Competition Secret Words

Discussion in 'Official Forum Competitions' started by Farmers.Almanac, May 6, 2022.

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  1. Growalot

    Growalot Board Analyst

  2. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

  3. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Duke

    If Basic animal is level 1 - then level 4 is "Baldy"...
  4. porkchop1

    porkchop1 Junior Expert

    Baldy is my answer

  5. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Never mind, reread the rules.

    "a winner will be chosen among the correct answers"

    So I guess it's not too late and I still have a chance. :)

    My official guess is Curly.
  6. sapeli

    sapeli Active Author

    That is sheep Curly, plääh, no need for prices but it is Curly... My think chance is deleted so... but the first animal=mammal too, to breedings was the sheep...
  7. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

  8. pl81

    pl81 Forum Greenhorn

  9. tuikku20

    tuikku20 Forum Greenhorn

  10. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    I'd like to make a friendly reminder that only one posting per user per round is allowed. ;)

    Should you want to change your guess, please state that clearly and the previous message will be deleted. That can be done only once per round to avoid multiple guesses.
  11. IpsiDei

    IpsiDei Forum Expert

  12. marlenef24

    marlenef24 Forum Expert

  13. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Curly :music:
  14. WildCat

    WildCat Team Leader Team Farmerama EN

    Congratulations! In this round there was two possible answers depending on where to start to count and both guesses were accepted. From all users who guessed Baldy or Curly porkchop1 was deemed as winner of this round. Your reward is already booked.

    And then we shall go to fourth round;

    Today, we continue with the Secret Words Forum Competition. The prize for this round is one Overall Revenue Bonus S.

    The phrase hint is: "Bottles growing in this make something go faster"

    Good luck!
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  15. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    Turbo Mulch

    ID: 56766931
  16. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

  17. habalala

    habalala Emperor of the Forum

    Elixer of Life

    ID 53220467
  18. sapeli

    sapeli Active Author

    violet Pheromones
  19. porkchop1

    porkchop1 Junior Expert

    thank you!!!
  20. Growalot

    Growalot Board Analyst

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