Feedback: Farmerama Comic #6

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Please post your constructive comments, positive and negative, regarding the Comic #6: The Deal event, in this Feedback thread.

    Please be sure to bring arguments for supporting your statements, simple comments saying you like it or hate it will not help the Team understand what goes great, and what needs to be looked into, when planning future events.

    Also, please allow me to apologise again for the FAQ mix-up - and remind you that your feedback should be about the event itself, not our mistake. You are more than welcomed to open a different thread for this problem and blame us (admins and myself for being away), but let us know your thoughts regarding the comic event in this thread.

    The FAQ of the Event (thank you shooger and Neon!) can be found here. If you have any questions, please use the General Issues section or the Technical Issues section for technical problems - this thread is for feedback only. Thank you for understanding.

    Don't forget: You are also more than welcomed to join us and give your Feedback, or ask your questions in Chat!

    We are looking forward to your feedback!​

    Your Farmerama Team
    Michael1877 likes this.
  2. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    This event is a challenge. It is quiet different from the others.
    I like that we where able to use the crops from the timed step. It would have been good to know, that it was needed to use EP enhancing buffs. Didn't realize that until I read it in the strategy thread.
    Different event mechanism at different steps, sure keep me thinking, how to do them best.
    I like the flowers, especially the sneezewort.
    The rewards are really good. Getting partial rewards for not finishing step one, was comforting while working on it. Lower levels, where able to proceed that way. I am looking forward to exchange the apprentice sail shop into the permanent ones. And we have enough for the cloud row and the farm for production.

    Edit: I like that we where also able to use power feed for the sail workshop.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
    Michael1877 likes this.
  3. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    I like the new approach of partial rewards. This way nobody gets excluded of the event: even lower level players and people with little time to spend could go on with the event. It makes sense to being able to get more rewards as a higher level player.

    It was well thought out to start the event with the EP task because you can use the crops later on to pay in. Thank you Varun for taking into account that a task like this towards the end of the event would have left people with a lot of spare crops. Something that upset me about the old producer was that on occasion lower level players got booted out of an event early because the first task asked for a crop available from level 40 whereas the later levels would ask for lower crops.

    The workshops had to be available early in the event as well (step 2) as it takes a great amount of the allotted time just to produce the windmill sails (btw. I am still working on those). I just wish that the start of the event would have fallen on a friday/saturday: I believe that quite a few people had to wait for the weekend to start the first task, because it just made so much more sense to grow the 4h crops after the initial 8h harvest (considerably more EP/hour growing time) and that means having the time to spare to spend on the game. Unfortunately this leaves them very little time to produce those sails now and with the weekend being over it might even be difficult for a lot of them to turn around the workshops every 3 hours, which would be necessary to finish the event this late into it.

    Obviously this event is set up in a way to get people to spend more time on the game: Considering that a lot of people work (and that they might be the majority of people being able to spend money on fun games), it might be a good idea to time events like this one a bit more carefully as to give them a fair chance to be part of it.
    Michael1877 likes this.
  4. Michael1877

    Michael1877 Old Hand

    So far I like this event a lot, as others already mentioned the new approach with the timed quest is makes it a little more challenging, the gathering of crops and animals we are doing enough in between events.
    I was either lucky or I chose the right tactics but I was able to finish the first step on my own before the script was run and the rewards were sweet. The seedlings actually gave me a better result than the last ones I bought......All in all I think this event was packed very generously with rewards.

    Last edited by moderator: Nov 11, 2014
    baw815 likes this.
  5. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

    Overall this event has at the base a new concept; as we know all new concepts come with the event did::( -edit-
    As for my OK, this event has got it:D
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 11, 2014
  6. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This looked like a really nice event. I hope more like this are offered. Unfortunately, it came too close to others and at a bad time for me family-wise. I have too much real life stuff to do, so am on semi vacation -- checking in roughly once a day to harvest and that's about it, with only occasional exceptions.

    That would be one comment I would offer. While the periodic events are nice, I think we could use a few more longer term, permanent events that are easier for folks like myself (with real life commitments away from the computer)to enjoy. (oops, I guess that is another suggestion.. will start a new thread)
  7. sudhir

    sudhir Someday Author

    A Big Hi Teddy.bear and BP team

    Though I was busy and entered late in the event but A HIGH FIVE to all of you for this perfect and interesting event. -edit- And sometimes CHAOS is more healthy and exciting then perfection or routine :D
    Partial rewards idea is very creative and fair to all levels(though I missed the 48000 EP mark by just 30 points :( ). I hope we will see that in future too or maybe some more new ideas.

    Making of Windmill Sail and involvement of mole is again very creative thinking .
    Prizes are good ...... I hope for big farmers too.

    All and all a very well planned and creative event with lots of twists and turns .

    CONGRATS to all of you for this interesting event.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 11, 2014
  8. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Enjoyed this one. Nice rewards esp the cloud row that Gives Baha ep. This was a challenge for me with crops - I dislike that more 8hr crop was needed than 4 hr crop. Drops were a bit of a stress! My one big negative was only being able to build 3 workshops - I am far too impatient for that!
    BlackCaviar likes this.
  9. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I think this is the most fun event I have participated in :D I loved the timed challenge :inlove: It gave us something to make strategies about other than the usual "how to grow xx thousand event crops in 6 days". It also forced players who don't usually use buffs, to consider them. I liked that it was possible to overcome the challenge in many different ways, depending on the resources available and preferred playing style. Partial rewards and possibility to continue without completing the 60000 EP was of course crucial. I think the disguise workshop worked well as an incentive for completing the challenge.

    I really like the idea of trading in the event workshops for permanent workshops. I also like that we got more than one. To be able to trade one at G&T while still keeping one (and one on the cloud row) is a great option to have.

    I think the rewards are great. Of course the cloud row in particular! But in addition to that I really appreciate the party spins and power feed. And the secret seedlings gave some great results this time! I like the workshop, but I hope you do have a plan for all the new & "useless" animals and products. Market prices are very high at first, but fall really quickly. Then sadly these very nice stalls and workshops end up in the inventory :(

    One possible negative thing is that one had to finish the timed quest in order to build the sail shops. Since we had to do 11 rounds of these, one couldn't wait too long with the timed quest. For players who can't harvest so often, this could be an issue. One can however also see this as a further strategy element.

    Edit: Comment on the partial rewards included.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
    wolfeyesone, sudhir, baw815 and 2 others like this.
  10. muscaricat

    muscaricat Forum Pro

    I agree wholeheartedly with the positive comments here - an interesting and challenging event, great prizes, well thought out balance of requirements with nice innovative differences. :D:D I particularly liked the timed starting stage and that this did not have to completely done in order to access the rest of the event. :):)There were some unfortunate glitches in the game but the extra time given more than makes up for those.
    The event crops giving BEP on the island is brilliant - thanks for that !
    The cloud row as the ultimate prize, which gives a lot when harvested is excellent. Well done developers, this one is ace ! ;);)
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
    -Mir85- likes this.
  11. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    I also agree with most of the positive comments here. Interesting mix of challenges, loved the rewards and in particular, the BEP cloud row. :inlove: I loved/hated ;) the EP element in step 1 and would have been probably too intimated to tackle it if not for the wisdom of the forum regulars who as always are a wealth of generosity and knowledge. I liked the emphasis of using crafting buffs, as I sometimes forget about all the different ones we have available to us, so it was nice reminder by way of strategy discussion in the forum. Great rewards, great event!

    Regarding criticisms, I mostly echo what others have said. It might have been difficult to obtain the amount of 8 hour crops needed, if one was not around to harvest as much during the day. I also agree that it would have been nice to have the workshops needed to produce the mills in an earlier step (step 1), as we were limited in the amount we could produce. Perhaps this was meant to flex more buff-muscles with workshop-benefiting craft items like CB and GJ, but I think we all got our exercise already with the EP circuit. Maybe one crafting buff area of concentration at a time? :music:

    You are already well aware of the technical issues -edit-. Those obviously impact the enjoyment level in playing. I do hope the other areas of the forum which discuss those difficulties in greater detail, at the very least get seen by more than just our forum mods, and do get passed to the producers/developers. The compensation of first step completion and extra event time were appropriate and appreciated.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 11, 2014
  12. solotime

    solotime Count Count

    Great event and nice rewards!

    But next time make it a little longer.
    I still not done collection the drops o_O
  13. Frenchmom14261

    Frenchmom14261 Forum Connoisseur

    The event was challenging and interesting. I have acquired all the crops and tools requested, but I still need many drops...
    The last 2 events the drops were so low that even though I had everything requested, I did not finished the quest. Only the drops were missing. I am at level 89, my trophy is supposed to give me 25% more drops and I have a magic tree. Still not enough drops. That is the biggest draw back of all the latest challenges.
    Unless the drops improve I will no longer participate in these quest. I really do not see the usefulness of the drops. It does not help the game in anyway only bring frustration when someone accomplish what requested but is not rewarded because of some fact completely out on his control.
  14. jennifersiegel

    jennifersiegel Padavan

    I sometimes don't have the possibility to be on the game for days because of bad internet connections and this is how I usually get my drops when I am short:
    My theory is that drops depend mostly on the amount of EP that you get per harvest. More EP mean more drops.

    EDIT: I would like to refer to the General Event Strategy

    And guess my strategy is not that great after all; if it is true that only one drop per field is possible as a maximum. And so I took out that part as to not confuse anyone.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
  15. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I think that this event is really fantastic and I've loved the rewards, however I think that if you're going to make it available to players from such low levels, you need to make it accessible to everybody who can participate, and by this I mean achievable.

    Many players have been talking about poor drop rates. These are players at levels significantly higher than 2. Naturally very few level 2 players will be involved in the event, but the reality is that if they are allowed to be involved they should be able to be involved. I highly doubt a few apple trees and carrots are going to get them enough drops if other players are struggling to meet the quota with crops that take 10 times as long to grow with 10 times the EP.

    Further, many players urged me (as some may or may not have seen) to use water on all my 1x1s. Whilst I admit I hate spending my money, that wasn't the only reason for my refusal. But, money is a serious issue for level 2 players (who, again, are allowed to be involved but were seemingly excluded). They don't have the crops to make money at the market, they don't have the means to produce enough manure to sell at the market, and they certainly don't have the artisan products to sell at the market. They cannot afford to water all their 1x1 crops which is apparently fairly important.

    Now, I am certainly not saying this should be an event aimed at level 2 players. I am simply saying that it seems incredibly cruel to allow them to take part when realistically they have no way of actually doing so. Players do need a challenge, but I think that there should be some way of making it accessible to everyone.

    On the plus side, the rewards are fantastic, and I think they fully justify the hard work and long hours put into the event.

    However I must say that if I'm having dreams about 1x1 plots (as I legitimately did the other night), the event may be a smidge too hard :D
  16. Laurelei

    Laurelei Forum Great Master

    I agree with many of positive comments here. That being said, I'm sorry to say I'm going to be the bummer here.


    The other ongoing and intermittent technical issues have already been mentioned but have obviously impacted people's enjoyment of the event and their ability to complete it, and I think the importance of that has been downplayed here.

    Finally, I'm getting kind of sick of every creature having obscure and non-farm related productions items. The moles are just another in a long line of silly "make work" production pens. At some point BP needs to start working on giving us more production AREA if they are going to continue adding animals, trees, stables, productions pens, etc. AND require 10s of thousands of crops for every event.
    heidels and SillyGuy like this.
  17. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Greetings lovely Farmers,

    Thank you very much for your feedback. As mentioned in the first post, please keep your comments regarding the event itself, and not regarding the FAQ. The explanation has been posted here, so please refer to that thread for further similar comments. Thank you for your understanding.
    Best regards,
  18. MaidenKyra

    MaidenKyra Forum Greenhorn

    As a lvl 59 farmer with very few assets -my pantry is mostly made up of wheel/event prizes and i don't have all my fields open as of yet-
    I will admit to feelings of frustration with this event. I have only just completed lvl 3 and yet the caring and quick responses from the staff is one of the prime reasons i continue to play. Yes things have gone wrong with this event but the fact that the problems so far have been dealt with not only quickly but for the good of all the players imo. I'm hoping this will be the first event i complete since i started playing but if not, i got some nice parting gifts and some pretty nice EP.
    BlackCaviar and -Mir85- like this.
  19. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    I really enjoyed this event. It was something different and I appreciate the developers trying to change things up. It was an event that really made you have to think, not just plant and harvest. The timed quest was set up for high and low level players....each would get a reward of some kind. I do think drops were a little low this time but doable with the right strategy. The rewards were very nice, especially the cloud row with Baha EP. I liked the fact the community came together to help each other out, that in it's self was very nice.
    I'm not a fan of the 8 hr crop but for people that work, etc. they might like them. This time having more of the 8 hr than the 4 hr was not a favorite for me.
  20. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I also greatly enjoyed this event! :D I managed to scoot between the glitches, and passed step 1 with no problems. Adding different types of requirements(as in a timed quest) was a bit scary at first...but with all our forum community's help( advice & strategy thread) I did it quickly! The prizes were very good! :inlove:

    The only problem, for me, was the (much discussed) lack of a translated FAQ. This caused me to unfortunately get the 2 event plants mixed up....and I grew 2k more of the 4 hour one before I noticed the mistake. I still had plenty of time to correct this error. I realize this translation lateness was a 1-time thing......and really no one's fault.

    I'm happy that we also had a 4 hour crop with the usual 8 hour....I like to farm more often than every 6 1/2 hours.

    Looking forward to the bonus code!!:p
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