FAQ Coloured animals: How to make them

Discussion in 'Game FAQ's' started by teddy.bear, Nov 5, 2013.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    The breeding feature is available to all players who reached level 21 for the farm animals and/or level 8 for Bahamarama. It involves using your normal animals to attempt to get higher level animals, that can be used for various things.
    * Why does it need 4 animals, nature only needs 2 to make a baby?
    Very good question!
    In fact it's simply a question of balancing. To get the higher values for the higher varieties of coloured animals. Maybe one day they'll only ask for 2 animals, and give them 4 power-feed? Who knows?
    Whatever the reason may be, at this moment, it requires 4 animals to make 1 coloured one. Keep in mind that it is a game :)

    We strongly recommend using 4 animals of the same colour.
    Mixing colours in the Breeding pastures very rarely gives good results.

    Note: You will not get the 4 animals back - they go to retirement, and you must then replace them with 4 more animals if you would like to continue breeding.
    * I need Power-Feed to produce coloured animals. How can I get some?
    • You can make Power-feed in the Farm mill, click on the "Power-feed" icon in the Mill to see the required ingredients, and the time it will take to make 1 unit. At this moment, power feed cannot be produced in the Bahamarama mill.
    • You can maybe win some by spinning the FarmWheel
    • Depending on your farm level, Fuzzles can send you some in his daily gift.
    • As a chickadee, your mentor can send you Power-feed as a gift
    • Mentors can buy some from the Mentoring shop
    • You can buy some with BBs by clicking on your water tank (sales pop-up).
    • You can buy some in bulk quantities during Power-Feed Savings mini events
    * Can I speed up the time of the Breeding process?
    • One way to speed up the production time is to add pheromones.
    Each pheromone will half the production time remaining:
    1. pheromone will reduce from 6h -> 3h
    2. pheromones will reduce from 3h -> 1.5h
    3. pheromones will reduce from 1.5h -> 45m
    4. pheromones will reduce from 45m -> 22m
    Pheromones can be gifted to/from neighbours + buddies
    They can also be bought in the Shopping Center in the City (under: "Farm Supplies"). The are also the fruit of scented trees.
    You can add pheromones to each pasture manually
    or from the Breeding Feature.
    • Another way to speed up the time is to open the Tree of Wisdom Rune that reduces production time from 6h -> 5h for all future coloured-breedings.
    • The artisan product Pink Jelly will also cut the breeding time in half when consumed BEFORE starting your breeding process.
    All 3 options can be used at the same time, if available (rune, pheromones and pink jelly).

    * Will the Harvester actually harvest the Breeding Pens?
    The harvester will harvest your pens, each completed breeding giving 50 EP and you'll see a pop-up with your new coloured animal.
    Of course, you can also choose to harvest the Pens manually
    NOTE: the Harvest Bonuses do not work for the Breeding Pens.

    * What are single/romantic pens and group pens?
    Holding Pens (also named Romantic pens in the Tree of Wisdom) can be built in the City Workshop, to display your best coloured animals, and get some EPs from them! Find more details in this {FAQ} Coloured animals: Placed in Holding Pens

    * What else can I do with the coloured animals I produce in the Pen?
    * Is there anything else I should know about colored animals?
    You may want to take a look at the breeding runes in the Tree of Wisdom, that offer breeding animals, power feed, pheromones and single pens:. {FAQ} Magical Glade and Tree of Wisdom

    Please note that these runes will not unlock the special breedings (bats and crows) - More information regarding these can be found in the
    {FAQ} Moonlight Mania

    This FAQ is informative and may be updated at any time. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and don't forget to refresh every now and then to check for updated info.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 17, 2017
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Breeding in the Farm and Bahamarama
    How do I get started with coloured breeding?
    Once you get to level 21+ you'll see an extra building appearing on the Fields, like this:
    Please note that you can access both farm and tropical breeding animals through both fields without problems.​

    How does breeding look like?

    Once you click on the building, you will see the following breeding window:
    In this window you can see at the top three different tabs:
    Overview - where you can see the breeding processes and have the option to add a new breeding;
    Selection - where you can actually start breeding;
    Results - past breeding processes results.

    You can have a total of 132 breeding processes running at the same time. A counter for the active and remaining available ones to be started will be displayed as well, next to the dropdown that allows you to select the animal types you wish to see : Farm, Bahamarama, or All (both tropical and main land).

    The total of Pheromones and Power feed is displayed at the top as well, and last but not least, the Breeding machinery countdown at the bottom.
    How do I start breeding?

    To start breeding, click on the Add breeding line (green plus button). Then, you will be taken to the selection window:

    Here, you can search for the animal you wish to breed, or simply browse and select it from the list in the left side. Click on the animal you wish to breed:

    After that, in the middle window, click on the animals you wish to add in your breeding pen - for 4 beavers, click 4 times on the basic beaver. Once you have 4 animals in the stable, you can select the number of pheromones you wish to use, by clicking on the number of pheromone bottles you wish to use - for example, clicking on the third bottle will add 3 pheromones to your process. Then you can choose to start the breeding process for 2 power feed units by clicking on the bottom green button.

    If you do not have the breeding machinery, you need to start each process individually.
    If you do have the breeding machinery, you can choose how many breeding processes of this same type you wish to start. Clicking on the green up-arrow will maximize the amount, and add as many processes as you have available (or as many as you can do start with the animals of that same type selected). You can also manually input the amount of breeding processes or increase it / decrease it with the - and + icons. Remember to adjust the amount of pheromones you wish to use!
    How can I check on my breeding processes?

    You can check your breeding processes in the Overview tab. Here you can see the processes that are ready for harvesting, and how much time do the others have left.

    You also have the option of insta-finishing your breeding processes, individually by clicking on the insta-finish option next to each breeding, or from the Insta-finish all blue bottom from the bottom of the window. The insta-finish price is calculated based on the remaining minutes of the breeding process. The insta-finish all button sums up all the individual prices.

    From the top of the chart, you can select to order the processes by Breeding Animal or by status (remaining time / finished) in an ascending or descending order, by simply clicking on these options.
    How can I harvest my breedings?

    You can harvest the breeding processes by clicking on the harvester icon next to each line, or, if you have the breeding machinery, by clicking on the harvester icon at the bottom of the window.

    A pop-up with the results will be displayed after harvesting them, and of course, you can also see this in the Results tab.
    What can I see in the Results tab?


    In the results tab you can see the all the details of the breeding processes from the current session - what animals have you used, what animals did you get, how much EP/Baha-EP, the pheromones used, the timestamp. Once you log out or refresh the game, the breeding results log will be cleared.

    You can filter the results from the upper-left yellow dropdown, by selecting to see only the Bahamarama animals, main land animals or all of them.
    How can I get the breeding machinery?

    The breeding machinery will be :
    - included in the monthly subscription;
    - included in the all-machinery-functions rewards;
    - included in coupons.​
    * Why can't I see bats and crows in my Breeding Pastures?
    Bat breeding and Crow breeding can only be unlocked during Moonlight Mania mini events. Once unlocked, you can breed crows and bats anytime.
    Each of the following species of animals have new coloured varieties

    * Why can't I buy Classic I/II pens for the breeding animals quoted above?
    For animals who have "coloured breeding" it will no longer be possible to buy Classic I/II stables (because these are "replaced" by the Yellow + Orange upgrades: see {FAQ} Coloured Animal Stable Upgrade . This doesn't mean that you cannot use the Classic I & II stables that you already have in your farms.
    Animals that have breeding will no longer award these stables in the Farmer's Society quest: Noah's Ark - they will be replaced by Orange upgrades.

    * What else can I do with the coloured animals I produce in the Tropical breeding pasture?
    * Can I place the single pens on Bahamarama?
    Yes, you can now place the holding pens on Bahamarama, Rainforest, Crystal Falls and the Shipwreck Bay.

    Last edited by moderator: Jun 17, 2017
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