Neighbours Requests Thread: 21 September 2014

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by teddy.bear, Sep 20, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    A new day begins in Central Europe, so here is today's neighbours requests thread. All neighbour requests should be posted as replies to this thread.

    Click here to find out how to add neighbours
    Click here to find out how to add buddies

    Please respect general Forum Rules here too, and keep in mind the following things:​
    • no double-posting;
    • no enlarged text size;
    • no swearing or offensive language;
    • no quotes - no explanation is needed for a neighbour request;
    • please post only once / day; multiple posts will be deleted;
    • please mention your in game username.
    It would be great if you could kindly amend your post once all your empty neighbour spots have been filled.​

    Your Farmerama Team
  2. Patricia84$

    Patricia84$ Forum Greenhorn

    need new friends help
  3. vicki22

    vicki22 Forum Apprentice

    hi I need neighbors for some reason a few quit playing I play dayily and I give out gifts thank you
    cherrypie66 likes this.
  4. anabi02

    anabi02 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello there,
    I need one new neighbor. Higher level preferred.
    I play daily & I send gifts as well.

    Have a Happy Farming Day!!
  5. Anica75

    Anica75 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello! I am lvl 87 ,I need one new neighbor.
  6. dbobica4

    dbobica4 Forum Greenhorn

    Pick me , pick me
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 21, 2014
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