Feedback Carnival Extravaganza

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by shooger.sweet, Feb 26, 2025.

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  1. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master

    Thanks for trying to incorporate the event field on this one, but for all the reasons above, this is an epic fail of an event that used to be beloved. Try again, BP.
  2. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    I usually don't play Carnival the three years I've been playing, maybe did it once and didn't care for it at the time. Nowadays, I tend to skim over FAQ when new events roll out. If they seem too complicated, I quickly decide to give it a pass. Initially I had no intention of doing this event, but changed my mind after having a better understanding of the mechanics from reading all the comments in the strategy thread. So far, (thanks to aforementioned comments) it's been fairly easy to do. I do not get up to harvest, just do when it's convenient, so I doubt I will finish. I personally like the event field as it allows me to carry on with my personal goals on the other playing fields. However, I did send all my Main field critters to the barn yesterday and today leaving only crops and trees. I've collected 10/250 and find the carnival game an exercise in eye/hand coordination. The graphics are colorful and the concept is enjoyable. I don't know if it's something I'll do again if it's on a different field, but for a 'pass-time', I'm learning something new with no stress.
    sanddollar15 and Nordais like this.
  3. TC-çiftçi

    TC-çiftçi Forum Apprentice

    I am a Turkish player. We can't solve the event FAQ anyway. Maybe that's why I never liked this event.
    sanddollar15 and Nordais like this.
  4. fadifarm

    fadifarm Someday Author

    I agree with all the players...this event used to be fun and grant prizes worthy of your effort.
    question if any one could answer me please...why do we collect lollypops and candies, where do they go and what are supposed to do with it...if collecting them just so they will change it into cc and ep, this will be a huge disappointment.

    I'm out of words. please make better events with better prizes
  5. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Good question and I'd not paid attention to this in the FAQ until your post. Now I also wonder about the candies and candy points. I can't find any reference to candy points other than at the beginning where it mentions the amount for each type. At the end where it lists what happens with leftovers doesn't connect to candy points. Was there perhaps an omission and the candies originally had an extra purpose?
    Candy Points:
    Bon-bon - 3
    Chocolate - 6
    Lollipop - 10

    Leftover rewards:
    1 Bon-bon = 5 EP + 1 CC + 2 TEP;
    1 Chocolate = 6 EP + 1 CC + 3 TEP;
    1 Lollipop = 7 EP + 1 CC + 4 TEP
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2025
    Nordais and fadifarm like this.
  6. monastralsheep

    monastralsheep Forum Apprentice

    I have to join everyone else in voicing my frustration with this event. Whoever set the timing for the crops, the number of crops requested per order, and the 7 hour order reset really made this event a nightmare. The combination just doesn't work at all. There was one instance where I was missing 1 single crop to fill the final order after replanting my fields (optimized for minimal replanting) -- one! And yes, I know I could have left one field with no crop, but I had already replanted before delivering the order, as is my habit and I suspect a lot of other farmers too. The only reason I'm even doing anything with this one is because of it being on the event field so it doesn't interfere with any other farming, but it's still been an annoying and frustrating event, and I'm certainly not willing to put in any extra effort or spend real money on it.
    Nordais, sanddollar15 and 03TURKUAZ03 like this.
  7. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    When you enter the event field, you will see a cart right beside the windmill. Click on it and there you will find the customer to deliver the event plant. The cart is positioned to the left of #1.


    Credit: @Nordais
    Last edited: Sunday at 7:37 AM
    Nordais and fadifarm like this.
  8. fadifarm

    fadifarm Someday Author

    thank you Nala777 for taking the time and paste the image and explanation.
    While your reply is dearly appreciated, that wasn't my question...
    my question was in other words: What's the use for collecting chocolate, bon bon and lollypops? will they be used in this event or will change into cc and ep when the event ends, if that's the case then there is no point of collecting them.
    again, thank you for taking your time.
    cheers :)
    Nordais likes this.
  9. Nala777

    Nala777 Forum Ambassador

    :wuerg: I was in a hurry, so just misread your question:cry:xD
    Nordais and fadifarm like this.
  10. Nordais

    Nordais Forum Overlooker

    MeadowCrossing answered your question in her post just bellow your original one: they'll turn to EP and CCs just like they've been doing for the past few years. They're optional, but they're a big part of the candy tossing of the Queen, if you want to catch the super grow & such they'll end up in your basket anyway. Just think of it as small bonus! ;)
    fadifarm likes this.
  11. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    My tenacious dachshund nature showing - did the candies always have candy points in past iterations - in addition to their 'leftover' E/TEP/CC values? This is my first time doing the event, so I have no experience or reference point and am intrigued by fadifarm's question.

    In my mind as well, these are two very distinct things: candy points vs E/TEP/CC values. If candy points have no purpose, why assign a candy point value to each type, rather than just showing their E/TEP/CC exchange value?

    Did any past iteration ever have an exchange shop where the candy points could be exchanged for rewards?
    Last edited: Sunday at 5:18 PM
    Nordais and fadifarm like this.
  12. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I think this was the first carnival we had: and candy points were needed for reward. We had to build float first.
    And reading that old FAQ there was problems with exchange.
    I do not remember any shop to "choose" rewards in any of carnivals. But you can seach old FAQs in FAQ Archive.
    Nordais, MeadowCrossing and fadifarm like this.
  13. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Thank you so much - I had no idea all this info was in the Archives. I do believe you solved the mystery. From a quick read of the early FAQs, candy points did have a role in that game. It seems event mechanics have changed since then, but not all details of current event FAQ have been updated. Interesting to me that Amaranth was only a 6hr crop back then!
    Nordais likes this.
  14. fadifarm

    fadifarm Someday Author

    • double posting isn't allowed. You can use edit to adjust your post
    thank you MeadowCros! I got my answer now. cheers :)

    I like how you pin-pointed the problem. I can't remember if in the past candy points had a purpose. hope the team sees this con. and advise.
    cheers :)

    No worries Nala777. some of the players was kind enough to explain.
    have a good one.
    Last edited by moderator: Monday at 5:01 AM
    Nordais and MeadowCrossing like this.
  15. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I am still ambling along with this event but I don't think I will be able to get the second CR let alone finish entirely. :wuerg:

    I have managed to do at least three harvests each day, the occasional fourth harvest but I am still only at 147 points - is it even possible to do any better? I am sure there are those who are far further on than me but at what cost? Perhaps they actually sleep? :p
    I still hold on to the hope that I will complete this but I can't do the maths to confirm or otherwise. xD
    Nordais and MeadowCrossing like this.
  16. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Expert

    At least the undersigned slept 8 hours a day and had a nice life. Now I'm going to the local zoo as an annual pass holder to hang out there for several hours.
    The magic word for completing an event seems to be a vacation and a good strategy by accident. :pxD
  17. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Forum Expert

    I want to add to my earlier post: The mini-games with the trident offered much nicer prizes and my participating farms THANK YOU for them. They baby farms are especially happy with the harvester coupons. And my high ranking farms are overjoyed with the crates of buffs.

    So all in all - it wasn't as awful as I thought. Still a few things might need rethinking for next year, but overall, after it's all said and done. It was a perfectly fine event.
    Nordais and MeadowCrossing like this.
  18. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I agree that it wasn't so awful after all but I was always second-guessing myself whether I would get anywhere near finishing. In fact, I have the CR and by coming back later, I will get the Piccolo Box - I don't usually change my routine but it seems a shame to miss out on the last prize. :p

    If I would change anything it would be the timer - we can only fill orders 3.5 times a day, a 4 or 5 hour timer would have been better in my opinion. :music:

    The Carnival Queen didn't really make much sense in this event, too few chances to play and sometimes I even forgot that it was part of it other than in name! :)
  19. TommyBurns

    TommyBurns Advanced

    I was going to skip this event but took our wonderful Mod's advice and gave it a go. To my surprise I did actually finish the whole thing but I don't think it's going to go down as one of my favorite Carnival events, sorry. I didn't like the 7hr reset for customers, that was too long I thought. If you needed to go out anywhere during the day and missed that middle donation there was no real way to catch up so if you missed too many (like work/school and not be able to farm) then it would be impossible to finish I think. I also didn't like we had to wait a week to open up the second part of the play field and get the second crop. It just seemed an unnecessary complication to me but I will say the Splash float did award much better prises. The progress rewards were quite good I thought and very happy with the 2 cloud rows.

    I really do appreciate that BP is trying to make new/different events for us and I'm sure there's a lot of work that goes into that. I think this one could just use some tweaking :music:

    TB :inlove:
    Nordais and MeadowCrossing like this.
  20. Floridasolve

    Floridasolve Forum Connoisseur

    Because of the 7 HOUR wait we had to wait I could not finish the event which really annoys me. I am not in the habit of tying myself to my computer ever 7 hours - some of us have jobs & need sleep so making this event a waiting game is aggravating. Your events are getting to be too long with too many roadblocks to actually being able to complete. And the Carnival Queen event was fine the way it was before you messed with it.
    Tarsis63 and Nordais like this.