find a Feedback thread about this issue. Best of luck all!
  2. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Having the same problem since the standalone update I had 2 night ago. The EP hat thingy will appear on the top left corner of my field and then the other plots will make a "wave" out of it until it reaches the last plot in my 202 (1x1) fields... -.-

    The actions made with the harvester will have a delayed response of 1-2 seconds, if I water a field and I don't have enough water in reserve, by refilling my water tower, the already watered plots will dissapear and I'll see the rest of the field water. Hovering over the first watered plots will show that it's the base crop time growth. :eek: I have to exit the field, enter a second one and then go back to it to see if my watering the crops hav registered or not. I don't call that "improving".
  3. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN


    We understand your frustration, but the problems you describe are a result from an improvement implemented in the game and are now permanent. We have forwarded your feedback to the Team. If there is any further information regarding this issue, we will announce it.

    For now, we kindly ask for any further comments and feedback to be posted here in the appropriate feedback thread.

    This thread will be closed.
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